Bizarre baby born in Dolakha - Sajha Mobile
Bizarre baby born in Dolakha
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azn, how about some hardcore dissing to all your haters, eh?
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how many times do i need to tell u that it is/was your mom. trash like u are ur kind is pretty recognizable. AZN what the fkcu is that AZN...... trash hore.
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bunch of freaking idiots.... such a dramatic news and this is what u guys can come up with.. making fun of it and fighting over nonsensical things... u guys are nothing other than useless hypocrites.... accusing others and talking rubbish always fighting just like seeking attention... such cheapos... ufff...
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The child looks cute. People say it is abnormal just because it does not look like us. I wish the child had survived it would have become a superstar by now with all the media attention and sponsorships would be flooding in from different organzations to help the child have a better life. I would not be superized if the family of the child may have killed the baby as BHADURS ARE SOCIAL PHOBIC IDIOTS.
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the more you tell me its my mom, the more you should go keep getting eye check up. Because I amd def right and you're def. wrong. Trash me? HA! YOU'RE A NEPALI TRASH, REMEMBER THAT, I READ YOUR "BAHUN CHOR HO" POST okay? Learn to respect all the castes, you racist idiot. what AZN is non of your business, but yes, mahakaal does sound silly to me, just being humble.
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azn... no it was ur mom and we she has fixed a date with me again for you know what...humping her good. oh yeah i am late already so i better go and start my business.... personalized and customized... ie to hump your mom.
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no no again no way, Im gonna stick to my say because I know thats right and I know my own mom very well. So it wasnt her. But I did see your mom and RPU making out in a strip club (notice how random that is, the way I said it) Its fact though and my eyes are excellent. :)
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wow .. i love fight.... azn good going gal... after all m ur guru. keep fighting
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it aint gonna help u trying to deny the fact. i humped her and i ll hump her and i ll hump u too, provided u come with your mom.
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Mr_X, me loves fight too!! o ME denying the fact? OOOO, we know who is the one making things up. It is NOT my mom. No times TONS. LOL. And yes, seems you're terribly desperate doing just with the men. Poor you. Your mom and RPU's kid must come out to be a MMP too. Ask if you didnt get my shortforms in your next post.
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Eye check up at the veteran*. Keep that as a reminder, Nepali TRASH!
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mero cheli a.aka. azn doing good hun... keep da good job at fighting
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u got it wrong, i did and i do hump ur mom aznshwaty and i like i said before u can come along with her if u want some peice of the action.
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come along? How can I when I do NOT know your face and neither does my mom! I could actually, if i go to a mental hospital anyways even if I knew your face I'd surely come with my neighbor's crazy dog, so that you could do him. Neeeeeeepaaaaaali Trrrrash!
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nah...ask ur mom once about a particular mahakaaal who humped her good... she ll tell u and also bring u along if you ask her to.......... and do tell her that i have invited u, that should also help u.
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i wont ask cuz im sure and shes happy with my dad, i went there last time :O its you that got ssome serious mental problems.. so no no no, thats untrue, your eye problems! uff! Baru timro mom ra rudra ko bacha huna lagya cha bhane sunne the:O
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yeah try to tell urself that she is happy.......she knows it who actually is making her happy... and let me remind u again... thats me....
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Nop, I dont need to ask, i have faith and believe in her ;);) Im sure its not youu! Im 101% SURE. A Nepali trash cantget some beautiful mom like me! I mean i am not even supposed to say that but still, clearin things up. Looks like "bahun chor ho" thread lose garya bhayera ignore gardai cha. We all know how low you are :P But its alright, you are not bad talking with.
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who said that i got her or i want her. i just hump her when she needs some action. thats about it. its just a simple professional realtionship atleast to me.
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Okkk, "her" isnt my mom and thats it.
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