Can my parents get Justice in Nepal? - Sajha Mobile
Can my parents get Justice in Nepal?
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My Dad is now 75 years old. My Mom is not much younger than him. They are both living in Kathmandu while I am raising my kids in Canada.
I worked in Nepal in the private sector for 3 years as an Engineer. Rs. 4000 - that's how much my salary was. I finally got tired of the communal atmosphere of my company and left to come to Canada where I make a decent living and secure future for my kids.

Nepal has been a place of injustice and insecurity since decades atleast. However, I feel never has this chaos affected the masses to this level. Take for example what's happening to my family - The part of my family who I have had to leave behind. My father who was raised by his single mother from a tender age, who self educated himself and made a decent living working in the Government of the then HMG last held the post of the Joint Secretary and never made more money than his government salary and that was the reason his rise in the government was a slow process. We watched and learned from my father that Integrity is to be held at the highest level. Truth and justice should be the pillars of a civil society.

We had a small house which was built by my mother and father around 1970 taking loans from the Provident Fund. Then out of the blue in the year 2006 a fraud borrowed money from a bank he had established and built a 10 storey building at the heart of a residential area. Our small home got so cold in winter because of the tall building that my father actually got sick. He decided to build another house at the back since we had some land remaining and this time he wanted to build it to occupy the breadth of our small parcel of land.

Enter the Neighbour. One of our neighbours are a family who have inherited their land from their grandfathers generation. They know that I have been in Canada for the last 6 years. They have seen an opportunity to land grab. They have bribed almost every person in the concerned authority to try to make building the house that my parents want to call home a nightmare. My father had to  file a court case after they bribed the Karmacharis of the ward and Kathmandu municipality and malpot to claim that the wall that is on our land is actually theirs. It is quite likely that they will lose the case and we will win because there are yet few persons in Nepal who have not sold their souls to the devil. There are yet a few who know that humanity must survive in us and in themselves that in the end justice will win. 

Yesterday, was a court hearing and it appears that they also know that no matter how much they try to bribe their way yet we will win. So my Mom and Dad returned from the court hearing and were about to enter their home when suddenly the Neighbour's wife and her 12 grade son lunged at my 75 year old Father and snatched the chain around my mother's neck. My Dad had bumps on his face and my mother had a wound on her knee since she fell on the ground. A huge crowd quickly gathered to see the tamasa.

My parents hurried home and called Police. These local police have been bribed by this neighbour since decades. But who can we call? Who can they call? This neighbour has bad character and gives gentle people in the area a hell. One of their family even once hit a lady police when I was in Nepal many years back. That day that guy was taken to the Jail. However he was let go after several days because of the police relationship with this family. My mom didn't mention that there was any sign of injury to the Neighbour's wife.
Yesterday when my parents went to the police station the Neighbour's wife was crying like hell infront of the police and one of the cronies of the family asked my dad -"Do you know that it is a crime to hit a woman?"

My father replied that yes he knew and that he was just returning from a court case and was infact attacked by the woman. Dear readers, if you see my father you will know what kind of threat he would be to others. He is quite frail from not eating the whole afternoon while he was working in government. That was how much he loved his work. I know some of you won't believe that people in government used to work like that. There was yet one person in the police who wrote the report. My mom was saying that he was kind and said that he pretty much knew what the true story was. He made the Neighbour and my parents to sign a agreement form not to harm each other. But knowing that neighbour family I know that it may not be long before they do some other nasty thing to my parents.

I want to go today and be with my parents. But I know that I will be a burden to my family and to my country if I return just now without any plan.
My father does not want to create a huge issue out of this by making this case public and he has been working his way through the justice system no matter how much he has had to struggle. But I fear that the actions of this neighbour has become bolder by the day.
What can I do from Canada to help bring justice to this old couple who are so dear to my heart? Is justice alive in this land of lord Shiva? Where can I go for help? Who can I approach?

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· Snapshot 447
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Your parents have one house and are trying to build another in ktm. Wow you guys must be rich. Sell everything and have them live with you in Canada. Or better yet buy heaters.
SAP Dude
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फलाम काट्न फलाम हुनु पर्छ रे

Its time to contact Mohan Baidhe  Baje....he is the new mobster in Nepal. Just pay his gundas some money and teach those bastards some lessons. 

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These kind of people are making our country worse not the netas. The people below netas are the once who take bribes. Most top officials appointed by netas are the once who take bribe. अब नेताले घूस खा भनेर त्यो position मा राख्या होइन होला त | त्यो मान्छ आफै घूस खान पाईनचा भनेर नेतालै घूस खुवाएर जबर्जस्ति बस्या हो | These people need to be persecuted. घूस नखाने नेता लै पनि घूस दिएर घुस्या बनाउने जनता नै हो |

Those government officials who came outside of Kathmandu (non native of kathmandu) and bought land in kathmandu and built the big houses in kathmandu, do you think they build it with their government salary?  Either they took bribe or they sold their land in village and built it. The first is the most common.
काठमाडौँ का नेवारहरु धनी छन् आफ्नो पुर्खौली सम्पतिले (i.e kathmandu land). Those land were theirs from hunting and gathering times.

तपाई को बाउ बाजेले घूस खाएर कमाएको घर सम्पतिमा तपाईहरु मोज ले बस्न सक्नु हुन्छ ? कोहि पनि Doctor, Engineerले नेपाल मा सरकारी तलब ले करोडौ को घर बनाउन सक्दैन | 
I have seen some doctors, engineers who are at same condition as they are 20 years ago and some with millions money and building and car. So you know who took bribe right?

· Snapshot 645
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Dear Biruwa,

I have a group of friends who are involved in a group called "United Nepal" which is not a political group but a group of concerned Nepalis who have formed this group to discuss social issues and take action where necessary.

If you scroll down on this (sajha) page you see a Facebook message posted by Projwal P. Pradhan. He is a friend of mine and he is the founder of United Nepal. Please contact him directly via Facebook and explain the details.

I am very impressed with his initiative. This group is not politically affiliated at all and one of its goal is to help out with injustice when it can. Projwal comes from a large business background and is very concerned about doing what he can for Nepal, and he has the resources to do it. While many of us wish someone took this initiative, he has actually stepped up to the plate.

Please contact him and I sincerely hope something positive comes out of it.

For those interested in joining the group, the link is
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नेपालमा नया ढेडु निक्लेका छन् , छिमेकीको घर जग्गा मिच्ने काम : बहादुरी हो , सबै बहादुर हुन् रुछाउछांन , यो क्रियाकलाप आज हैन सताब्दी देखि चल्दै आएको छ |
राना कालमा काथामादु बाट एक जाना सरकारी अधिकारि जिल्ला मा हाजिर गर्न गएको बेला बटुवा संग कुरा कानी गर्दै बाटो काट्दा है त्यो जब्बर बहादुर भनेको त निकै ठुलो झगडिया हो रे नि ? बटुवा - तेसै भन्छन भनेर कुरा अर्कै तिर दोर्याएछ रे | हैन यो इस्टकोट नेपाल ( काठमान्डू ) मै बनाएको हो ? हाकिम : हो नेपालमै
क्या चिटिक्क परेको रहेछ - कस्तो देखिन्छ एसो हेरुम न , हेर्ने निहुले इस्टकोट लागाई हाल्यो अनि बाटो छुट्टिने बेला भए पछी लौ हाकिम साब हजुर त्यो बाटो उकालो लाग्ने मेरो यो तेस्रो बाटो लाग्छु भने गाउले ले ;
हाकिम ले इस्टकोट मागे पछी के भन्नु हुन्छ हाकिमसाब अर्काको इस्टकोट माग्दैमा पाइन्छ र ? त्यो कस्तो हुदो रहेछ हेरुम भनेको हुदा मैले दिएको हैन ? क्या मान्छे रहेछ जब्बर बहादुर जस्तो ?
गाउले :हो हजुर मै हु जब्बर बहादुर ; अहिले हजुरको इस्टकोट मैले दाबी गरे पछि तपाइँ कुट पिट गर्नु हुन्छ कि कानुनको सहारा लिनु हुन्छ |

कानुन बेचिएको छ अनि खरिददारिको संख्या बढ्दो छ , नेपालको कानुन कसैले नाजानुंन भएको छ | हुन त यो नियम अमेरिका मा पनि रहेछ | लामो बिदामा गएको बेला कसैले बेची दिएछ घर - ९ महिना मा बस्न पायो अनि आफ्नै घरको वारीपरि पनि जान नपाउने बन्देज लागेको कुरा समाचारमा सुनेको थिए |
मेरै संयुक्त बाटो : मिलोमति गरि - तन्क्लिपिको ठाउमा हस्तलिपि गरि , मेरो हस्थाक्षर बिना नै पास गरिदीए | मुद्दा मामिला मा लाग्नु परेको छ ?
तपाइको जग्गा मिची घर बनाए भने नत हर्जाना नै पाउनु हुन्छ नत घर भत्काएर जग्गा : गए पछी गए पछी गयो गयो अनि मिलाउन मिचेको भन्दा बढी खर्च गर्दा पनि हुँदैन ? तेसैले आज भोलि जब्बर बहादुर धेरै देखिन्छन |

NMO: You're little harsh on him.

Last edited: 03-Oct-12 02:14 PM
· Snapshot 775
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sarai nai dhukha lagdho kura ho,

hey its better to sale than to deal with this type of things, no matter how connectted you are , you may not win as you said he has bribed a lot  , its a network of goons and thugs.
i just read chori mayiya case , she got disappeared and there was a public support to find whereabouts of her
got any results, none,
even police is appearing to hide away from that case

so selling is the better option and bring money here in canada, u can get a decent life , u know how costly the real estate in nepal 
Karnali Blues
· Snapshot 839
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Sorry to hear about your story brother. You must have feeling very bad about everything that happened. Why don't you contact the person and group that San dai has mentioned above. I Hope everything will be good, wish you a good luck and please keep us posted.
· Snapshot 1122
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बिरुवा ब्रो,
तिमी लाई बाउ आमा ले त्येत्रो दु:ख गरेर हुर्काये बढाये, अहिले आएर दु:ख पर्दा "आइ मे बी अ बर्डेन" भन्न मिल्दैन!
नेपाल मा घुस खान्छन् भने व्हाइ द फक कान्ट यू गो टेम्पोररिली अन्द ब्राइब देम्? 
अथवा सधैं को लागि गए नी हुन्छ, बुडा बाउ आमा सँग छोरा बस्दा त्यो जति खुशि कहीले हुदैनन्। 
सरी फोर बीइङ हार्श ब्रो, बट यू नीड टु ग्रोव सम बल्ल्स्, फोर्गेट अबोउट $$ अन्ड डु व्हाट इज राइट!
गएर त्येसलाई घोक्रो मा हान, सक्दैनौ भएन भने पैसा तिरेर गुण्डा ओर दलाल लगाउ, काठमाडौं मा जति पाईन्छ। सरी अगैन फोर बेइङ हार्श, बट इट वाज फफ्रुस्टटिङ टु सी अ नेपाली ब्रो व्हाइनिङ लाइक अ पुस्सी अन्ड नट डुइङ अन्य्थिङ 
· Snapshot 1248
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Thank you all for your supportive/general comments. I appreciate them very much.
I am doing something about it. Hope the results will be good.

Sajha is a great place to share one's life's burden among the Nepali diaspora. Thank you San and Projwal for your great initiatives.
· Snapshot 1318
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I was in a similar situation few years back. I did my undergraduate and graduate degree in US. Worked in US for 6 years. Got Canadian permanent residency. Moved to Canada. Got married in Nepal and went back to Canada. Had a kid. While in Nepal, I saw how my parents were dealing with day to day problems. They were getting old day by day but still doing all they can. Once a group of thugs tried to sell our land by making false papers. My dad went to police and with help of police caught those thugs. That got me thinking: what the hell I am doing in Canada when my parents are dealing with problems like these on their own. I quite my job, packed up everything and moved back to Nepal. As soon as I got back, I got a job which pays a decent salary (project). My kid is growing nicely. She likes being with my parents. I am with my family. I felt/feel relieved from within... I cannot describe in words. Yes, being back in Nepal means giving up big money I was making in Canada. (I was working for a big company in Senior position). But what I am making now in Nepal is not too bad.

While in Canada, I was dreading about life in Nepal... One would think after being in US/Canada for 18 years, I would have hard time adjusting back to life in Nepal... but I managed. What really helped is my parents/family's encouragement/love. When I have problem, I discuss with my parents. They give me sound advice which has helped me a lot. I couldn't buy this with any amount of money.

I am in a process of starting my own company. In Canada, I couln't do least not for awhile. Here, there is so much opportunity you would not believe. With all young people moving overseas, there is a big shortage of technical manpower. 

At the end, just seeing my parents smile/laugh when my kid says/does something is worth being back.
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You are right Laxmankaka. If you have education and talent and guts, you are saleable anywhere. You do what you think is right . You don't think what other will say about you.
You can only send money from abroad but you cannot solve the problem.

· Snapshot 1522
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 बिरुवा ब्रो, 
घटना पिडाजनक भए नि केहि कुरा पचेन , न रिसाउनु होला .  हो काठमाडौ मा धेरै राक्षस , पिसाच हरु छन् . छिमेकीलाई दुख दिने परपीडकहरु धेरै छन् . 
तपाईंले बर्णन गरे जस्तो थुप्रै घटना र मुद्दाहरु  मैले अध्ययन गरेको थिएँ काम को सिलसिलामा . धेरै झगडाहरु मिलाप मै अन्त्य गराएको थिएँ . ४-५ बर्ष यस्तै थुप्रै  केशहरु ह्यान्डल गर्दा थाहा पाएँ , एक तर्फी कुरा धेरै घातक हुँदा रहेछन . दुवै तिरको कथा सुनी सक्दा कथा अर्कै निस्कने रहेछ . 
अर्को कुरा, घुस नखाई या घुस नदिई धेरै ठाउँ मा काम गर्न गराउन मुश्किल छ , सत्य हो. अझ यो संक्रमण काल घुसमय भएको छ . तर पनि कुनै पनि अड्डा अदालतमा अझै पनि केही व्यक्तिहरु छन् जो सत्य  सुन्छन , सत्य को पक्षमा लाग्छन . र अर्को कुरा एउटा अड्डा मा पियन देखि हाकिम सम्म सबै घुस्याह हुन्छ नै भन्ने छैन  र सम्भव  पनि छैन . कोशिस गर्यौ भने तपाइको आवाज सुन्ने कोइ हुन्छ नै . यसउसले सबै ठाउँ मा घुस खुवाएर छिमेकी ले गर्नु गर्र्यो भने कुरा सम्भव भए नि अपत्यारिलो लाग्यो. आफ्नो तर्फको गल्ति र कमजोरी  पनि खुलाउनु भए  हुन्थ्यो कि  ? 
केस को बारे डिटेल मा भन्न मिल्ने भए इमेल गर्नुस , तपाई का जस्ता धेरै केसहरुमा काम गरेको ले केही काम लाग्ने सल्लाह दिन सक्छु कि ?

राहुलभाइ वकिल चाहि हैन नि फेरी...
· Snapshot 1987
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rahulvai and other Suvachintak haru,
When the life of Brahma ends Pralaya happens and then again new creation is established
                                                                                             -Shri Swasthani Bratha Katha.
I know that rahulvai had suspected that my story is one sided. 
Well I have a very good news to share. :)
The judge has decided that apart from all other proof regarding our land boundaries, the 'pratibadi' meaning the 'Gunda' 
मानसिकता भएको परिवार had also claimed when building their house that they have 0'0' land to the east.
So the Judge spoke very well and told them why they had claimed 0'0' land when they were building their house but now that our family wanted to build a home they were making trouble.
Very Good Nepali Judge. I appreciate that even in this time of turbulence in Nepal there are yet some people with integrity who were not bought by the crooked people namely my neithbour.
But knowing the nature of the crooks they may take it to the higher court just to give us trouble (and there are a lot of these kinds of people in Nepal) yet.
Are we going to realize that happiness of others are indeed happiness reflected onto them?
Last edited: 14-Jan-13 11:33 PM
· Snapshot 2064
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 Keep us posted, Biruwa dai. Good luck! 
· Snapshot 2207
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 My family had the same problem. Naapi bibhag govt. officer would not give our deed back without forking over Rs 25 lakh. In the end they had to pay. There is no security, no stability, no Electricity, no law & order.  
· Snapshot 2551
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am completely puzzled, what is this abt?

sometimes napi bibab, sometimes some issues with land,
we must be ready to help the poor and needy ppl

any updates biruwa, i am going to nepal so that u can share your issues with us.
· Snapshot 2622
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सधियार  बाटो लाइ पैसा खुवाएर हातले थपेर आफ्नो नाम मा पारेछ , लौन न मलाइ पनि सहयोग गर्नु पर्यो ! मेरो छिमेकी चाहि क्यालिफोर्नियामा   छ , नेपाल डलर पठाएर तेसो गर्यो , बजियालाई झन् बक्र बाटो ट्रक जान नसक्नेलाई सोझो हुने गरि सडकको बाटो दिएको आफ्नै मुखमा लात हान्यो , यस्तै छ नेपालि को मनस्थिति ? दुख गरेर घिउ खाने चलन हरायो , बाङ्गो औला गरि राता रात करोड पति हुन् पाए पछि कसको के लाग्छ अनि यस्तै हरु पार्टीका उपल्ला दर्जाका सदस्य हुन्छन कसैले छुन न सक्ने !
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 laxmankaka is a true inspration.
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Jangali Maanab
· Snapshot 3667
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 Why do people even bring up almost a year old thread for futher discussion, after 8 months? Is it worth discussion?
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