इन्दिरा जोशीको चिन्ता लौच - Sajha Mobile
इन्दिरा जोशीको चिन्ता लौच
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होइन यिनी येताकै बुढी भईन त । मान्छे नि राम्रै छिन, १० १२ वर्ष भयो होला यिनलाई tv मा देखेको । त्यो बेला त जवानी ले धिप धिप बलेकी थियिन । कम्मरकस्तो हल्लाउने , फक्लक फक्लक परेका चाकका साप्रा हल्लौदा त OMG हुने । केहि गर्लिनकि भनेको बिस्तारि बिस्तारि बुढी हुन थालिन । आज भोलि त उनको reality शो हेर्दा नि उनको अनुहार मा चाउरी , छीपद, र मुजा मात्र देखिन्छ जति make -up दले नि।
उनको स्वोर नि भिन्न हो, म चै पापी, उनको सरिर हेरेरै मन बहलौथे । ३ ४ वर्ष यता त उनको हेर्न लायक केहि थिएन , ऐले त उनको ३ धार्नी को चाक नि सुकेचा, खुट्टा नि दाउरे भएछ । आइमाई को चाक र तिघ्रा सुके पछि त मसाने जस्तो देखिने रैछ होउ । जे कुरो को नि TIME हुने रैछ।

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· Snapshot 3615
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Shekhar bhaya do you also put your own maathrr “ budi dukki suddi” category? Remember your words whenever you talk to her.
· Snapshot 3648
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Hakucha tyi indira bahuni joshi ho newar hoina baucha

Tps2gc u have worst life please ger sine life. Wirking 14 hrs for what? U gona die empty handed
Gaitindey tesma timro mom ni parcha mero kom ni parcha, sabai nepli keti ho

Sanaklaal taxi chalaune vaye afbai desh ma chslaincha. Gas station ra taxi chalaune kaam restaurants ko jasm lowest if the lowest job ho. Ma ra sticks n cryotos ma chu! 50 k diwn vayeni no worries paisa le sabai chiz audaina
· Snapshot 3670
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Unequivocally support wegirlsrock

The discussion in this thread shows how uncivilized we Nepalese are.

Someone said, “how civilized a culture is judged by how it treats women”

So based on above discussion (and this probably is how majority of Nepali men think), we are at a “dayaniya “ state
· Snapshot 3720
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@chicagoan "dayaniya" bhanda ni hajar times dayania cha k garne hola. You won't believe but I was once harassed by this random nepali dude who got my number from his friend. He kept asking me to hangout with him. And I told him I wouldn't hangout with him all by myself. And he literally asked me how much I would charge to have sex with him. I kept telling him to not say those thing to me. And I day I finally threatened to report him to the cops for sexual harassment and then he stopped texting me. I was so embarrassed that he thought I'd fuck somebody for money. Baru ma dhunga kutchu hola to earn a bread. I was upset thinking what I did to give him that kind of impression that i would go with anybody. I've encountered other Nepali perverts too who would have made advances had I not acted like I am a BITCH or that I was a LESBIAN.
Last edited: 25-Sep-21 12:19 AM
· Snapshot 3718
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तपाईंको अयाट्टिट्युड सार्है नराम्रो रहेछ, हुन त मैले पहिले देखी यो कुरा नोट गरेको नै हो। तर अब म यहाँँ कुनै मोरल पूलिसिङ गर्ने मान्छे त हैन, तैपनी तपाईंलाई केही कुरा भन्न खोज्दैछु फ्रीमा नै, तपाईंले बाल त दिनु नै हुन्छ तर पनि एक आँखर पढेमा ठुलै कुरा हुनेछ।

# तपाईं बार बार किन आफ्नै कुरा कन्फ्लिक्ट गराउनुहुन्छ? ग्यास स्टेशन र ट्याक्सी चलाऊने कामलाई लोवेस्ट जब भन्नुहुन्छ अनी आफु चै के भन्नुहुन्छ फेरी यहाँ हेर्नुस् त। 
 "............. I used to bang customers when working n owing gas station in the booth, restroom n cooler. I miss those life. Gurls come to play machine n buy beers n cigars so flirt with them n then bang bang" 
 यो चै के होला हजुर? 
र यो पनि पढौ। 
"........They broke the law by not attending college as they quit college n work in gas stations as soon as they land here. This is unfair. There's people going to college n doing phd n stuff n they dun get free ride but those illegals whose mere intention is to enter US n stay illegally by working illegally n not paying taxes. "

# अनी यहाँ के लेख्नुभाको छ ल हेरम। 

 "अमेरिका धेरै ईयर्स बसियो, धोबी को कुकुर घरको न घाटको भइयो। पहिले देखिनै सन्तूष्टी थिएन बिदेशमा। काम नगरेको नि भयो २०१४ देखी। रातभरी सुत्न नसक्ने दीउसोभरी सुत्ने रोग लागेको छ, तेसैले काम गरेर खान नि सक्दिन। पहिले चै ८-१२ आओर्स घण्टा हानेको हो । तेही पैसा सेभ गरेको छु। धेरै होइन १.५ करोड जती छ, नेपाली है फेरी डल्लर्स होइन। तेही पैसा बैंकमा राखेर इन्ट्रेस्ट खाएर बचाउ भनेको नेपालमा। के त्यस्तो गर्न सकिन्छ? स्टक्स र क्रिप्टोमा ४५000 लो छ, बढ्यो भने पैसा फिर्ता आउछ नत्र तेही हो होल्ड गरेर बस्ने आफ्नो डिक होल्ड गरे जस्तो। लाईफमा पहीले देखिनै कुनै कुरामा टेस्ट थिएन, शायद मेन्टल रोग छ जस्तो लाग्छ। कलेज जाउ भने बिहान उठ्नै सक्दिन नत्र लोन मिलेको छ पढ्नलाई। कलेज गयो भने टेन्शन लाग्छ, पुरानो कलेजको डेज सम्झेर, बहुत मेहनत गरियो तर कलेज ड्रप भाको। घण्टा हान्दै समरमा त झन २ वटा जब गरेको आखिर केही पाईन सो मेहनत भन्ने शब्द देखेरै घ्रिणा लाग्छ। बुढो नि भईयो, ३५ ईयर्स काटिसके।"

तपाईं किन यस्तो कुरा गरेर आफुलाई नै उल्लु बनाइराख्नुभाको छ हजुर? 
अनी अरु फेलो नेपाली दाजु बहिनी, दिदी भाई माथि किन यस्तो घ्रिणा हो तपाईंको? तपाईं मनले त नेपाली हैन र?

Last edited: 25-Sep-21 12:21 AM
· Snapshot 3759
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Bennedict talai Mero bhitra dekhi respect. अहम् तब पादम ढोगस्यामी
· Snapshot 3773
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Let us talk some positive. 


Last edited: 25-Sep-21 12:56 PM
· Snapshot 3784
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K ho yo beniram
· Snapshot 3799
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Ahhhahahaa PDP sir. Hajurlai naman. You will always be missed and remembered.
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· Snapshot 3866
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I am very sorry to hear what you went through wegirlsrock. The problem is him not you. His upbringing has issues if he thinks of every girl as a potential prostitute. You know some kind of “kuntha”. Glad you were able to shut him up with police action.
· Snapshot 3959
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@chicagoan you know the worst part about that experience was that the friend who had my number was a girl. And she wasn't my friend or anything. I met her randomly batoma and she and this guy were together. Friends hola. And I heard them talk in Nepali k and I suggested them something since they needed some kinda help. The girl told me that she just moved from another state. And needed help with her stuff. And asked me for my number. I was holding my phone so saying I don't have a phone was not an option. And then the next day this pervert texted me and asked me to hangout with him. So I got myself into this situation while trying to help another nepali.
· Snapshot 4040
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pervs will b dere .... so always be careful .....

who knows chicagoan mite b perbert no 1 lol .. tyo hunchu ni baini bani vanne type k ......   
Last edited: 25-Sep-21 12:22 PM
· Snapshot 4133
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Wegirlsrock, that is so sad that your friend who was a girl herself shared your number to a perv but I am glad you were able to shut that guy up. If nothing else, you will be better prepared for people like those in the future.
· Snapshot 4458
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I would just like to add a bitter reality to this ongoing discussion that "almost all" guys are pervert by nature. While some show it rather shamelessly, some are subdued. It is kind of paradoxical topic to talk about in the world of procreation.
But yes, I do not condone such behavior where a guy would treat the ladies like objects for use and throw. In my opinion, nowadays, it is even harder for guys to ask out girls because there is always this risk of overdoing or underdoing the basics. If someone asks a girl out, then that girl may think oh he was following me throughout or chasing me or 'eyeing me'. There is always this struggle for either party to know what is proper and what is not.
· Snapshot 4467
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Benay please ask god to be born as lady in next birth if possible . OR
Please go for a checkup .
· Snapshot 4479
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Testo na socham. Beney jee john
Milton ko ek choti jindagi baare google garau
· Snapshot 14033
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यिनले पनि बिहे गरेर अन्ततः छोरो जन्माउने तरखरमा छिन् रे . अब छोरो कस्तो जन्मिने हो तेस्मापो चिन्ता हुन थाल्यो त , बेहुला राजा त काआआलो , साउथको भिलेन जस्तो रैछन . खैर आजकाल मायामा अनुहार भन्दा पनि पैसा हेर्ने गरिन्छ .
· Snapshot 14263
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Sometimes, it's a pleasant ride to go back down the memory lane. Reading this post after 2 years and what I have written back then, it is like a nudge hurled at my direction to understand my state of mind frame back then. Most of these people are all long gone except for a few like myself.

· Snapshot 14653
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Fantasies palne last generation hola hai ..
Last edited: 03-Jul-23 08:25 AM
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