बिहेको साइपाटा - Sajha Mobile
बिहेको साइपाटा
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बहुन छेत्रीहरु को बिहेमा साइपाटा लाग्दा के के लग्नु पर्छ? यदी कसैलाई थाहा छ भने मद्दत गर्नु होला । धन्यबाद!
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जे जे मन लाग्छ  : दुलहीलाई गरगहना, सगुन, मरमसाला राखिदिने. 

This is just a conformation of wedding day that was pre- determined  or will be determeined. Our culture is blended and why we rare trying to label it.

Mostly it is Janai and supadi. But people try to make it elegent and lavished for status-quo.
Last edited: 20-Mar-14 05:57 PM
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sojho manche
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The sai-pata shown in above pics are the ones from Newari culture. It is called supari pathaune. from groom's side to bride's side.
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@magorkhe1 Thank you.
And, I was not trying to label it, trying to know how it works for that particular one. It's good to know cross culture as far I believe.
@sojho manche Thank you.
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