Died Suddenly: George Foreman

Died Suddenly: George Foreman passes away at age 76.
"It's notable that he was a prominent promoter of the c0vid vaxxx jab. Even doing paid commercials.
They sold people like Foreman to take the experimental injections in the name of protecting other people, but of course it was all a lie."
What a shocking thing to hear that 76 years old grandpa died. So shocking!!! My gosh!!
Blood banks as well as patients have already started making distinction between 'Covid-vaxxed' blood and regular blood. Just look it up guys.
If you still don't understand what happened...just go stand in line for Booster #5. Seriously..why is no one taking booster#5? Cuz no one is believing the COVID scam anymore.
हजुर हरुका काका, बा , हजुर बा ले "काल महिमा" पढ्नु भयो होला . त तेस्को केहि अन्स सुन्न पाउनेले कुरा बुझी हाल्नु भयो होला |
आयो टप्प टिप्यो मिति पुग्यो टारेर टर्दैन त्यो
मार्जारी टेलर का चेला हरु कागले कान लग्यो भन्ना साथ जता काग उडेको देख्यो तेतै दौडिने संग हाम्रो केहि लाग्दैन | मेरो टोले भाइले गोरखा पत्रमा समाबेदना संगै छापिएको फोटो हेर्दै बिचरा यति चाडै बितेछन भन्दा अर्कोले उमेर हेर्न चै बिर्सीइस भनेको सम्झन्छु | कहिँ यिनी हरु लाइ पनि फोटो हेरेर बिचरा कति चाडै कालले उडायो पक्कै कोभिड खोप लिएकै कारण ले बितेको हो भन्दै इन्टरनेट मा खोजि लिंक पनि टास्न भ्याई सके , तेती नगरे सम्म नीन्द्रै न आउला |
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