3 most corrupt politicians in the world - Sajha Mobile
3 most corrupt politicians in the world
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· Snapshot 468
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मा । चिकने liar
मूजी त्यति पैसावाल र बिजनेस owner भएको भए loser जस्तो यहाँ पिलपिल रोएर सबै पोस्ट डिलिट गरेर रातभरि यसमै obsessed भएर ला । डो खान बसेको त मूजी?

कति वर्ष भयो तेरो उमेर, मूजी? मलाई त यो मूजी केटा हैन केटी हो जस्तो लाग्यो। यसको लेखाई, यसको पिलपिल रुवाई हेर्दा की त यो सानै उमेरको केटा हुने वा लास्ट खिच खिचे पिल पिले केटी हुने सम्भावना बढी छ। Mature ketaa हरुले यस्तो ronadhonaa गर्दैनन्
· Snapshot 480
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Haha underwear why you mad cos i said i make 300k. You don’t believe a word i say but you beleive that i make 300k. Unbelievable
· Snapshot 486
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हैन, दया लागेको चाहिँ हो तेरो हालत देखेर।

ल भन्, त अल्लारे मूर्ख केटा होस् की लास्ट इरिटेटिङ, निडी, अटेंशन सिकिङ पिलपिले रुन्चे केटी होस्?

तेरो सोचाइ हेर्दा त त एकदम इममच्योर, ह्वाइनी, कुनै खास एक्सपोजर नपाएको उल्लू जस्तो लाग्छ। गफ हान्दा त अलि विश्वास लाग्ने गफ हान्नु पर्छ नि।

अब जा "Investigative journalism has an AI tool that detects same person writing using different ID’s" भनेको होइनस ? language model काे "ल" र machine learning को "म" थाहा नभएको , GPT 3 र JPT को फरक थाहा नभएको पिलपिले रुन्चे, जा गर तेरो "investigation"
· Snapshot 510
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So you just accepted that you are lundfakir underwear. Stop polluting my thread with your sick presence
Tesla guy
· Snapshot 595
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Independent k aafu GPT 3 र JPT को फरक थाहा नभएको पिलपिले रुन्चे nai hou ta ??
· Snapshot 574
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Deluded talk गर्ने रुन्चे,
हो त्यही सम्झी यदि तेरो कन्फ्युजड, पीडित मस्तिष्कलाई सान्त्वना मिल्छ भने, तर हेर्, गो गेट ए लाईफ, जा अलिकति सास फेर, घुमफिर गर। यस्तो पीडित तेरो अवस्था देखेर दया बाहेक अरु के लाग्ला खै कसैलाई?
तेरो यो मानसिक पीडा पनि सेल्फ इन्फ्लिक्टेड हो, बुझिस्। आफै बोक्सी आफै झाक्री भएर रातभरि नसुतेर यसमा obsessed भएर नबस।
यसो टाइम टाइम मा आएर फुर्सदमा पो बकवास कट पेस्ट गर्ने, (mis) इफोर्मेशन फैलाउने , डिलिट गर्नुपरे गर्ने , यसो रमाइलो गर्ने, ती मूजी complete strangers ले लेखेका कुरा personally नलिने पो त ।
आफूलाई पनि अलिकति टाइम दे न मूर्ख। यो पाराले त तलाई रक्तचाप र मुटु र अरू दीर्घ रोग ले समात्न केही बेर पनि लाग्दैन बुझिस्? कस्तो दयनीय हालत बनाइस आफैले आफैलाई।

तेरो हाल देख्दा आनी छोइङ को "चुलबुले मन" को एउटा हरफ याद आयो

"आफै बाल्छु आगो, आफै माग्छु पानी म"

जा बरु एकछिन आनी को मिठो स्वर सुन् - तेरो अशान्त मनलाई अलि मत्थर पार्नेछ। पहिले नसुनेको भए खोजी खोजी सुन् आनी का अरु पनि मीठा प्रस्तुतिहरु


· Snapshot 756
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When people cannot argue on issues they stoop to making personal ad hominem attack. Pathetic behavior. When you make personal attacks I tap into your inner fear of being useless and unworthy by talking about 300k 😇

Apparently you cannot stick to issues. How could you show anything good about your bumbling fool of a leader. I get it. Thats why you cannot help but try to deter me by personal attacks.

But stay informed. I am resilient and resolute. Your attempts are like a fly trying to bite an elephant. Have a great day!

Last edited: 08-Feb-24 09:10 AM
· Snapshot 849
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We are supposed to believe that this buffoon is capable of winning the election

· Snapshot 855
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हरे , एकाबिहानै फेरि यो रुन्चे को रोदन शुरू भयो।
साँच्चै लुजर रैछ यो

· Snapshot 859
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Haha tero leader goolay bhayo bhanera runa chod mula sex criminal
Last edited: 08-Feb-24 10:12 AM
· Snapshot 888
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Biden followers crying after seeing how Biden is mentally unfit to lead.

Tesla guy
· Snapshot 894
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Due  to  largely an unexpected surge in immigration, the U.S. economy will be about $7 trillion larger - & federal revenues about $1T bigger - the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Oftice said Wednesday
Last edited: 08-Feb-24 10:28 AM
· Snapshot 1143
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तेस्ला गुय : त पनि तेसरिनै छिरेको होस् कि छिर्न नपाएको चै होस् ?
Tesla guy
· Snapshot 1214
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Oie susta manasthiti bata gujree raheko paagal logan haija.
· Snapshot 1233
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hoiin mahaa paagal kati bhainaajulaai samjhi raakchhas | uni aae pachhi teri didile aafnai pathaai dinechhe |
Tesla guy
· Snapshot 1271
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Thukka suste autistic paagal raadi ko putarrr . Talai maile k bhaneko chhu ehh raadi ka santaan .
Tesla guy
· Snapshot 1273
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Kina didi aama bhai bauni ko naam jhapera baschas
· Snapshot 1570
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You are after me like evd2023 and you are copying him. Why you are in vengeance and rage, attacking me with derogatory word as if you can not spend a day without spitting out.
My analogy is only people go to your level/length when you think of him as your Jhadkelo bhinaju.
I have no reason to use it unless you poke every thread. As I read it it remind only one thing that you are treating me as your I stole your beloved one.

I am using it as a derogatory word which you can understand. Why I can not use it? Does it hurt.
All derogatory words are same and has same impact. You feel good using them, I want to let you know that how it feels when it is coming to you.
Looks like you are enjoying it otherwise you should have stopped.

Tesla guy
· Snapshot 1592
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Thukka namaard suste. Afai padh ta aama bau didi baini ko kura kalle lyako bhanera ?
· Snapshot 1622
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Nepali and Indian think unlawful sexual activity and forceful sexual intercourse are two different thing. Both fall on Rape.
How ever you use the derogatory word it is the same. I know what I wrote. There is no level of derogatory, period.
Your mental retardation has reached to the optimal level.
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