Bennedict's Story - Edited, corrected and made more interesting by Underwear - Sajha Mobile
Bennedict's Story - Edited, corrected and made more interesting by Underwear
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The Character

Meet Lou, my coworker, the Mandarin speaking data architect from Guangzhou who doesn’t know what she is more insecure about – her 5’1” elevation or her A sized breasts. Not that she explicitly mentions it, or makes her insecurity palpable for that reason, but each time Meredith, our infectious disease scientist joins us during our social hour Friday evenings, Lou ends up talking about her boobs in her half ass American after few bottles of beer. Meredith doesn’t mind, she has Ph double Ds. A brilliant student from Tufts, she joined our pharma company few years ago and became radically conspicuous because of her jewels. To be honest, I always thought scientists had small breasts which are modestly concealed behind those lab coats – that was until I ran into Meredith. She is a complete woman, a blue eyed 5’8” voluptuous scientist who is a wet dream from Pope to Elon Musk while Lu Choyu Zhang was just a character, and an unobtrusive, pedestrian and petite one at that.

Bennedict, this is how you start your story and keep readers occupied. Think I just killed your fame before its gestation.
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You seriously have some issues there with me and my writing huh? Well, the only thing I find in your writing is full on lust to screw yet another woman as if you never had enough. Just to make it clear again, I am just writing 'as is' circumstances that are around me. I am in no way going to compare two people and their physical features like you did above. Nor am I going to exaggerate or play it down to just make me look good to other people. Real life stories can not be exciting always as you may know, that's why I never believed your write ups no matter how hard you claimed them to be true.
Again, I am not a professional writer and I have been telling that all along. I do believe that my stories may not keep the readers occupied like your fake sex stories did, but maybe my bigger motive is something else.
Who knows?
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And who says I am a professional writer bruh? I am here to have fun and kick some ass. I was in hibernation, but you once again woke up a sleeping lion. I torment your sorry ass psyche so bad all you do is think of me.

Your motive can kiss my brown ass bro. You start it each time calling me names and when I resurface you run out of words. You are a loser and you know that, I don't have to validate it time and again. I could write a better story than you even with a stroke in every language you write. Can we have a neutral judge to judge our writings?

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देर आए प्र दुरुस्त आए । वेलकम ब्याक दाजु, अब यि सुकुलगुण्डाहरुलाई तह लाउन पर्यो । यि तुरिलाउरेहरुको पानीमा पाध्याजस्तो लेख पढ्न परेर बिलखबन्दमा परिराछ्न साझाबासिहरु।एस्सो जाओस 'हसीनाकी गाँडमे पसीना' टाईपका रोचक कथाहरु।
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Brain Adams भाइ,

हेर्नुस् न, मुजी म चुपोलागेर बसेको मान्छे लाई यो मुजी तोरिलाउरे बेन्नेडिक्ट ले बीच बीच मा ब्युँझाइदिन्छ. चुपो लागेर आफ्नै वाहियात कथा कोर्न मा व्यस्त हुनु को साटो मलाई अचानक गाली गर्न थाल्छ. अनि म के गर्नु भन्नुस् त? म मुजी सोझो र मुसु मुसु हांसिरहने भगवान श्री राम भएको भए त हुन्थ्यो पनि. तैपनी मुजी को आँट् देखेर छक्क पर्छु. तर तपाईं ले एउटा गजब को सुझाव दिनु भयो. साँच्चीकै एउटी तरुनी को चाक बाट पसिना चुहिएको एपिसोड याद आयो. आज फुर्सद छ, लेख्न बस्छु
Lekhak ko chela
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Lekhak le aru sab lai ullu nai samjhine hola. Bhinna bhinna avataar liyera tyehi yaun pipasu katha lekhdai bascha. Aru le thaha paula bhanera new id liyera bistarai yaha dekha parcha takka tukka gardai ani feri tehi same old maiju, sali, haha. Feri tyo lekhak ma hoina bhanera yeti sipalu sanga jai laagna sakcha ki wah wah nai garnu parne yesto acting chyemata bhayeko lekhak sanga sachhyaatkar bhayekoma. Lekhak ko jai hosh.

Lekhak ko chela
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# You may not say you are professional writer but well, brother you behave like you are the most prolific-ever writer Sajha has ever seen. You keep denigrating other writers with your class-less and humiliating analogies one can ever think of. Saying and doing is not matching in your case, dude.

# You are here to kick some ass and have fun. I will give you100% marks to that. Yes, you are always here to have kick some ass and have fun, BUT a big BUT (!) at others' expense bro. And that sorry attitude need to go!

# You were in 'hibernation'. "Really"?? Brother who are you lying to?? Are we all that dumb? LOL. If it's not you, it's your alter egos in Sajha making enough noise here. Need I say more? who are Brain Adams and lekhak ko chela? And many more... LOL

# You were never sleeping nor you were ever a lion, in fact you have been lurking around like a silly cat drenched in rain water because somebody locked you outside whole night! Poor soul!. And you know who locked you out. LOL. Be happy a cat also belongs to the same family of a lion, is it?

# A bigger motive is not for every other stupid people to get it. You can say whatever you want to say if that suits you, but it does not change anything for me, CLEAR?

# Yes, I run out of words BUT in the department you have exceled in. Mind you, saying [Disallowed String for - use not allowed] [Disallowed String for - use not allowed] and swearing and spitting gibberish like nothing is not me. You have it all, bro.

# A better story as in what? A porn story straight out of Playboy or some porno magazines but with Nepalese twists? Brother, we are not that dumb okay!

But what can I say now, Underwear is already writing "Hasinake gaandme pasinaa" because he himself has already recommended himself(!) to write about that "hasina" as in Brain Adams and then he himself is trying to diffuse the situation as in Lekhak ko chela.

Hail to this mastermind! But will I ever fall for this?

Hell NO!
Those who want to, be my guest!

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अब भो त ? तिमि मुजिले पैलाबाट मलाई लोगनचाको औतार भन्ने बात लायौ, ऐले आएर अण्डर्वेर रे, के हो एस्तो चाला ? गेट अ लाईफ ब्रो। कोहि मान्छे मन परेन कि, कसैले आफु भन्दा राम्रो लेख्यो कि, कसैलाई जवाफ दिन सकिएन कि 'तँ फलानोको औतार, तँ ढिस्कानोको औतार' भनेर नर्सरि-एल्केजि पारा नदेखाउ हो।

खै आएन त, किन हो ?
Lekhak ko chela
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Bennedict bhaaya did you read my last thread?
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How do you prove Brain Adams, Lekhak ko chela and I are the same person? What evidence do you have?

I think you and jyoti magar are same person. Prove me wrong.
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I don't need to prove anything, coz I know what you are made of and to what extent you can degrade yourself. I have seen it myself in this forum as to what level you can go, brother! You say you are too busy a person, but dude sell that crap to somebody else, I ain't gonna buy this.
It may not be just the words that a person writes in here, it is the aura and the reason behind every new names and what they are involved in after that, they all give it away about the person who is behind all these facades.

Not everyone may be tricked like the way you like to think.
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यो मुजी बेन्नेडिक्ट लाइ दुइ लाइन को जवाफ लेख्यो भने ३२ लाइन को जवाफ दिन्छ, माटोक्ने पढ्दा पढ्दा बुढो भइन्छ. झोले मुजी अलि मजेदार तरिका ले त लेख.
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