Ethnic division, GNP per capita, & corruption - Sajha Mobile
Ethnic division, GNP per capita, & corruption
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I was reading an article last week about corruption. I wanted to understand why corruption is rampant in some countries but not in other countries. For example, In South Asia, except Bhutan, all countries have high perceived corruption level. Nepal ranks 126/175 in the 2014 corruption index done by transparency international. Canada is more cleaner than USA. Norway and Denmark are more cleaner than Canada in the Index. Why?

In the article, I also found out that there is a high correlation between ethnic division, GNP per capita, and corruption. The article showed that higher the ethnic division, lower the GNP per capita, and lower GNP per capita is directly associated with higher level of perceived corruption. If this is the case, shouldn't it be good for Nepal to stop this ethnic based division because in the long run, it is shown that ethnic division never solves the problem of corruption. Instead, it fuels corruption.
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We nepalese have very low iq and mostly still stuck in tribal mentality. Nepal will eventually get dissolved into india or china and these pakhes crying for ethnic division will lose whatever ethnic identity they are fighting for.
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Why is the top on the list are "white" countries? Ask yourself that first
Is it they are smarter? homogenous society? hard worker than us? taller than us?
Noooooo, those are not.

Your theory about GNP is so wrong and laughable. Where is China then? They should be top on the list, China is a very corrupt society.

That might be your theory. Here is mine (it is mine and you don't have to agree with me at all).
I think it is the culture and tradition that were shaped by their faith (religion) which went through many changes in their history along with value on education with a balanced population. They question and argue their faith, leave their faith and start new one if they are not happy, developing consciousness and honesty along the way. Honesty is the key factor. Honesty comes from consciousness, and consciousness is conveyed from faith and its rules.

Our people have lived with a single faith for thousands of years, no change, no new ideas. While we might be proud of it without even thinking of the consequences of it. It is like wearing the same jean pant everyday.

Ask yourself again, why "white"people nation are less corrupt? Think about it.

Last edited: 13-Sep-15 05:36 PM
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@ Vhoote.... It is NOT my theory. I have already mentioned that the theory of GNP is from a research article. Also, the article says, there is an "association" between lower GNP and corruption. What that means is that there is a correlation between two variables. You cannot directly jump into conclusion that THIS caused THAT. This is what the article talks about. The word "association" means there is some connection. There are many factors for corruptions, there is no doubt about it, but economists wants to view from their own business perspective. So, they have brought the idea of GNP. At the core level, yes, it is all about proper education and faith as you said. But, again, GNP will be associated with faith as well because what we do is because of our value system. China ranks 100/174 which is better than Nepal! And most of the China's GNP is because of western companies that have open their manufacturing chain in China because of cheap labor cost. Also, not all white countries are on the list as you said. For example, Japan, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Chile, Botswana, Bhutan, UAE are on good list as well. And I will say India is also doing good (85/175 is not that bad)!
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When I say "white", I mean the top ten. Yes there are other nations beside "white" countries but they make it to the top ten every year. The only asian country that make it to the top ten on the list is Singapore (British taught value) and Japan (they are always the best, no need to doubt). But if GNP was the factor, China is an odd ball, it throws away the "association" of GNP far from the truth. How can a country become so rich in GNP and yet almost on the bottom of the list. 100 out of 174 is a very poor reflection of GNP to corruption theory.
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@Vhootee..... China's GNP is not China's GNP alone. Americans are manufacturing things in China for Americans using cheap Chinese labor. So, you also have to consider how the GNP is produced and who are consuming it, when you associate GNP with corruption. Chinese people are not producing things for the benefits of their own people but Americans are producing things in China for Americans! It's not even China's GNP !
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