Bijay Shahi (a.k.a Memory King) ≠ Einstein - Sajha Mobile
Bijay Shahi (a.k.a Memory King) ≠ Einstein
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There are rumors that NASA has invited Bijay Shahi. I am wondering why would NASA invite Bijay Shahi. Also, Nepalese media has started comparing Bijay Shahi with the great scientist Albert Einstein.

Please STOP comparing him to Einstein. Memorizing a book and being a scientist of great caliber like Einstein is like comparing a drop of water with an ocean. Being a scientist requires analytical skills. A parrot can memorize a dozens of words. Should we start calling a parrot a scientist?

I am not questioning Bijay Shahi's skills of memorizing an entire book within 10-20 minutes. We should give him the credits of what he can do. However, media is treating him like a magical man who can solve the mysteries of this universe with his memorizing skills.

Again, why would NASA invite Bijay Shahi (a.k.a. Memory King)?

Last edited: 24-Jul-20 12:30 PM
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Once Einstein was asked, “What is the speed of sound?” He could not say off-hand, he replied. He did not carry such information in his mind but it was readily available in textbooks.
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I am thinking it may be short term memory. Not sure if he can remember next day or week or forever.So what is point other then Guinness book records.So he is more like human version of recorder which records stuff short term.
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हिजो मैले पनि युट्युब हेर्न पुगे :एउटामा पुण्य गौतमको पर्दाफास गर्छौ र बिजय शाहीको बिरुद्दमा बोले चुटाइ पनि दिने धम्की दिए | बिजयका कुरा गराइ मा सिक्षा शिक्षा मात्र भन्छ्न तर अर्थपूर्ण जबाफ भने दिएका छैनन | पुण्य गौतमले अर्को युट्युब बनाएर १ प्रतिसत उनमा केही सक्ती होला बाँकी ९९ प्रतिसत झुट्टा हुन बनेर निकालेका छन | होला २०-२५ वटा यस्ता युट्युब हरु , यो पनि एउटा टक्सार हो | अर्को योउट्युब हेरदा चाडक्यका अनुसार दुर्गुण भएकी महिला को अनुहार उठना साथ हेर्नु हुन्न :कसरी थाहा पाउनु आफ्नै आमा वा श्रीमती रहेछ भने के गर्नु ?
यो अमेरिकि टि.भी च्यानलमा दिउसो आउने housewife , talk शो जस्तै हो, दिमाग चटाइदिन्छ|
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NASA= National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Why would a organization whose solw mission is space based research care about something related to human memory?? It's all bs.
Nepal ma kahile google boy re, kahile helikopter ko aabiskar re..laato desh ma gado tanneri
Last edited: 24-Jul-20 05:07 PM
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यो चै genuine हो । Brain with photographic memory due to savant syndrome। Amazing case, may be one इन billion people.

I found some people are comparing Kim Peek and Bijay Shahi. Kim Peek, a well known autistic savant, could read a page in 8-10 seconds with full cognition. He reads so fast, and still remembers the whole plot, stories, character etc with cognition. But, Bijay (could be autistic savant too, despite no apparent sign of it) is a person with Photographic Memory with zero cognition while he is reading (actually he does not read, he just takes picture of the page). He takes about 0.6 second for a page (from bhagya neupane’s video). I mean he knows nothing about the content until you ask him “what is in page xxx, recite line 5 for me). If you ask about an event or character, i am sure he will say “give me 3/4 hour”. Whereas, Kim Peek will give you answers immediately.
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Gwach bro, Bijay Shahi is a true photographic memory. His acts are recorded by live camera in front of few of the trusted youtube channels that are run by bhagya neupane, and bishwo limbu. It is not a case of “रे “ “रे” । Bijay is claiming some 26 word formula behind his memory (which is not even memory, it is storing photo of the pages he scans), which is BS, other than that everything we see is true 100%, at least I believe it.
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Somehow his case is Hyped, I did not find his answer relevant. Back home people are as crazy as Sajha member.
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“I did not find his answer relevant” भनेर के भन्नू भको हो लोगन दाईं हो की iogan ? प्लीज़ elaborate, i may have the answer.
I was planning to link Bijay to the people at NIH, but it seems they are working to make arrangements to go to China.

अनि मैले माथी हेरे लोगन दाईं “केटाको जबाफ़ अर्थपूर्ण लाग़ेन “ । ठीकै भन्नू भो कालिकोट बाट आएको १९ बर्स को केटो nervous छ । कहिले आइंसटाइन जस्तो बंचु भंच , कहिले २६ word फ़ोरमूला छ भंच  दिमाग़ मा के भइराखेक़ो छ मेसो पाएको छैन । अनि यौटूबे हरू चै veteran indian politician लाई grill गरे जस्तो गर्दैछन ।
Last edited: 25-Jul-20 05:46 PM
Last edited: 25-Jul-20 05:47 PM
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