Someone killed drona!! - Sajha Mobile
Someone killed drona!!
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There was a character in mahabharata, drona , he used to be music teacher to pandabs . But somebody killed him without any purpose .

I missed the part of serial because of my ongoing school exams .

Has anybody watched the serial? If yes, do u know who killed him n for what purpose?
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you go to school and you are still this dumb?
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They tricked him by saying his son Aswasthama is dead but Aswasthama is an Astachiranjibi he never dies. Drona did not believe so asked Yudhistir. Bheem had killed an elephant named Aswasthama, so Yudhistir said "Aswasthama hato hata" something like Aswasthama is dead and quietly "elephant" but Drona did not hear that. So he sat down on the chariot, dropped his weapons and closed his eyes. Dristashyumna(Draupadi's brother) seeing this cut Drona's head thereby taking revenge for his father's death. This was clearly a cowardly act. There are a lot of cowardly acts in Mahabharat even by good guys.
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He had a white lie, He said " naro waa kunjarowaa , ashosthamaa hato hata".
Krishna blows the shankh and he missed the first 3 word and hear only Asosthamaa hato hata"

Mahaabhaarat story circles around Krishan rest are side characters only.  "Dharmo rakshati dharma" but what ever comes from Krishan's mouth is dharma.
Last edited: 09-Nov-20 11:26 PM
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Thank you chicagoan n Logan but some books say dropadi didn't hv siblings
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Dhristadyumna (brother) Shikhandi (sister later brother) Satyajit (brother) were her sibling.

Shikhandi ( neither male or female) came to be the cause of death of Bhishma - the mightiest warrior of that time.
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who is srikhandi ?
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Chicagoan, that "cowardly act" is in fact not cowardly at all. that act was necessity to restore the rule of Dharma. if any of Bhisma, Drona or Karna wasnt killed "cowardly", pandavas would have lost the war and today it would have been norm and cultural thing to rape and humiliate daughter in laws. Fighting for Kauravas was their choice and getting rid of them was a must to restore Dharma because no one would have been able to defeat them in war. Had Kauravas never been bad to Pandavas since their childhood, this situation would never arise. thulo poisonous rukh hernu bhanda tyo rukh ko beej kasle ropo tyo pani herum.

logan i think it should be " Dharmo rakhshati Rakshitah" if you save Dharma, Dharma will save you. and no doubt, Krishna is the main Character in Mahabharat. the war's purpose is to wipe off all the great warrior of the time from Bharat so that later Mlecchas and Yavans would invade and start kaliyug!
Last edited: 10-Nov-20 11:11 AM

Last edited: 10-Nov-20 11:15 AM
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You have not read mahabharat? He is the Kalbhairab of Bhismapitamaha.
He was instructed by Krishan to be the chariot of Arjuna. Bhismapitaman dropped his bow because Shikhandi was not a man or women was inform of the chariot.

Krishna played all the roles in Mahabharat, it is his play, his changed the deskription every moment and swing as he wanted.

In one word mahabharat is about Krishna and his cunning philosophy.
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Mahabharat is not only about Krishna and his philosophy, it gives you details about karma yog and Gyan marga (not only in Bhagwat gita but so many little stories where Krishna isnt even mentioned). Vishnu shahastranama a conversation between Bhisma and Youdhistir is also a small part of Mahabharat. like wise you will see post war gita- Anu gita and many other Gitas within the poem. Details of Raajdharma, patni, putra dharma, Raajneeti, economy and many many topics are covered in Mahabharat. other great topic im fond of is Vidur niti..i enjoy reading it which is also a part of mahabharat. so i dont think Mahabharat only describes Krishna's plot to kill Kauravas
Last edited: 10-Nov-20 11:27 AM
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K Bro: you are right. very few people have translated the true philosophy and what the true message. We have read only translation and our mind is not able to process the dept of it.

Krishna plays the great role and he sided with Pandav and I think he had reasons.
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Khoikkhoik, i think you are saying "end justifies the means", i am not saying Kauravas should have won, they are the bad guys and most lose for the better of the society. But some of the things the Pandav side did were war crimes too. The way Drona was killed, the way Arjun was hidden behind Shikhandi knowing fully well that Bheesma will not point arrows towards Shikhandi, the way Karna was tricked into giving his Kabaj Kundal, the way Krishna played all those tricks. If Bishnu in the form of Krishna was doing all "Leela" why couldn't this have been lot cleaner?

That is why i like Ramayan much more. Except for the trick against Bali and the expectation of Sita to go through the fire to prove her purity (Obviously Ram did not have to being a guy) I find Ramayan teaches better morals.

I don't know why the devotees like Krishna more than Ram. Ram was "maryada Purshottam", had only one wife, followed moral codes to the letter. He was like Yudhistir of Mahabharat. Krishna was more of a trickster, a flirt etc etc
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-Shikhandi standing infront of Bhisma- this idea was given to Arjuna by Bhisma himself. When Amba vowed to kill Bhisma or be a cause of Bhisma's death and fate granted that wish, how or what can Krishna do anything about it? Krishna never came in between anyone's karma or bhagya marga.

-similarly Karna was Tricked by Indra coz Indra wanted to save his son Arjun.

-King Drupad did great yagya to kill Drona so Drishtadyumna's birth was solely for this purpose-to kill Drona. as i said earlier neither of these 3 people could be defeated in one and one combat and it was their own destiny that lead to the death in this way. Krishna wasnt even born when the cause of these warriors death in future started.

Mahabharat war was just a event venue to put an end to their destiny. Krishna has nothing to do on anyone's death.

and yes Krishna is an incarnation of Bishnu and this cant be cleaner because living beings are free to do their karma and will get results based on their karma. i get surprised when people ask if there is god why these miseries in the world. everywhere peaceful, prosperity, riches, longevity, no disease, sound health, happiness- these can only happen in heaven not in sansaara. the only reason world exist is due to karma. people are free and also obliged at the same time to do karma and get its result.

Ram was born in treta yug when people were more dharmic than Dwapar yug. Ram's enemy was Ravan who was himself very learned and great devotee of Shiva. on other hand Krishna's enemy were Shakuni Duryodhan not so learned and not very Nobel. Jasta lai testai!!!
Last edited: 11-Nov-20 10:41 AM
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Thanks K,
I read Mahabharat right after SLC. I need to reread and know it as an adult. One thing it amazes me is that the characters and their story coming one after another is like a programming / coding which keeps going smoothly and validated their past.
I wanted to hear from UJL too.
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There was another character , kripacharya , don't confuse it with drona .these two are different entities .
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Of course not. Drona is Kripacharya's Jwai as he married Kripacharya's sister Kripi
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Who killed kripacharya then? Arjuna?
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No one. He is one of the aatachranjibis
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