Posted by: _____ November 27, 2004
Fake Hinduism
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Ladies and gentleman, Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind. Same is true with Koran and Ved. Ladies and gentle man read Ved carefully specially Rig Ved, that clearly explains the cruelty of Indra when he was conquering the Ayekchya/Ddanabs or Dasyus. Read Mahabharat isn?t it, full of brutality? How many tricks/greed you can feel in Mahabharat? Now regarding the Herald of piece in different religious book; at the, end ppl were tired of fighting/cruelaity and some ppl started the peace movement and their action were documented and those ppl started to tell other ppl that ?forget about the wars peace is important?. Like after fighting for 12 yrs both Maoist and Govt in Nepal started to talk peace. Remember those days when Maoist were killing ppl in a very brutal way and Govt was also killing ppl the same way. (And I believe they haven?t learned the lesson yet) And, you can see in news paper ppl calling for peace, writing in newspaper how to avoid conflicts, step by step process to reach the agreement etc etc . During Vedic time there were no news paper and probably no writing was allowed to (that?s why Ved is called (shruti). Later ppl become aware of whats going in the society, so they summaries the war/society and the peace movement. Those summaries are Hidus religious Book. Same is true with other religion. If you, ladies and gentleman, read Buddhist book (Tripitika) Torah (Jews) and Christian Bible it will be clear. At that time there was no United Nations or super power to enforce the law so ppl intelligently took the advantage of unknown mysterious thing (God). Main aim of those book were to take ppl away from War and help lead a peaceful life. Those were the lesson learnt from the fight what our forefathers had to undergo. But look at us instead of taking good thing from those books we started to think of dark side of the book (that is, god). Let me give you one simple example. Meaning of ?Bhagbati?. For every Hindu or someone who knows little bit about it meaning of the word is goddess. Now at this point we forgot the Sanskrit language and we never tried to apply it. We know the meaning of ?Roopbati?, ?Sheelbati?, ?Lajjabati? don?t we? In Sanskrit ?Bhag? means vagina ?bati? means bearers is not it? So Bhagbati means ?vagina bearer? in other word Bhagbati means ?women?. Similarly meaning of the word ?Bhagban? , ?Bhag? means vagina and ?ban? means ?arrow? (in this case penis). Simply put, ?Bhagban? means a male (man) that?s it. But no, for us the follower of mysterious thing it is different. Read the story of Bhktaprlhad, our forfather, whoever wrote that story, wanted to send a message for the ppl looking to become ?Amar? that there is no way to become ?Amar?, we all die, power is nothing, whatever trick you have, it wont save you in the end. The message is great isn?t it. But, Look at us instead of following bright side of the book we started to worship ?god? (it does not matter what name you give to him all are same). We all fail to grasp the message our forefathers wanted to tell us in those book therefore Imagine a world without religion. Wouldn't that be nice? Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of different religion, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. The most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is reason. I have never used any other, and I trust I never shall. I always distrust people who know so much about what God wants them to do to their fellows." History I believe furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil society. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their political as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purpose. Now, its again getting longer allow me to stop here
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