Posted by: Nepe January 12, 2005
Of Models And Supermodels
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OK, Ashu first. Before verbal tsunami, let me start with this. It is me who has been telling that this political parties' socalled आन्दोलन has not yet become and will not become a real जनआन्दोलन until it goes for the गणतन्त्र. On political parties' part, it has remained a big farce most of the time. However, I am talking about some rare and brief moments when the civil society of Kathmandu did came to the street to protest the शाही प्रतिगमन, when our brave youth shouted the slogan for the republic, when विघटित संसदको सडक अधिवेशन (प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठान) मा सदस्यहरुले सबभन्दा जोडले र लामो ताली गणतन्त्रको शब्द उच्चारण हुँदा लगाए । I have talked about these glorious and telling moments with Ashu Tiwari when they were happening and even before when गणतन्त्र को कुरा was just started to become visible. It still gets to Ashu's nerve, when I quoted Ashu as almost saying in Al-sahafic way " There is no republican infedals in Kathmandu, Never. " Doesn't it Ashu ? I have been watching this guy all along. I have seen how he used to dismiss the republicans, how he used to ridicule them, how he never commented positively on the participation of the members of the civil society (even when we talked about मन्जुश्री थापाको टाउको फुटेको घटना, this guy's cold attitude to the protest was so visible), how he gleefully reported about the शिथिलता of andolan after UML defected. Once he was even misquoting Hari Roka as giving suggestion to the political parties to give up the protest against the king because there was no public support for it. Ask Hari Roka, he was not doing what Ashu liked him to do. On the contrary, Hari Roka was suggesting the political parties to do andolan for agendas that excite people. Obviously Hari was for the voice of republicans. But Ashu so pathetically wished and in fact did propaganda that Hari was advocating for the surrender to the King. A poster recently saw Ashu Tiwari a royalist in roundabout way. Of course. It is so entertaining to see Ashu struggling to find vague words to support the King. बिचरा, भन्न पनि नसक्ने, नभन्न पनि नसक्ने । It is no difficult to know you Ashu. Keep serving whoever fits you. Your reactionary activities against the movement for republic Nepal is not going to stop it. We will have it. Guy like you will be left behind to be ridiculed by the history itself. On a second thought, I will be waiting with a garland to welcome you when in the democratic republic of Nepal you will come ङिच्च दाँत देखाउदै म पनि प्रजातन्त्रवादी नै हुँ भन्दै । Let me go find some flowers for you. Wallstreet को जागिर त्याग गरेर स्वदेशमा फर्कि राजतन्त्रको सेवा गर्ने देशभक्त तिवारीजीको सम्मानमा, कमसेकम ।
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