Posted by: ThahaChaena March 26, 2014
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Mercy dont like chocolates ? Seriously ? Thats a Sin ..... hehehe....
its was a good musing to go through......
very well said here ....and so true......
"...What made today so good was, getting to know that there are people who knows you, who follows you and hasn’t forgotten you, thou they don’t speak to you. Life has been crazy, people are mostly occupied with their life, yes, and I don’t blame them, while social media sites such as FB and instagram has made it easier for them to be updated.. "
I miss good'ol days of sajha as well..... miss those moments in Chautari, comments and stories of sajha ...... although somehow I always stayed away from Sajha Chat....
As Ambrosia said life moves on and your present is what you have to live at..... so pamper yourself.... celebrate life.... and laugh much(at least smile a lot..) ....
- thaha chaena
its was a good musing to go through......
very well said here ....and so true......
"...What made today so good was, getting to know that there are people who knows you, who follows you and hasn’t forgotten you, thou they don’t speak to you. Life has been crazy, people are mostly occupied with their life, yes, and I don’t blame them, while social media sites such as FB and instagram has made it easier for them to be updated.. "
I miss good'ol days of sajha as well..... miss those moments in Chautari, comments and stories of sajha ...... although somehow I always stayed away from Sajha Chat....
As Ambrosia said life moves on and your present is what you have to live at..... so pamper yourself.... celebrate life.... and laugh much(at least smile a lot..) ....
- thaha chaena