Sneaky way Harris cheated - Sajha Mobile
Sneaky way Harris cheated
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I would not be so hung-up on who won the debate. What is more important now is - who will be making consequential decisions from the White House for America and the rest of the World for the next four years. Do we continue with the woke agendas, enabling of gender-affirming-surgeries (GAS) for minors, adhering to bizarre and varied gender-pronouns, coddling of war-mongers?
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Noone knows who will be making the decisions but from history it will be politicians like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who bow down to the establishment and lets the establishment make decisions.

The reason that the establishment is going after Trump so badly is because they don’t want him to become the President who will not listen to them and promote all the things they are hell bent in promoting like the things you mentioned.
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Speaking of cheating or misleading, watch paid-attendees being bussed in/out of campaign-rallies :
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