TPS for Nepal likely to extend next week
साथीहरु मेरो एकजना गाउँको जेठान स्टेटको फेडमा काम गर्नु हुन्छकी , वहांले भने अनुसार अर्को हप्ता नेपालको tps अर्को १८ महीना सम्मा थपिने संभावना छ रे, कन्फर्म चै होईना तर अर्को हप्ता सम्मा केहि भयो भने म लेखी हाल्छु .
pease stay positive and stay prey .
@username619 They are active with TPS support.
which lady lol the one talking about her daughter ?
Guys!Lets just be realistic.I know everyone is stressed out n anxious.Everybody wants to hear only good stuff..Trump admin had already been clear abt the TPS and other immigration protection to be terminated.First term ma he didnt had the majority in congress n the pandemic happened.But in this term he had majority on both house n senate n on top supreme courtma pani ukae cha majority.So Nepal ko case ma we will get 6 months transition time jasto sukae worst nae bhaeni tespachi Adhikaar le ACLU sanga milera lawsuit haancha josle garda we will get some extra 1/2 years(dont expect more than this)So add all the time u will get max abt bhanumna 3 yrs(2027 samma)reasonable.But if we get lucky n the case n the transition time extends until the Trump presidemcy ends n the Dem party ko presidency aayo bhane matra there is a chance fere Trump ko order kharej garera renew garna sakcha.But only if we get lucky.Yae nae ho reality.Take this screen shot.Worst se worst scene ma hune yae nae ho.Username619 better try getting back to f1 status.
thanks for the info, hopefully lawsuit that delays tps termination for 2-3 years would be sufficient 🤞….but yeah I have filed for reinstatement to f1, not sure if it’s going to get approved, but let’s see 🤞
Are there other options like applying to permanent resident to Canada, migrating to Australia and New Zeland? If US becomes hard to live those might be more welcoming places
U can apply as tourist visa and then file asylum or apply as student.
i really dont wanna look into other countries, i am so tired of starting over again......praying for 2 more years time for TPS from lawsuit
Yesari nachdai januparxa deport bhayo bhani😀
haha you chai suru ko 100 days ko chalpahal ho jasto lagcha, tespachi selaucha ki
looks like ACLU has started suing trump admin, starting from asylum -
Aba yestai lawsuit bhai rakhcha ani immigration reform ko kuro niskincha. Hope there will be a reform this year.
Last edited: 04-Feb-25 07:56 PM
@ShreeRam I like your positivity but Biden le reform garena bhanne kasari Trump le garcha when he is trying to end everything starting with Venezuela ….dherai payo bhane hamle tehi 1-2 years hola lawsuit le otherwise I don’t see anything, mass deportation
Guys dherae kae nasocha ashawadi huna parcha tara jun huna ekdum impossible cha with Trump admin u shouldnt.Reality Fact Truth bhaneko maele maathi j post gareko chu tae nae ho.Immigratiom reform bhaneko Daca lae huncha aru maybe with with H1 lagayat people graduating in health sector lagayat yesta ma ho.Just pray that we get lucky n the lawsuit n the transition time extends until the end of Trump admin teti ho.Aru bhaneko sabae janale afno maanko chitta bujaunalae aafno positiveness rakheko ho but the fact is fact.
Venezula ko cancel hola jasto cha! Aba Nepal ko khoi? Illegal sathi haru Guantánamo Bay jannu bhanda, Nepal janus yarr! Be safe
cancel hola jasto chha? Cancel bhaiskayo Venezuela 2023 ko
Last edited: 07-Mar-25 10:47 AM
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