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Posted on 06-22-16 6:09
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One thought..their ISc certificates might be fake..but if they indeed have passed MBBS or BE don't they technically qualify to be doctors or engineers? And how can they survive in their professional fields if they are incompetent in their field of core competency? Not sure about doctors..but i guess engineers dont really have anything worth calling engineering work in Nepal. For little that i know most of them end up with some ठेकेदार or end up as माड्साप उर्फ हाकिम in administrative role.. Myself being from engineering field i am totally lost how can one fake otherwise and survive.. They also had pilots with fake degrees..wondering how they landed the plane if they were fake..They must be geniuses if they pulled that kind of gig without proper training/degree.. Or perhaps ISc is just as worthless as SLC and has very little bearing on how these people performed later..unless they got fake certificates for everything that followed... Inspired by Catch Me if You Can Anyways..कतै फेक डिग्री कतै फेक एक्स्पेरेंस l
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Posted on 06-22-16 6:16
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Btw this thread is related the investigation of fake degrees in nepal..i ctrl+c and ctrl+v from another thread that i posted this on.
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Posted on 06-22-16 7:25
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Why the f*** they are not checking certificate of all those freaking burocrats, police and army. I am pretty sure there are thousands of them and retired ones also. They all are fake like shi* Good work on freaking doctors , our crapy social values which give high rank of docs is also partly responsible for this shi*.
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Posted on 06-23-16 2:19
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when u follow bihari ideas ideals everything is possible. when rewards are promising ( big dowry, good looking/ khandadi wife, big social status) and govt / medical agency is corrupt there will be no hesitant. all learn thru experience doing same thing again and again and remember we don't know how many got more sicken dead during their practices that could have been avoided plus being in medical has <> 50% placebo effect lottery. hence some could be even reputed. we don't even know how they passed exam ? they seems to be master in their game. forget about india nepal, i know a indian guy who earned master is CS without knowing how to write simple basic programming and this is in USA, from state university. How is that possible ? well it still baffles be to date.
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Posted on 06-23-16 6:26
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"their ISc certificates might be fake..but if they indeed have passed MBBS or BE don't they technically qualify to be doctors or engineers?"I think about it this way. If i have to go see a doctor for something serious, would i trust my life with a doctor who couldn't even get his/her ISc certificate legitimately? HELL NO!!! Personally, I'm not surprised that even those who couldn't do well in ISc passed MBBS/BE in nepal. Sadly, with the uncontrolled growth of for-profit medical/engineering schools in Nepal, anyone with enough money can be a doctor or an engineer.
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Posted on 06-23-16 7:31
AM [Snapshot: 288]
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Yeah the growth of for profit medical/engineering schools in Nepal is certainly a scary situation. And to that note the way those colleges providing degrees to anyone who could afford to pour in money, provided one has a +2 certificate..no matter how poorly one has performed in it..isnt that a deadly situation?
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Posted on 06-23-16 7:23
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