I am starting this thread for those who consume only liberal news and rarely if at all get conservative news.
Don lemon admitting Race issue is pushed in news cycle and agreeing racism is past issue in 2014. Seven years later he is race baiting.
This is interesting.
Goddam: Can you explain Conservative philosophy even a layman can understand it. Then it will make sense to reader.
Those who did not have any idea on Economics they were against capitalism because they started thinking entrepreneurs are blood sucker of laborers and peasants.
Please do not socialite only Fox News.
Last edited: 23-Jul-21 03:42 PM
Government should tax less and spend less. Cutting spending to balance the budget should be the priority. Higher income earners should have an incentive to invest (credits). Charity is the responsibility of the people.
Government should provide more services to the less fortunate (like health care) and increase taxes if necessary. High-income earners should pay a larger percentage of their income as taxes.
Above two are comservative vs liberal philosophy.
Really? People are dying and CNN's breaking news is Trump being sued. WTF?
Told yall Biden is incapable and doesn't have anymore empathy than Trump. Media tricked all the fools into beleiving they were doing the "right thing".
Last edited: 26-Aug-21 02:18 PM
Good to see you back.
Is it part of conservatism to punish schools who mandate masks in schools ( Floridian governor De'Santos) and seems being tough as well going against public health and interest , voter suppression, control over women wish and body are part of conservatism?
If we compare Islam and American Conservationist are no different in treating women. Is it part of Conservatism?
Needless to say fake news.
Last edited: 10-Sep-21 02:35 PM
lets talk about conservative discussion now .....
what is this and where will this lead us can you please tell us goddamn bro ? actually i want to know. .....
is it not related to a timetable ?
people who came here early settled they dont want more immigrants .....so support conservatism .....
people who are new have hope ..... want some reform so support democrats ....
so what should a average nepali do? can you please elaborate ?
i am hoping for big answers from you la ..... :)
G.Damm: I thought you started a good thread. You have not shown your depth of knowledge to discuss but ended as others just copy and paste. You did not even answer my questions.
Republicans are like Taleban whose sole idea was owning women and controlling them, They can not force Hijab and burka.
have to agree with Logan on this one ..... looks like Gdamn created this thread maybe with good intentions but there are hardly any arguments or counter arguments towards opposite point of view ....... and yes mostly looks like a copy paste to me also ...........
“Though young and healthy, unvaccinated father dies of COVID”
Type this and hit search on Google, you will see 300+ news with same heading from all around the world
Covid is some coordinated scam against Humanity
This shit pisses me off. I f**king paid my student loan by working upto 14hrs a day and these mofos get it free just coz midterm is here and they want votes.
Inflation is killing economy but since poll number is down give them free money and dumba$$ will vote for you. This is BS
Just to keep up the discussion. With everything going on, I still voted for Trump but it was not a easy choice. Almost voted for Kamala.
Now after seeing chaotic, rushed policy changes and dumb cabinet members who prefers loyalty to the leader rather than competence, I am definitely voting straight Dem for the mid terms. By default, I am leaning dem for 2028. Unless they pull the crap they are used to and bring a dumba$$ candidate again.
Neither party is based on competence one is promoting white race (refusing brown immigrants but trying to help white south africans) other is inserting race on everything. Its sad but its the reality. If I have to chose between the two, I will definitely chose the later.
thank you bit little too late i think, you might not be able to vote or maybe might not able to vote democrat because it might be illegal by that time
if you want to help then tell #florida special election coming up
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