Is Sajha dead? - Sajha Mobile
Is Sajha dead?
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I used to be on Sajha around 4 years ago and remember having some great discussions. I used to come here for advice and usually got some great tips. Over the years, I've stopped by on Sajha occasionally but things seem to have gone stale. Or did I just not visit in the right time? What's going on?
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Instead of complaining contribute constructively as you can. What do you have to say?
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How you see it , half full or half empty?
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तेस्का बाजे ( माग्ने बुढा स्टाइल) मै दिनको 10 ओटा पोस्ट गरिरा छू के को डेड भन्छ ।। you already said you stopped visiting sajha so how you supposed to know its dead or alive or still rocking. May be you came here with some problem and it got solved and you walked away ! But we are still here trying to help / discuss / guff chutna. Come back and enjoy.
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Did you just register a new username to point this out? For me it's a great time pass value.
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Now it's good. It was pretty bad few months back, with kattu ra bittu ko fight, cp21 vs cybro (?), micro ko vomit, etc and people derailing genuine threads. Now, people respond according to OP. If its nonsense OP, u get nonsense trolls and if it's genuine threads, u get genuine suggestions.
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साझा मृत भा छैन , सुस्त भाको हो । उहिले उहिले जस्तो सबैको रुचि साझा तिर नभएको पक्कै हो । फेसबुक र ट्वीटरमा भुल्न थाले , सांसारिक जीवन जगतमा रम्न थाले ।

यसको अर्थ यो हैन कि साझाको अब कुनै अर्थ छैन । साझा कालान्तर सम्म साझा कै रुपमा रहने छ । हो धेरैलाई साझाले स्थापित लेखक, गजलकार , कथाकार बनाइ दिए । साझा प्लेट फर्म प्रयोग गरे , टेस्ट गरे । सफल भए यसैमा पछि ह- गेर गए ।
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हैन पिनपोइन्टर मित्र,
आफु चाही ४ बर्ष पछि फर्किने अनि केहि राम्रो कुरो नटाँसेर सिधै गुनासो ? टैत, मित्र के हो पारा ? पहिले पनि त माग्न नै आउनु भाको रैछ (सुझाव नै सहि ). केहि दिनु पनि त परो नि हैन र ?

उ त्यहाँ माथिल्तिरा ठुल्दाईले भनेसरी साझाबाट उपन्यासकार, गजलकार , कवि, कथाकार र अरु के के बनेर सप्पैलाई अन्य सामाजिक संजालले समातेर यो पुरानो थलो बिर्सेका मात्र हुन् . खोलो तर्यो लठ्ठी बिर्स्यो भाको हो के..

अब मित्र तपाई नै केहि नया सुरु गर्नुस त लु लु हेरुम ...

धेरै बोल्यो भन्नु होला आफ्नो त नामै थाहा-छैन , तेसैले यसलाई केहि थाहा छैन भनेर माफ गर्नु होला .

- थाहा छैन
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I have been with Sajha for over 10 years, I think, under different names until I settled on this one.

Every year I have seen the same exact post (even 10 years back). “I used to see good discussion in Sajha, but now it all seems BS posts etc etc.” Just search on Sajha (or google) and you will see those posts.
Every year somebody asks if Sajha is dead and every year Sajha comes back.

Sajha is not regulated heavily and it has its pros and cons. On the pros side, it is more democratic – sure there’s some censorship but I think that level of censorship is required to not make it a 4chan like site. But the cons of democracy is that everybody gets to post whatever they like.
Sure some intellectual debates are lacking for the most part, but Sajha seems to survive just as good.

Sajha will not be dead until SAN the man kills it. It will always be populated by users – good or bad.
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"Over the years, I've stopped by on Sajha occasionally but things seem to have gone stale. Or did I just not visit in the right time?"


Yes, I did. I forgot my password to the account and email I used to use haha

Thaha Chaena,

Euta chilai rakhe ko bichar pokhaeko matra. Eso comments herda pahila ko manche ajai rahichan bhanera thaha paiyo. Khusi layo. Ma bhanda yaha dherai budhiman manche chan, tara maile kei lekhera kasai ko madat huncha bhane, I will contribute.  

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Your saying "Is sajha dead?" is like Trump saying saying "Make America Great Again."
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My relationship with sajha is like Schopenhauer's Porcupine dilemma. Cannot live without it and cannot embrace it with open arms either. Where could I go to ask my brethren how much money they have saved at age 35. I would not know if I had been sending too much money to my parents. If Jal Shah was still likeable. My religiosity. How long would I have to wait in DesiTechSolution Inc to get my GC. If my tech consultancy would sue me if I changed vendor. That Raato Ghar played in Milipitas, CA. That on August 27 there is a Teej Party in Boston. Bipul is playing in Baltimore this Sunday.

btw someone had started this another thread re sharing business ideas. I am a lazy ass person who may never start her own business but I like to day dream. Here's waht I was thinking on my way back from work.
- Uber has surge pricing and deluge timing problem. Amazon Prime has distribution logistics problem. My app will connect uber drivers during freer time & route to pick up Amazon Prime 2 hour deliveries from their metro distro centers.
- Porn Induced ED - Since porn is addictive and like any other drug addiction, may need different types of intervention or rehab. My PIED mitigatory app will not only block porn in your browser but also play boston boy's song as soon as you type disallowed website in your tablet or browser.
-Lamahi app - Matrimonial or Tinder type sites are not as much successful for Nepali middle aged unmarried expatriates. I forgot what this app was about. Something like you give anonymous tokens or referrals of your unmarried middle aged friend to another unmarried middle aged stranger. data sets are defined with similar (copied) logic from
- MoMo app - I make momo on my house and only I and my wife are eating it most of the time. With MoMo app I can post extra momos being cooked and in my Geo Location any Nepali member of that app can order (for small fee) extra momos. If I am in a mood to cook those extra momos and by that time, I accept and the person knocks on my door and takes it. Reviews and stars are all like uber. Shared economy.

Please suggest more day dreaming ideas.
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