TEMPLE OF THE SEA-- Sitara - Sajha Mobile
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From the jagged edge of the shadowy cliff, I watch the Southern Hemisphere for the Bali sun to sink into the hypnotic ripples of the Indian Ocean. The photographer I had happened to meet last night had remarked," The skies of the Southern Hemisphere has a clarity of light that the North lacks!". Mindful of his remark, I had watched the the night skies-- it had a 3D effect. The Milky Way swirled just beyond my reach, a tapestry of sprinkled light glittering, glistening and mesmerizing. I had photographed it only in my mind, lest the flash from my camera disturb the spill of the stars in the Milky Way. So there I was, a solitary figure watching the waves and their periodic crashing against "my" cliff!
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As short walk away from the cliffs, where the sands lie naked exposed by the low tide, sea creatures crawl out to watch the sun set. I watch in silent awe the tiniest crabs crawl out making tracks with beads of sand. Nature's artists unsung!
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wow sitara thats deep ,now pass me that eekie eekie stuff that you been smoking
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sitara thanks for sharing...nice feeling to know there are better places; places far from this doldrums where serenity reins supreme. mG.
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Bali is known for its water gardens. Free flowing water form with its lotus blossoms and big golden fish that follow you around and feed from your hands, almost like little puppies.
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A long long time ago--in the 16th century, there live a silent saint, named Dangyang Nirata. He was believed to have come to Jakarta from India. One night, he had a vision--- a light on a solitary cliff island in Bali. He followed the light to a place called Tanah Lot in Bali. There he meditated upon the cliff. At high tide, the cliff changed into an island, inaccessible by the mainland--- and at low tide, people came to pay him their respects. On that cliff, the local Balinese people build a temple of Vishnu. The 16th century temple is called Tanah Lot-- Temple of The Sea.
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In the surrounding caves live five sea serpents. The people call them "The holy snakes". No one knows where they come from or where they go--but, at daybreak, when the tides are lowest, the five serpents are back in their little hole in the cave. Although, sea serpents are the most posionous of all snakes, these are known to be peaceful. The snake priest pulls out the whole entanglement of sleepy snakes. They are breathtakingly beautiful! While encouraged to "touch them for good luck", I shy away--- my camera handy!
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So there I was, a solitary figure watching the waves and their periodic crashing against "my" cliff! - explains Sitara in her first picture. Such a beautiful place as your pictures attest to - it's a shame you were a 'solitary figure', on 'your' cliff, not sharing it with someone you..... In all seriousness, Sitara, breathtaking pictures and wonderful narration that makes one feel like you are actually there. More, I hope, will be coming!
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Eventually, the seagulls come home to roost; shades of crimson and vermillion streak across the warm Bali horizon and darkness settles over Tanah Lot; the sculpted rocks a mysterious silhouette against the Southern skies. I walk away speechless yet transformed by the imagery.
preeti rana
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Beautiful. I feel like going there. The last one was marvelous. The first one - is that kuta beach in bali ? Thanks for sharing. You made my day. Back to work .
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Lovely ! thanks for posting such beautiful pictures and giving us a virtual tour of Bali. have fun with with school and students till your next break :-))
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..kastto ramro..esp. Tanah Lot temple..thats just BEAUTTTTTTTTIIIIFULLLL..
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sitara jyu...im speechless... now ur making me regret not visiting bali when i was so close for so many yrs...hyaaaa...hehe :oP more pls :o)...the wait for ur post was woth it ;o)..more than worth it ;o)...
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Thank you friends, just wanted to share this ancient Hindu temple on the sea with you. Sambodhan, the stuff I was smoking is Oxygen mixed with Imagination. That's DEEP stuff man, you should try it...in moderation; you might OD on the cellular rush! SsNY, nice observation about my "isolation". Actually, my significant "others" had gone swimming while I opted for the walk. However, I did wish upon the brightest star for my prince charming to rescue me from my self-imposed isolation! :) Preeti, it's not Kuta Beach but one and half hour ride away from the beach. Sapphire, yes, it's back to school for me next week! Mindgames and Confused, amazing is the fact that in the Islamic Indonesia, Bali is the only Hindu island strewn with sculptures of Hindu deities and pagodas. Many have names with Sanskrit origin. Dananah, I believe, for Australians, Bali is THE place to go for vacation, weddings and honeymoon. Infact, the Bali bombing skilled many Australians. However, the countryside still looks untouched by tourism or terrorism.
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Star ji, great compilation of your sojourn. Seems like you got things to see in Bali, that rather connects to what you have already seen. Uhi Rajeev, CT, Amrika
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" .....I did wish upon the brightest star for my prince charming to rescue me from my self-imposed isolation! :) " Now you sound like Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman. Wanted Richard Gere to come up the fire escape? So, how many days did you spend in Bali? More noteworthy pictures you'd like to share?
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beautiful pics + narration. thank you. i was just curious - are bali residents predominantly hindu still?
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Rauniyar ji: Indeed, we seem seek the familiar in the unfamiliar. Ani, I took a pic of the New Road gate for you (a friend of mine has the memory card...so can't display it now); the gate looks as dilapidated as from your pic if not more. SsNY: That was funny! I think it's more like Shrek's princess. I spent 8 memorable days in Bali. Another pic is of a gigantic sculpture of Arjun and Krishna from the Mahabharat Yuddha scene! Zalim Singh: Thank you. Yes, the Balinese are predominantly Hindu and extremely religious. There are flower and incense offerings everywhere.
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Kisna sir in Balinese land seems quite hyper for whatever reason---- Damn! look where has he gone with so dynamic expression in preaching Arjun...Wait! there is another sir who appears to be rein in-charge ---- Kisna sir was the saarathi to Arjun when Kaurav-Pandav allegedly fought at Kurukshetra-the Mahabharat I know. So, tyo likure saarathi Kisna sir ho bhane ghodako tauko ma chadera debre haathma astra liyera sankine kaamred chai ko ta? Ani Arjun seems already pumped up--Geeta suni sakera ho wa Geeta ko maro goli Kisan kaamred bhanera ho. Look at his toned up muscles blessing his left hand, which is only holding the Gaandiv. Dhanusma baan(arrow) chadako pani chhaina---taado (the rope on the bow) ma arrow rakhna tankaar gardai tyo taado khich.da ta gaathe jhan kati muscles dekhine hola? Bali seems beautiful. Khai koi boka sathi le tya bali ki bala lai maala lai dine karyakram ma nimto pathaye dekhi janti jaana hunthyo---
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Shrek's princess? Princess Fiona from the original Shrek you're referring to I hope. (Picture says a thousand words... hope you don't mind my ruining your beautiful album, so far.)
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Great works Star. I like the angles the shot were taken at, my personal favourite..the 1st one, the art of the nature. Bali sure isn't famous for nothing.
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