Nas is sick : ban him from Sajha - Sajha Mobile
Nas is sick : ban him from Sajha
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Hi San and Sajha users, I am writing to protest against the activities of one of the Sajha members, Nas. 1) He is posting all sorts of erotic pictures he can get from all over the web as "Nas's album". This makes Sajha look like a porn site. 2) He is writing sick words about a religious leader SAI BABA whom millions consider as a God. ( There are conspiracy theories against every true and bold things scientists/ philosophers/ religious leaders come up with. So, you CANNOT judge somebody wrong or right, homosexual/gay/paedophile or GOD merely referencing some newspaper and some videos which are themselves unproved and unclear.) Whether we believe in baba or not believe in baba is our own choice and conscience, but to come to some public forum, and write sick words about him merely proves that NAS IS SICK. HE NEEDS A PSYCHIATRIST. If Nas wants to see porn, he can see it. You have your freedom of choice. But posting porn pictures in SAJHA does NOT make him look smart. Moreover, if he thinks Sai baba is not a god, he better present an article in a more "decent" way instead of cursing SAi baba. THe fact he has to consider is that there are millions of people in the world who love sai baba. Nas's activities provoke religious intolerance, and hatred among people even with slightly different religious/social views. Nepal is comprised of diverse religions/ cultures/social systems/ beliefs . Even Nepali visiting Sajha are diverse. Tolerance among all these things is the only source of our social/emotional union. Since, Nas is creating a very polluted environment in Sajha. His IP and all the usernames associated with him should be banned. I request San for this on behalf all the Nepalis who wish to remain frens whatever religious/social beliefs they have. Thanks, dhamilo_chitiz
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Mike Bibby
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Nas was awarded the first prize by SAN and you think he will be banned from Sajha. You make your own decission.
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target=_blank> Dhamilo_ Chitiz bro there is the respond to your queries by San Bro. Please go through it.
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oh god.. you all are buncha losers :S hey Nas, how ya doing? :P
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aye Mike Bibby tell me do you like Mike Bibby from the Kings cuz he is like my idol man haha well not really but Kings is my team. Oh yeah and Nas love your new pics man no comments on em though damn haha
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Its been a while living in cave with my duties and responsiblites to realise my real purpose. This thread allowed me to express word after a long interval of time in sajha. WHAT I SEE PROBLEM HERE IS NOTHING BUT WE BEING JUDGEMENTAL ON SOMEONE. ONE QUESTION, WE NEED TO SEEEK IS ARE ALOUD TO DO SO? NAS HAS SOFT AND HARD SIDE OF HIS OWN AS WE ALL HAVE. He is in collage doing his studies and enjoy his life. I am happy for him that he has found something to satisfy himself. It is often hard that ppl work hard to forget reality and end up being trash after 5 minutes of fame. He is young and he sems from good family background. He find himself proud enough to have all those connection with beauties. He find himself lucky with his charm and sytle. Let it be dude! If he dont enjoy his life at the fullest, he certainly have regrets in future lying in arm chair. Today after all the rav party,sex, booze, cocaine and fun. I am happy and adjust with my life which starts from 6.30 teaching Hotel Managment in Collage and working full time in office again Teaching in various Institution. I never expected my life will be turned up like this. Still i had a best of my life and now enjyoing Family oriented life. No booze, No drugs and no more party but still happy with life. Dude complainer, You cant change people, Place and Thing. They get changed in due course of time by themselves. I smell envy on you coz you cant be like Nas and Nas cant be like you. There is two diff indivisual clash here So be yourself. Thats it dude, life changes as it has been changing and been changed. I certainly has seen some rare talent and creative side of Nas. This guy certainly has good potential to be a communicator or Public relation. If i own a Night club, i will certainly hire him as PR Manager. If he didnt get carried out with the wind, he will acheive it at best. You should also work hard to prove yourself either you stay quite like some talented ppl prefer to be in dark. So one thing is I am not relegious but I am Spritiual. I dont believe in baba saba i do belive in good deeds. If someones faith changes someone life whatever his life is? Then we should not critise the ppl on that basis. But you cant stop ppl feelings to be express in other hand. Feeling is changable so why are we afraid of feeling? ppl use to call me addict now they call me changes so no worries
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dude lot of spelling mistake with grammer. This is me! check for yourself and read it conclusion is I dont give dyamm about ppl feeling if i am on truth................they keeps changing. Just change yourself first then think of world. We havenot change ourself but yet we try to change entire universe. Expectations Huh! kills kills Lethal than cancer
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I know all of you involved in this thread and support NAS are same person, admnistrators. It is just to run the page. I know nobody will comment on my response coz I have spoken against san, that Son of a gun.....
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haha i was kinda shocked with the pictures too, but actually there isnt anything porn .. the girls are all wearing clothes so why u getting worried.
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zero dude, You remind me of one story. There was guy who never believed there was a god and one day he got a real opprtunity of meeting him. He didnot believe he was really a god. God tried his best but he failed. Then he said " Even God has to be afraid of idiots". If you think all are the same person then dude, you have right to think and the end ass-u-me (assume). End of the day you are end up saying yourself dyaam i was an idiot. Dont assume dude...but you have all the right to have it. jai hos
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My thoughts: If Nas does not believe in Baba, he has full freedom of speach to write and post anything that he thinks is on his side unless Sajha thinks it is out of it's policy. Nas does not believe in baba so it is as simple for him to oppose baba and write against him as some believe in him (baba), defend him and write in support for him. Believing or not believing is not disease, at least not in this context, so it merely proves he is sick. Forget about millions, nobody can prove that billions out there who write and say sick things about baba are all sick and need psychiatrist. As per his liking and posting of half naked pictures, I can not deny that they are not usual part of lifestyle. It is up to admin to decide whether that extent of pictures should be allowed or not. I guess they are ok, that is why they are still there.
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dhamilo_chitiz : And you want democracy in Nepal? Do you now what freedom of speech is? Grow up bro... stop complaining like a kid, enjoy life, be happy. Jai Nepal!
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Why, Why, Why Nas is Sajha's public enemy number 1?
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NAs Mote murdabaad////
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Primal is to bring all Nepali society togheter in hope and peace for universal..... wooed by almost any Sajhaites and non-members massive threads is pour every second vary widely thrust upon Nepalese called the interest of  efficiency and intiatied themselves and among others as well. Lets this benefician of symbiothecal relevance in Sajha contents owing us in substantial amount of aid in internet without boundries. Many posted thread ignoring the unsustainable desire one`s have pocketed browser with lucrative ideas, creative and useful infos plus all n all of everyhings. That why Sajhaietes feels concern and makes this site is a must visit.

bEING Natya, in my opinion to " hail back the Jewel in the Lotus" in Sajha - Nas just chant a magical mantra of " sorry" phrase to whom it may concern,  shall enterprisingly voids the culminates wishfuuuulsss...perhaps thats Samaphadi right mindfulness bless you in this such a stigmas of those....merokura re !.....just my say..dosent cot u a thinnnn    ...  hajur

Even mah iguana say so when boobbing...

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Yes indeed, NAS is the other name for SAN....

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Ha ha ha NAS Mr Passive Aggresive ha ha ha Pushing tha buttons ? ha ha ha

Next thing you know all the bhedaa's be screamin' NAS Chor Sajha desh Choood !!! ha ha ha

What Up PimP Daddy !!! mote rey huh ? ha ha ha

Ain't nobody gettin' banned heeeah !!!
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y r people against Nas

if people dont like it then y his album is the hit?

people like that kinda stuffs thats y he post those erotic pictures

and k bhayo ta sai baba lai naramro bhanera ............sai baba god re ajha ...i think he is a chor dhoti

live ur life guys n enjoy nas's pictures

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oho? sick bhayo?

okhati po dinu paryo ta.


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This thread pop up while I was browsing. I will say Sai Baba is just a chatake ( musician).

He used to paste Chikani Chameli.

Last edited: 26-Jul-24 01:40 PM
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