Lets talk about Underwear!! - Sajha Mobile
Lets talk about Underwear!!
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Trying to help a good fren here in Sajah => Beneddict

According to him ...
1) Underwear is a very evil and villianous character
2) Yet he seems obsessed about him
3) According to him he has multiple usernames here -> sexy in haku patasi, underwear, logan ko vinaju, logankobaje, haku is back, thankeswor ..... to name a few
4) I personally habe not interacted much wid him but some of his posts are very funny so i enjoyed reading dem....
5) Beneddict keeps on warning other users about how mighty evil is underwar is ...... and brings dis topic a lot .....

So what is the truth ?

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Pandey 16 barsa agadi ko post haru revive garera sajha ma post garna banda garau…
Amamamama ho hamro yatro beyjat.
Tara kehi chaina …
Benay khussat le kuro chai lyaaucha . Hijo samma yo wariyataa ma pratham sreni ma Thye. Pandey mikes hard lemonade kam gara
Prabhu ka naam lete raho lete raho.
· Snapshot 667
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बेन्नेडिक्ट महोदय,

पाप को घडा रे? मुजी मलाई तपाईं जस्ता तोरिलाउरे हरु सित कुरा गर्दा गर्दा अल्छि लागेर नबोल्दै मा म भागेको भनेर अनुमान काट्नु भयो?

फेरी मेरो कुन चाँहीं पाप को कुरा गर्या? तपाईं को बेइज्जत गरेको कुरा लाई पाप भन्नु हुन्छ भने बेग्लै कुरा हो. हेर्नुस् जब जब म आउँछु तपाईं मुजी को ब्लड प्रेसर हाइ गर्छु र तपाईं को रात को निन्द्रा र दिन को चैन हराम पार्छु.

मैले अहिले साझा मा धेरै नआउनु को कारण -

- बिजी भएर
- तपाईं जस्तो बेवकुफ माथि दया लागेर

मलाई मन नपराउने को लाइन यति लामो छ कि मुजी १०० वटा एनकोन्डा ले त्यो दूरी नाप्न सक्दैनन. अस्ति एउटा बबी ब्राउन भन्ने आयो, मुजी दुइ शब्द फलाकेर नपुँसक झैँ गायब भयो. एस्ता कति आए कति गए म आफ्नै ठाउँँ मा अडिग छु, मलाई ब्यान नगरेसम्म कसैले मलाई भगाउने आँट गर्न सक्दैन. तपाईं मुजी चाँहीं अहिले पनि मलाई सपना म देखेर झस्किनु हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्छ.

हेर्नुस्, मेरो लागि तपाईं मुजी कमिला बराबर को औकात राख्नु हुन्न, म भने तपाईं को मन मस्तिस्क मा यसरी छाएको छु जसरी १६ वर्षे गोर्खे को मन मा ओशिन सिटौला.

तपाईं मुजी चुपै लागेर बस्नुस्, त्यसमै भलाई छ.
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if u both can put ego and taunts aside ..... i feel like both has some goodness in them ..... so why not put aside rivarly and try the path of frenship ?

Bolo radhe radhe .......
· Snapshot 853
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पाण्डे मुला तिमि आफ्नो सोच्ने गर क्या अरुको जे भए नि तिम्रो न त बाउ पट्टि न आमा पट्टि। तिमि नारद हऊ कि क्या हो अरुको कुरा गर्दै हिड्ने अरु को झगडा परेपछि प्याचप् गर्दै हिड्ने ठेक्का लिएको त पक्कै हैन होला नि . यी चुर्ना पर्या गजमुन्टे हरु लाई एक्लै छोडिदेउ।
जय श्री हनुमान
Last edited: 27-Sep-21 06:09 PM
· Snapshot 869
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हैन यी दुइटा गजमंते हरु जैले नि मुसा बिरालो जस्ता झगडा गर्ने भएर तै नि मिलि हल्चन कि भनेर नि।। बोलो बम बम भोले जय श्री राम।।
· Snapshot 920
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Pandeyji, I respect your sincere effort and there was a time when I tried to extend an olive branch to Bennedict, but he never seems to get off that high horse.

I didn't started this fight. He did. I never taunted him from the outset, he did. He knows very well I can counter his kindergarten arguments in Nepali, Newari, Hindi, Urdu and even Bhojpuri and embarrass him to the extent of depression, but he simply cannot let it go.

I was silent all this time, forgave his juvenile squabbles, but he still holds on to his conspiracy theory that I have different monikers. If I am humiliating him with this single moniker, why would I need the rest?

He time and again wakes me from my slumber, and runs away when I wake up. Sounds like an Animal who is only after leftovers.

If he makes peace, I will, but he often brings a knife in a gunfight and I am bored to death.
· Snapshot 1002
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अन्डीजी (भन्न त मुजी अन्डी भन्न मन थियो, तपाईंको बेतुकको कुरा सुन्दा, खैर)

मैले कहिले भनिन कि मेरो बेइज्जत गरेर तपाईं पापी हुनुभो। कुरा अर्कै छ, त्यो तपाईंलाई राम्ररी थाहा छ, मलाई राम्ररी थाहा छ सो तपाईंको पापको घडा भनेर के भनिएको हो, तपाईंलाई मैले बुझाएर म तपाईंको अझ बेइज्जत किन गरौ? तर तपाईं अझै बिच्केर यहाँ अहिले शेखरजीले जस्तो शिर न पाउको अयाटिट्युड देखाउदै बस्नु भो भने चै तपाईंलाई राम्रो नहोला, तपाईंको फ्यानहरुलाई अझै कष्ट पर्ला, बुझ्नु होला हजुर।

तपाईंको साझा "धेरै" नआउनुको कारण भन्नुभो, 

# बिजी भर रे
# म जस्तो बेकुफमाथी दया लाग्यो, अल्छि लाग्यो रे

रियल्ली? तपाईंको सो कल्ड कारणहरु तेही हुन? मैले त सोचेको या बडेमानका कारण हरु होलान, जस्तै तपाईंलाई केही विश्वाश गर्नसकिने एक्जाम्पल दिँउ,

# अन्डीजीको हात खुट्टा कसैले ठ्न्नक्क पारेर भाँच्देको हुनाले हस्पिटल भर्ना
# अन्डीजीको साझा हुदो घोर बेइज्जत भाको हुनाले लोक लाजले गर्दा घरमा गुफा बस्नु
# अन्डीजी लाई डरलाग्दो यौन रोग लागेको हुनाले श्वासनीको नजरबन्दिमा पर्नु (अब यो कुरा किन हामी विश्वाश गर्न सक्छौ भने उँहा नै हो जसले, साथीको माइजुसित, पूलिसनी सित, गुरुङ्सेनी सित, नेवार्नी सित, आफ्नै साली सित अनी को को हो सँग रात बिताइसकेको भनेर धक्कु लाउनु भाको थियो, कसैले नपत्याए प्लिज गर अन्डीका अतिरन्जित यौन कथा पढे हुन्छ हो)
# स्टिमुलस काण्डमा पारेर आफ्नो रियल स्यालरी खुलेकोमा पछुतो भर साझा आउन बन्द

यस्ता कारण दिए होलान भनेको त "टाँय टाँय फिस्स" लोल।

मलाई कमिला सँग दाँज्नु भो हजुरले तर तेही सानो कमिला तपाईंको त्यो गनाउने अन्डरवेयरमा छिर्यो भने चै तपाईंको त्यो दुखी जिबनमा कती ठुलो भईचालो जान्छ अब म के भनम हजुर? ओशिन सिटौला त अब ओशिन नै भईन नि, न तपाईंले पाउनु भो, न हामीले हैन र?

अब चुप्प लाग्ने भनेको हो तर तपाईं मान्छे कस्तो नभए नि नहुने, भए नि नहुने भो, साझामा तपाईंको अन्धभक्त हरु आउन छोडे भनेर उनिहरुको लागि बोलिराको हजुर, नत्र त मलाई त सञ्चै भाको छ हो।

Last edited: 28-Sep-21 12:26 AM
· Snapshot 1015
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Okay Underwear,
If I have been so juvenile about my whole outlook towards you, then just try to answer my one more juvenile curiosity then.

# Why are these people, 'Underwear', 'sexy in haku patasi', 'lovely_heart', 'loganko vinaju' showing up in the Most liked Poll above "all of sudden" without any any rhyme and reason. Who is behind all this? Who is seeking attention here?

If this is my yet another "kindergarten argument" to your taste that does not require an answer, then we will all know who is running away and from whom. You do not give me depression, but you give me enough reasons stay away from fakers who think they can fake it until they can make it.
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Short answer - I do not fucking know, I cannot control things that are beyond me.

But have you ever, ever, ever thought that maybe because you are so naive, dumb, gullible and stupid as a flying fuck that your pea size countryside brain could never fathom group of people in sajha, who are dormant otherwise appear each time when I do to rile you up? I mean do I look like a type of guy who makes it so obvious to a lame guy like you?

Regarding my salary, you and your angels both know very well I make more than you and your family combined with your H1B brother in law.

Based on my writing, one liners, wise cracks, repartee and humor, do you really think I did my MBA from UT Arlington or NC State? It takes cojones to make oneself both popular and infamous. I write blogs, I also make YouTube videos, my passive income might even be more than your monthly salary.

You are that one junebug who believes in every possible conspiracies who will soon disappear into oblivion.

· Snapshot 1187
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To whom it may concern:

You said it rightly, all these 'dormant' people appear together along with you to 'rile me up'. And the reason is clear, it is because all these people are the creations of a one single effing mind. You are making it so very obvious yes sir. Otherwise how come Loganko Vinaju or say Sexy in haku patasi were not writing anything before your absence? Who is now liking them all of sudden? It is because you are all these people and you know the passwords to these IDs and you are the one who is adding all the likes to all your IDs!! If I were so lame in my claim then most probably you are being the lamer here putting up some sh*t show for everybody.

And your salary has become the biggest joke of Sajha really! Somebody should hand you over the Oscar for the best act of pretense and shamelessness you put up over here. Even after all those flaks you received, you are still not giving up huh? I hope your stimulus checks gave you enough happiness.

Regarding your school, well one thing is for sure, you did not go to any Ivy League and anybody in Sajha can be damn sure about this as you seriously lack the biggest aspect in a person and that is integrity in your work. With the lack of any moral standing, one can easily say your passive income outlets, be it blogs or YouTube channels, they are not going to be any 'big deal' either.

Rest, I do not promulgate conspiracies, I intend to break the myth and the false likelihood that people like you try to create. So who becomes the real june bug now? Are you that oblivious?

· Snapshot 1190
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Thank you for writing a story on me and Logan. Any sane mind in Sajha can figure it out that Bir_Nepali is your yet another stupid ID you created to character-assassinate people.
Way to go!
· Snapshot 1218
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बेनेडिक्ट भाया, तपाँई एक ठु कुनै डक्टरवा को मिलेर दवाई ववाई खाईलिनुस। मुफत मा क्यौं इत्ना भारीभर्कम टेन्सन आफ्नो शरमा बोकेर बस्नुहुन्छ? मेरो एक दु साथिहरु साईकियाट्रीस्ट बनिलियेको छ, फ्रीमा इलाज गरिदिन्छ मेरो जिग्री दोस्त भनेपछी, बात करुँ?
· Snapshot 1224
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साकियात्रिस्टको मलाई हैन यो सबै नामहरु क्रिएट गर्ने सुत्रधारलाई जरूरत छ। यत्रो भारी भर्कम टेन्शन सरमा लिएर थरी थरीको रूप, बोली, बचन शैली गर्नेलाई कत्रो डर होला वहाँ कहिले धोती फुस्कने हो भनेर। तपाईं पनि है। उँहाको धोती फुस्केको अवस्थाको ज्ञान त छ मलाई। अब फेरी फुस्क्यो भने त साझा बाट सन्यास लिए भो हो।
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तपाईं भी। यो अण्डर्वेर अथवा हाकु, लोगन्या बा्जे आदि सगँ मेरो कुनै लेना-देना छैन भाया, म त हेरिहाल्नुस फगत एक लेखक हुँ, एक दु ठु कहानी लेखिहाल्छु। नयाँ कथामा हेरिहाल्नुस कि के भयो भने कि संयोगबस तपाईंको नाम सगँ मेल खान गयेछ पात्र्‍को नाम, लेकिन हजुरले याद गर्नुभो भने त्यो पात्र्‍को असल नाम चाईं डिक बहादुर हुन्छ ना कि बेनेडिक़्ट जुन हजुर को नाम हो। जे सुकै हो, नो हार्ड फीलिन्ग्स है भाया!
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Why do you embarrass yourself time and again bro? Your naivette sets new bar each time I read your post. Do this - since you are in Boston, take San out for dinner and clear the air, I will get you a table in Central Square if you want. That is - unless you think me and San aren't the same person.

But let me tell you a short story so you will not keep embarrassing yourself. Quite honestly your lunacy isn't funny anymore.

Mr B is a good person. He has a decent job, takes care of his family, believes in ethics and integrity and considers himself a member of a civil society. He follows Gandhi and Mandela and still embraces the ideology forged by his Nepali teacher in rural Nepal. He listens to few old English numbers, watches Hollywood classics, listens to Gulzar and Mehdi Hassan and believes he is an epitome of class and decency.

The only caveat - he is no fun. He lacks, charisma, his looks are pedestrian, his English proficiency circumscribed within the confines of the research paper he struggled to write in grad school. And above all, his sex life that draws parallel to Saibaba. Non existent and vanilla at best.

But his wife wants adventure. She sits all day watching culinary shows on YouTube and porn when she's not. She wants someone to go down on her, talk dirty to her, make her laugh, she wants to moan, clench her jaws and orgasm, something her husband Mr B thinks it is not so lady like.

Then comes Mr U. He is aware of the situation, he takes advantage of the situation, visits Mr. B's house at noon, gives everything B's wife wants and keeps her happy.

Mr L, Mr G, Mr N somehow figure Mr U is banging Mr B's wife. They take their chance and soon Mr B's wife is fucking with half a dozen UNTIL her husband, Mr B himself, discovers she is fucking Mr U. Frustrated, he goes to the bar and belts few tequila. In the meantime Mr L is banging his wife and narrowly escapes through the window as Mr B brings his drunk ass home.

Mr B, aware of the open window and stains of cum in his bedsheet believes it is Mr U again. In next days Mr G and Mr N visit Mr B's wife, show her a good time and take that window route as he parks his car downstairs. Each day, as Mr B comes across that open window, he believes it is Mr U who is doing his wife.

But he cannot say anything to his wife because he is a loser, and cannot get his thing up, so he whines all the time with his friend.

Bennedict, you lame ass stupidest weirdo who has ever walked this earth, now listen carefully -

Mr B is YOU
Mr U is ME
Your wife is SAJHA.COM website
The monikers you think I have are Mr L, Mr G and Mr N
Your friend is your lame threads.

Makhula maampakha?
Last edited: 29-Sep-21 06:28 AM
· Snapshot 1303
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यी दुइ पात हरु चै राति राति दुइ प्याक चडाए पछि यो साझामा लारो लारो कुरा गर्न आउदो रहेछ ।म्याम्पाखा भटमास को तेल हरु
· Snapshot 1481
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That was the lamest and the stupidest analogy ever told. I ain't gonna stretch this at all. Just feel yourself lucky that I did not use that proof ala 'Turup ko ekka' on you yet. Mind you, it is still safe in my phone somewhere. Looks like you are not giving up with your meaningless gibberish still!
Anyway, I am done with this crap. Have all the space for yourself, mate.

· Snapshot 1504
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तुरुपको एक्का रे, लोल्ज। गफ दिने नि हद हुन्छ नि, तपाँई बाउको छोरो हुनुहुन्छ भने देखाउनुस पुरुफ। जनता जान्न चाहन्छन !!

P.S. मेरो कथामा एस्सो लाईक/कमेन्ट हान्दिनु न प्लिच
· Snapshot 1506
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Thank you for calling us 'churna paryaa gajamunte' (whatever that means) and 'bhatmaasko telharu'. Yes we are nobody's 'aamaa pattiko' or 'bau pattiko'. True that!
· Snapshot 1553
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Ace up your sleeves? Really? What is stopping you? Here I am opening your rear end as wide as Bramhaputra river, what else do I need to make you mad? Bring it on. Gloves were off a year ago.
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