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 नेपालको TPS र USAID यसकारण बन्द हुन जरुरि छ
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Posted on 02-11-25 11:49 AM     [Snapshot: 32]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 13-Feb-25 12:29 AM

Posted on 02-11-25 2:07 PM     [Snapshot: 196]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 13-Feb-25 12:28 AM

Posted on 02-11-25 5:00 PM     [Snapshot: 365]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@haal haal pandit: You say losing TPS isn’t everything, but for many, it actually is. It’s not just a status—it’s their ability to work, support their families, and stay in a country where they’ve built a life. Telling people to ‘just spread their wings’ sounds nice, but it ignores the harsh reality that many TPS holders don’t have viable alternatives. Just because you moved on doesn’t mean everyone else can do the same as easily
I understand that you don’t see TPS as everything, but for some people, it’s the only thing keeping them from an uncertain future. Losing it isn’t just an inconvenience—it can mean losing jobs, healthcare, and even safety. We can acknowledge that it’s called ‘temporary’ while still recognizing that many people’s lives depend on it. It’s okay to disagree, but dismissing others’ concerns as just stress isn’t fair.

Posted on 02-11-25 5:56 PM     [Snapshot: 431]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Tyo survey ko link chai sapana ko desh ma ho??
Posted on 02-11-25 7:02 PM     [Snapshot: 552]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 13-Feb-25 12:28 AM

Posted on 02-11-25 8:05 PM     [Snapshot: 630]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 13-Feb-25 12:28 AM

Posted on 02-11-25 8:33 PM     [Snapshot: 675]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@ hal hal pandit to quote you on this comment of yours:
its time to disassemble the shelter because the land belongs to somebody else and they need it back

This land actually belongs to Native Americans! So, clearly, you white, Latino, and Black folks should just hand everything back to them right now. And while we're at it, why don’t you just start with yourself? How about you pack up your little bags and head back to good ol’ Nepal! Sounds like a brilliant plan!

But wait you're such a SNOB! you don't care about the native people and their land as long as it doesn’t interfere with your convenience at all. Yet here you are lecturing us TPS means temporary and TPS needs to end. You technically want people to lose their homes, jobs, means to fulfil their dreams and hopes.

Posted on 02-11-25 8:42 PM     [Snapshot: 715]     Reply [Subscribe]
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A more thoughtful approach would be to recognize the contributions of TPS holders and push for legal pathways that allow them to continue contributing rather than treating them as temporary guests who should pack up and leave when told. Stability and security are not privileges; they are fundamental to a thriving society.

Nothing in this world is truly temporary. Even those who first came to America—whether as settlers, immigrants, or refugees—were once "temporary." History shows that people move, adapt, and build new lives, and over time, what was once considered temporary becomes permanent.

White settlers also came to this land without "earning" it, yet they stayed, built homes, and created their own future. If everything was meant to be temporary, the U.S. itself wouldn’t exist in its current form. The idea that TPS holders should simply “disassemble their shelter” ignores the reality that many have lived here for years, working, paying taxes, and contributing to society like everyone else.

Human lives are not temporary inconveniences. If someone has spent years building a life in a country, raising children, and contributing to the economy, shouldn’t they have a chance at stability? Instead of treating TPS holders as outsiders, we should acknowledge that immigration has always shaped this nation—and those who contribute deserve a path to stay.

Nothing is truly temporary—not people, not laws, not even the concept of a country itself. Throughout history, borders have changed, governments have changed, and laws have been rewritten to adapt to new realities. The United States itself was built on migration, and many who came here—whether as settlers, refugees, or workers—were once considered "temporary." If everything was meant to stay the same, the world would never progress.

Countries are man-made constructs; they exist because people decide they do. What truly matters is the contributions people make to society. TPS holders have worked, paid taxes, and built lives here for years—just like countless immigrants before them. Instead of treating them as temporary guests, why not recognize their place in this ever-changing history and work toward solutions that reflect the reality of their contributions?
Posted on 02-11-25 8:55 PM     [Snapshot: 762]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Same thought, endless prolongation with no resolution only hurts the applicant in long run. It makes them gahr na ghat ko. Secure exit is the best approach or atleast 2 months notice of termi ation should be given , so that people will have time to adjust or exit . Jounney to dead end only kills valuable time .
Posted on 02-11-25 9:01 PM     [Snapshot: 778]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last edited: 13-Feb-25 12:29 AM


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