Suggestion for Mini-Cooper Countryman - Sajha Mobile
Suggestion for Mini-Cooper Countryman
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Corporate America
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Hi Guys,
I been driving an old Chrysler for last seven yrs. Thinking of buying a new car. I'm really tired of everyone suggesting me to buy Honda/Toyota/Nissan. I have also driven some American cars. I wanna feel something different now. I'm thinking of buying Mini-Cooper Countryman. Everywhere i go to my Nepali friends its all Honda/Toyota. It just killed my taste. I know they are good car but each and every person driving the same kinda car..i dont like it. I don't wanna be a showoff(I'm not buying a I just want a nice car , a little bit unique car.
Do you guys have any driving experience of Mini Cooper? What do you think of it? What you liked and not like abt it?
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buy a corvette
Corporate America
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I want a family car Divorce guy. If i was divorced i would have..haha
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