how many of u get speeding ticket ? - Sajha Mobile
how many of u get speeding ticket ?
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just wanna know
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Is it invitation or sumthin?
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. I got many of them. Even for driving too slow. My lawyer took care of them. You can defend your traffic ticket court case. Learn more in .
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I am the hero. Got 2 speeding within 2 months. Hey insurance is in great shape. Thts cool except money!
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But dont try this with yourself. Thts just mine example. Otherwise you will loose your driving privelage.
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. If you live in DFW Area go to Law Office of Peter J. Graham Arlington, TX 76011 Telephone: 817/473-4444 Email: .
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I get few of them in Nepal.
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I haven't for a while.
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I just mu licence today so no chance of getting it.I will have to give trial and lets see..
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i drive so fast that neither cops nor the radar can cattch me. just kiddin no tickets
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i got 9 in 12 months in 1999. lost my license. then, followed with 3 more speeding tix, driving without license in 4 years. my license was suspended unitl 2005. so, don't speed. just drive. you'll get there anyways.
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Very Smart! I wouldn't mourn your death if you were in an accident. Don't listen to such senseless advise, probably most of them lies. You think it's an achievement or what?
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. I got caught using Anti Radar Detector in Kansas City. Cost me 100$. My lawyer could not help me this time. . Pay attention! When you drive to Kansas City Hwy 35 in the begining of Overland Park. There are around three places where Radars are. Switch off your Anti Radar Detector. .
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Yo people, wat up I aint got no speeding tickets. I limit my speeding like at +5 in MI, when in hightway it is like +10. I was in VA area (near DC) for spring break this year, I could not believe people were speeding like +15 everywhere. I had fun speeding there. I think poor state of MI have lot of cops to support the State Economy. About my tickets, I have one freaking rear ending/ failure to yeild ticket. White cop did not give me no point on my license though. well, so far so good this year. gonna leave MI this year for LA in fall. so guys my question is, if I wanna install the damn radar detector in my car, if caught by a cop, will I be in trouble ???????????????
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What happens if you move to a different state and get that state's license after getting a few tickets from the previous state? Do they somehow transfer your points to your new license?
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2003 - ticket for Expired car tags/registration ($132) - ticket for running a stop sign ($132) -stopped for expired car tags/ registration but white cop let me go with a warning - got stopped again for expired tags on XMAS day, white cop was friendly enuf to let me off with a warning 2004- no tickets except for a few parking tickets from campus and the city. 2005- ticket for running a Red light ($ 132) - ticket for Tailgating a cop car. ($ 132) - ticket for speeding (went 60 on a 30mph road) ($150) - ticket for Driving with cancelled drivers license - ticket for Window Tints too dark i swear the Minesota DMV is f****d up , because i am a foreinger in usa they cancelled my drivers license after my I-20 expired and some dumb cop pulled me over. since 2001- present i have $340 in parking fines total UNPAID. i dont intend to pay a dime. most of it was my roommates driving my car and getting the parking fines and they dont wanna pay it either. now i bought a Radar detector. its quite useful. it gives u peace of mind when speeding on highway. sometimes these cops hide where u cant see them unless its too late. so if u drive a lot and fast, i recommend get a Radar detector. it is LEGAL in almost all the states. This is all TRUE, honest to god. i swear. that is why i hate the COPS police in this stupid state of Minnesota. i just wanna get outta of this dumb state and city. the cops have nothing better to do here.
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in minnesota people drive very fast on the highways, our speed limits on I-94 is 75 mph.. but most young kids go 85mph... i have gone 100mph a few times. it feeels so awesome, like a Rush of adrenaline. u feel pumped when u drive that fast. like u know u are doing something illegal and could get a big Speeding fine. but its about taking a Risk,. no risk no gain. speed if u have to on the highway but dont go much faster than other people driving on the road.
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yeah those ideas above were cool one guys ! don't they ? any more ideas what abt nepal cops giving ticket ? under table
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