Is recession coming? if so, when? - Sajha Mobile
Is recession coming? if so, when?
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Hello Everyone, is recession coming? if so, when? any insights is highly appreciated
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Recession came and gone already.
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म पनि तेइ रिसेसन कुरेर बसी राखेको . ७५० पर्ने घर लाइ १.१ mil भन्छ हाम्रो कुइन्स तिर . एउटा घर किन्न २ महिना देखि ढुकेर बसेको , २ महिनामा जम्मा जम्मी ६० हजार घट्यो , येही तालले त पुरानो मुल्यमा आउन अझै ७ ८ महिना कुर्नु पर्ने देखिन्छ . एक चोटी गर्ल्याम गुर्लुम ढल्ला र एउटा घर हान्नु पर्यो भनेर बसेको अझै ६ महिना त डेराकै बास होला जस्तो छ . चाइनाको हाउसिङ्ग क्राश हेर्दा चै केहि आस गर्ने ठाउँ छ .
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edv2023? Do you even know what the recession is? "म पनि तेइ रिसेसन कुरेर बसी राखेको" Dude, first thing you will get when recession is you will lose your job or business. Ask us who have gone through 2008 recession? it's very scary. It's so sad and so misinformed that recession is a great buying opportunity. You would be lucky to have roof under your head at that time.
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Sajhamitra , i dont have job or business to loose .im new to the US .all i have is accumulated cash to buy / open business. I know being little mean but reassion is perfect for people like me to start from scratch . Yes but for majority its a loss agree. Someones loss is someones gain .thats life
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This question does not make sense. If people knew when the recession will hit they will be really rich with option trading when that happens
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The US economy has been in recession for the last two quarters.
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कुनै बेला असन मा पसल छ भन्ने मान्छे न त जागिर छ न त ब्यापार छ भन्छ , कसरि अमेरिका छिर्यो ? Accumulated Cash भन्छ यात ड्रग को ब्यापार गरेको हुनु पर्छ | नत्र यो तेही व्यक्ति त होईन जसले मेरो बुढी RN छ एति र उति बोनस आयो भन्दै साझामा कोरी बस्ने मान्छे हुनु पर्छ | तेरी बुढी RN भए बुढिको गुन्यु धुएर अनि साझामा धाक लगाएर बस | कहिँ स्यालको सिङ्ग बेचेर १० पुस्ते लाइ पुग्ने भएर काम धाम नगरेको ?

· Snapshot 558
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Logan , amrika ma po business chaina bhaneko pagal, .
Feri kera khana maile swasni RN cha bhanchu? Mero sat puste sabai business ho .. tori hawa . Pagal,
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तेरा कमेन्ट आफैमा बाझिन्छन तेसैले महा पागल चै तै होस् | सात पुस्ते ब्यबसाय ड्रग नभए पुरोहित्याई र चिना हेर्ने हुनु पर्छ र त्यो गुण त मा पनि रहेछ तेसैले २९०० मोर्गेज तिर्ने कुरा लेख्न भ्याईस | तेरो त्यो "आत्यास भएको" धागोमा मासिक एक लाख रुपैया आम्दानि हुन्छ भन्ने अहिले नगद तिरेर Queens मा घर किन्ने बिचार छ भन्छस | देखाउन र भन्न नहुने अनि नगदी काम त ड्रग नै हो |

कति वोटा खाता खोलि सकिस ?:ठुलो हुन् र अरुलाई स्यानो बनाउन एक पछि अर्को खाता खोल्नेमा त पनि पर्छास ? कुनै बेला मेरी बुडिले sign in बोनस पाई भन्दै साझामा नाच्दै थियो , त्यो तै होलास भन्ने लागेको हो | झुटको खेति गर्नेहरुको कुनै limitation हुँदैन | तैले टासेको युट्युब तैले नगदिमा काम गर्ने ग्यास स्टेसन को सर्विलेंस क्यामारा को हो ? यसले यो ग्यास स्टेसन को owner लाइ पनि डुबाउने भयो | ढुकुटि खेलाइ डुबाएर अमेरिका छिर्ने तै होस् कि ? जता गयो नगदै नगद को तेरो ब्यापार अपार छ |

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Gaaandoooo logan
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There is a high chance of recession in 2023, 2024. But it will not be as big as 2007/8 rescission, probably about 10-20% people might lose job, and stock market might decrease 20-40% only. Unfortunately, unlucky people who lose job will have financial hardship for a few years, but economy will finally recovery, as it always has done in the past.

If you want to invest in stock, or buy house, it is not advisable to wait for rescission because even though stocks are cheap in recession, money if hard to find, and there is a chance of losing more money, or all of your money. Even if houses are cheaper, you will pay less money, but that price of house might keep depreciating, and you might loose more money if you have to see it. Alternatively, you might lose your job, and might not be able to pay mortgagee.
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What I understood from what edv2023 has been saying in other posts as well is that he has accumulated cash from before and he is waiting for the recession to buy a house in the lowest price possible. If he has to sell, it is pretty understandable he is going to do that when we are out of recession and not sell when we are still on recession!! Money is not hard to find in his case looks like. Regarding job loss, he looks like he is pretty confident he won't lose the job in recession as he has been saying he is a "saat puste byapari". I believe that was his logic.
But yes, I saw and faced 2007/8 recession and felt like it would never end and that Obama would do something grand for immigration. Well...those times!
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काम को कुरामा असनमा पसल छ मासिक १ लाख आम्दानि हुने कुरा यिनको पहिलो धागो कोरिएको थियो |अमेरिका छिर्ने कुरा बाट सुरु गरेका अहिले अमेरिका मै भएको र ब्रोंक्स मा तिर घर किन्ने बिचार प्रकट गर्दै काम धाम नभएको तर नेपाल बाटै बोकेर आएको भनि फुक्दै साझामा टपरी छाती फुलाई च्याकुरा झैँ फुर्फुर गराइका कुरा बुझ्दा छिमेकी मर्ला अनि तेसकी बुढी भिर्याउला भन्दै धुप हालेर बसेंको कथा झैँ लाग्छ |

· Snapshot 1990
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Is recession coming? if so, when?
- Why I feel like inflation is here to stay! So how about we start raising the minimum wages and give everyone raise accordingly and balancing. The way feds running after inflation seems like not working. We been raising rates since June 2022. All economic guru and pundits though in August with the gas price lowered; things will be Okay. It ain’t. So it’s time feds needs to change the game plan use other tricks. With the rate hike, they sure are trying to crash housing market. I know used cars need to come down, but houses been taking chunks.
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