Posted by: sayami April 1, 2006
Sick and tired of illegal immigrant
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. Pay attention what you saying: ठग If you work for US Govt what the hell you have to wait for 15 years to get the Greenbag. Ameriaca is made by criminals. Why do you think every body has guns out here? If illegal imports of workforce from Mexican is stopped who the hell will work for General Motors Assembly line for 5 $ an hour. If illegal meat import is banned you will be paying more than a dollar for your everyday chicken. If the illegal imports from china is stopped you will not be enjoying your computer like today. It would cost at least 4 times more than the price now. If the illegal war does not take place who the hell will buy US Bombers, and Fighters. Why do you do think all big car factories moved from Detroit to Mexiacan border? They did it to enjoy 5 $ an hour illegel workers from across the border. After all whatever you say America was illegally invaded by the whites killing poor red indians without any weapons. They were mass murdered. Those redindians are kept in Reserves like in Zoo. What the hell you are talking about? America is Illegel. America is full of Illegality. There is still a lot of room for it. America would not survive witout Illegality. Mexiacans are more close to American Red Indians than you and me. They have ancestral right to dwell inside US. They did this even before the whites came to US. बढी नकरा मुजी! झाप्पड देउंला मुला कान्छा बहादुरलाई INS लाई उजुर गर्न जाने तैंले मैले तलाइ राम्ररी चिनेको छुं होसियार गर खोरमा आफु पुग्ला! छुरा बोकेर हिंड्नेको शान्तिको दर्शन मुखमा राम राम बगालीमा छुरा तेरै नाम पहिले मं उजुर गर्ने भएं ल भोली तैले के गर्छस् हेरौला के टेलिफोन र् कम्पुटर् तंसगै मात्र छ भनेर ठानेको कि क्या हो। ल हेरौं US GOVT.मा काम् गर्ने मान्छेको तागत्, . .
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