doves and dreams - Sajha Mobile
doves and dreams
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every night I go to bed and close my eyes,

a familiar story unfolds through my mind,

thoughts that turn into silent cries,

a nightmare that has become my friend,

A land of beautiful memories,

left aside in search of another dream,

ablaze and engulfed by smoky skies,

unable to breathe I scream..

and there I find you, with your radiant smile,

breathing me back to life,

snatching me from jaws of death,

shielding me from the violent strife,

with your long black hair, my view blocked,

your lips were my only anodyne,

your body, my bed, your heart, my clock,

your soul my god, and my only shrine.

But I asked you for the ultimate sacrifice,

To separate you from your own shadow,

my bleeding heart pays the price,

unable to promise you tomorrow,

frustrated,I smash the lying mirror,

unable to identify the wounds I suffer,

death would be easy option, with much less pain,

then to live a such life, with dreams silently slain,

I don't want to wake up, to see trespassing sunlight,

For it's always winter, waiting and dressed in white,

it's memories, all that I have to cherish,

and it's only just two doves, that can perish,

On open skies but with lines that divide,

unable to fly, but their will won't subside,

As I breath, I remember it's your borrowed breathe,

my arms are short, yet this yearning won't sedate,

two helpless lovers, puppets of their own fate,

in two corners, of the world filled with hate..

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your poems reminds me of this song
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 Another master-piece from basuDev.
 I am not sure which profession are you in but I m dam sure u could go long way in literature and story writing.

PLease do keep posting your articles in here.


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i agree purweli, i am just trying to say that his poems reminds of that song, it was indeed great , jay comment  lekhe ni negative lina bhayena ni, but  keep on writing.
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