TPS( Regarding travel document)... - Sajha Mobile
TPS( Regarding travel document)...
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Hello!!Guys,Does anyone have any idea abt the recent Tps extension.Last year Nepal tps was auto extended until June 2024 but the latest tps news says Nepal tps extended frm Dec 2023 until June 2025.What does that mean?Is Nepal auto extended tps reduced frm June 2024 to Dec 2023.Y m i asking this is coz i have travel document approved until June 2024 which was the auto extension date of Tps n was planning to travel Nepal in Jan 2024.Do i have to reregister n get tps approval before i travel on Jan 2024 with new tps timeline date along side with travel document.So can someone who has knowledge on this particular topic pls clarify on this.Thank u in advance...
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If you have AP valid until June 2024 you are good to travel! just come back before your Ap expires. After you come back from your trip i would suggest you file for reregistration.
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