H-4 visa apply - Sajha Mobile
H-4 visa apply
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Next year I will be renewing my H1B. I want to change my wife who is currently is in F1 to H-4. I checked with the lawyer and they say that it will cost $700. I was wandering, does the H-4 processing has to go through my company or I can file it myslef. I heard somewhere that I can do it myself and avoid the attorney fee. Any experieices?


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You don't need lawyer. Just fill the form adjustment of status and done.
Thats what I did. if you have so much $, give it to me I will do for you.
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Sorry Change or Status form I-539
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Blue_moon thanks a lot.
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 We did it ourselves 2 months ago. No need to hire lawyer. The form has all the information that needs to be submitted.
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