Naya Nepal Chat is all about Nepal Chat. Here you can make new friends, chat with them. You come as stranger and make friends and be friends. The chat environment is friendly and you can have fun. :)
You can also download our Lovely Nepal Chat Messenger from <- It's free and safe.
Also you can enjoy playing trivia at #Trivia powered by
Chat Weblink:
Thank you!
Thanks nepchat bro, yeah I have been running Nepal chat for some years now. What happened to your chat site?
I have now installed radio in the chat room. Enjoy listening to radio while chatting!
Chatsansar is best nepali chat site join now at please join now
Chatsansar is best nepali chat site join now at please join now
Hello, Cool_one, is voice and video chat client for Indian chat room.
For Nepal chat room, it's (Nepali Chat room with voice and video group or private call)
ChatSansar Android app is available on Google Play Store. ChatSansar is a platform to communicate with Nepalese all around the world.
Download it now,
ChatSansar website is back up again!
Visit us:
In this age of watsapp, messenger, snapchat, instagram etc etc. What kind of people will use your website chat?
"In this age of watsapp, messenger, snapchat, instagram etc etc. What kind of people will use your website chat?"
People who love retro tech. Or like people who want to run older discontinued apps that does not run well or does not run at all with newer operating systems. I have run into some of those issues.
Last edited: 06-Dec-22 05:55 PM
wonston, People still love using chat rooms and there are chat users who visit us every day or weekly.
Khaobaadi_Netaa, yes you are right, people still like using retro or classic chat rooms. But chat rooms have developed over the years with options like video chat and voice chat.
Hello guys after a long time, I have updated ChatSansar to a new version that is advanced and has 3D chatting if you enter the Metaverse world. But you need a powerful CPU for PC and good RAM phone to load it.
Still testing it, try it now,
Let me know what you think ;)
3D chat room can be accessed with this icon
at the top right when you enter the chat room.
@timerider - I have a paid project on 3D rendering if you want to work on it.
@goodjob PM me more about it. It would be really beneficial.
The chatroom is now shifted back to IRC.
New features added like horoscope, jokes, fact, and so on.
You just have to type in the chatroom lobby of #Nepal
!horoscope zodiacsign
Last edited: 21-Dec-23 11:25 AM
New: Now Registered users can upload avatar from "Upload-Avatar" menu on the left side. Have fun chatting!
Kudos to your dedication. Looks nice
Updates: Voice messages can now be sent from the file uploader. Giphy (GIFs) have been embedded in the chat room. Happy New Year 2025!
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