हामी नेपाली भन्नेको मौका नपाएको बेइमान हो। - Sajha Mobile
हामी नेपाली भन्नेको मौका नपाएको बेइमान हो।
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One of my friends, now a U.S. citizen, had a father who was a top political leader in Nepal. He would openly admit, without any shame, that his father was involved in corruption. It's likely that his education and living expenses in the U.S. were funded by that money his parents raised. I recall when he was having a tough time on his student visa I remember him complaining about how corrupt Trump was and how bad he was for the country, even calling himself "poor." I believe he got his U.S. green card last year by marrying a Nepali woman. Just a few days ago, during a conversation, I realized he was now supporting Trump, citing reasons like inflation, employment, violence and immigration. I often feel that those who complain about corruption are resentful because they can't participate in it. In fact, people who criticize corruption often just want the opportunity to exploit one another and their nations. I feel like we've all just become a group of opportunists that's why "हामी नेपाली भन्नेको मौका नपाएको बेइमान हो।"
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Kina Nepali matrai? Aru le paye gardainan? USA ma chai corruption chaina? It's just USA has more resources than Nepal, so the level of corruption is tolerable for middle class. If you look back before the Royal family massacre, even though there was corruption, people were still living fine. There weren't that many people that had to leave the country to find employment. What I am trying to say is corruption is a human nature. It has nothing to do with nationality.
Tesla guy
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तेस्कै अगाडी तेस्को बाउलाई सराप्नु पर्दैन अनि। श्रीले ओखलेका कुराहरु पनि सत् प्रतिसत ला जवाफ छ.
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I believe that Nepalese society, having experienced deep poverty, has come to truly understand the value of money. Have you ever noticed how someone who grew up poor and suddenly becomes a billionaire often changes how they treat others? "Like, ekchoti m@ji dhani ta hun na tyo aru lai yesto chetuchu, or like ekchoti US citizen ta pauna vote sabai GOP lai ani baki sabai lai lakhatnu parchu so we can flex our greencard back home" like tendency". While corruption exists everywhere — and in fact, the more developed a country is, the larger the sums involved — in Nepal, it seems that since the rise of democracy, a major issue is how people try to exploit each other for financial gain. Think about it: how often do we hear of an American federal employee asking for bribes to get work done? But in Nepal, it’s all too common. Ask your parents how often they ate rice instead of millet when they were young and how special it felt to eat rice during Dashain — it gives you a glimpse into the poverty we've faced. There's a saying that the poorer a society, the more savage it can become. I always remember the final scene in Blood Diamond when the son tries to kill his father. Corruption, whether in money or favors, is part of human nature, but I often feel that Nepal as a whole is at least 100 years behind where Western societies are today. However, with the gradual rise of modern philosophies and neoliberal tendencies, we’re slowly catching up
Last edited: 23-Oct-24 10:58 AM
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मुजी Tesley नाम मै एलन मस्क को लाडो झुन्ड्याएर बसेको छ, यो खाँते एलन मस्क को फुसि सेवन गरेर आफू पनि एलन मस्क जस्तो भन्छु भनदो रहेछ।
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Oie raaady randy ko putarrrrrrrr kina aru lai tetti kai gaali garchas o

Last edited: 23-Oct-24 03:29 PM
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