watch this all you disbeleivers - Sajha Mobile
watch this all you disbeleivers
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These are a great videos covering all the major information most people don't realize is going on in the world!

it also covers December 12, 2012, federal reserve bank, nine eleven

first movie is "esoteric agenda"

second is "kymatica" the sequal to the first one

to watch in bigger screen:

Last edited: 12-Mar-09 11:56 AM
Last edited: 12-Mar-09 11:59 AM
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Join the resistance movement on facebook

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Great  .. I am bookmarking this page to watch it later at home. Thanks khwasa for these videos..

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GREAT VIDEO .    i am bookmarking this link too.. GREAT JOB.... keep posting..

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SO anyone wanna hit the bars on Dec 20th 2012? I'll buy u a drink ... :P

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.i dont think ladies hang out in sajha
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Hey guys how can u bookmark somewhere and watch at home? IF u r using the same computer then it is ok otherwise....
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. press Ctrl + D

or go to the boomarks on the file, edit, view menu and bookmark it
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that doesn't answer my question
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.just login in to sajha when your home

 or simply copy the link and send it to yourself by your email
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though addendum did contain a part on the venus project which did advocate a resource based economy, you shouldnt discredit the whole documentary because of that. whoever you listen to be it Peter Joseph (zeitgeist) or Alex Jones, you should never trust them fully. All thier movies I watch, I just learn to keep an open mind about things, if something doesnt agree with my logic / reasoning after investigating them myself, I just dont beleive in it.

also the venus project talked more about utilitarianism (common good) rather than marxism.

capitalism/communism/..  are all old systems based on scarcity but since theres no longer scarcity due to technological advancement, these ideas can be thrown away. Its all about a redesign of a culture

even a lot of fans are criticising it :
Last edited: 12-Mar-09 06:54 PM
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hey check this out...zeitgiest day will also be celebrated in nepal (March 15 2009)

found this on:


Mind Body Library, Stadium Gate,
Tripureswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Interaction - Lunch at The Quest Mind Body Library, Stadium Gate, Tripureswor, Kathmandu.
Pls let us know if you would like to have lunch with us.
For further details and directions,
Pls confirm your participation by 12 March.
10 AM - 6 PM, NST 14 and 15 March
die2love2live@hotmail dot com
Phone 4279712 (8AM-10AM and 7PM-9 PM) SMS 9841-896-000
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nas bro, just like i told u before..i keep an open mind therefore i dont really beleive in the centralization you are talking about..looking at your post you seem like a anarcho-libertarian (ron paul fan.. i guess).. whom i too admire but the thing is zeitgeist has brought a lot of people toghether to discuss unkown or taboo subjects like 9.11, fed reserve..which is a good thing. so even though theres lots of things i disagree with, those documentaries have done a good job of opening a lot of minds so they can discuss the reall truth.

for me capitalism / communism are just same shit ...but i support capitalism because it allows indiviudal freedoms and free market

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wheres the link for the video
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i think it got lost cause khwasa got banned... anyways i watched it called "esoteric agenda" . just type it up on google and the first link will take you to the video..the sequel is called "kymatica"...

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Last edited: 14-Mar-09 05:54 PM
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wheres the link?
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hey nas, didnt know u were expert on conspiracy theories..

give me a jist of some of your views
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hey  sajhakovillian

go to

and find everything that you want to know..

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try looking up every forum at too
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