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Sexy In Sari
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 Homeowner Charged renting to illegal migrants
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Posted on 02-02-25 4:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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A lot of Nepalese folks are renting out townhouses and houses to newcomers. Nobody really knows how they got here, but if they’ve got an immigration case and they put your address down—guess what? Your baje (big uncle, the law) knows exactly where to look. And if things go south, you might find yourself in trouble for harboring an illegal alien.

The real event happened in Tokoma Park, Maryland. Telemundo Spanish TV announced.

Posted on 02-02-25 9:33 PM     [Snapshot: 285]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There are some Sajha members who just can’t stand hearing a woman speak. They’re men, they’re superior—that’s what they believe. It’s what they saw their fathers do to their mothers back in Nepal. They grew up watching it, and now they think they can do the same to other women.

But here is the irony. They left Nepal only to work under white, African, Spanish, Muslim, and Indian men. So sad.

I always remind Sajha members to comment only if it’s related to the thread, but nope—they just have to throw in their personal animosity against me. I don’t get it.

Men are supposed to be a little quieter than women. But Nepalese men? They’ve got the biggest mouths.

Posted on 02-03-25 6:49 PM     [Snapshot: 829]     Reply [Subscribe]
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