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Annapurna Circuit trekking 2018
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This Annapurna  circuit is considered one of the best treks in the world though road construction is threatening its reputation and its future as a classic trek. Yet no one disputes that the scenery is outstanding: 17 to 21 days long, this trek takes you through distinct regional scenery of rivers, flora, fauna and above all - mountains.





There are four regions that are passed through on the trek; Lamjung, Manang, Mustang and Myagdi. Lamjung and Myagdi of the lower elevations are both predominantly Hindu and with lush green subtropical valleys with villages and terraced farming.

Manang and Mustang are of the higher elevations and are predominantly Tibetan Buddhist. The Manang people are Gurung (not Tibetan descent) and are very proud of their unique cultural heritage and merging of lower land Gurung and Tibetan cultural influences. People of Mustang identify themselves a lot closer with Tibet and the Mustang region has actually been part of Tibet in history. Mustang also is one of the last places in the world to view the ancient Bonpo Religion in action. Villages to note for Bonpo are Thini and Lupra near Jomsom, and Nargon near Kobang.

The trek goes counter-clockwise from Besisahar to Nayapul and reaches its summit in Thorung La (pass) at the height of 5416m, or 17,769 feet. The route goes past the following mountains: Manaslu (an 8,000-plus meter peak), Langtang Himal, Annapurna II and IV, Annapurna III and Gangapurna, and, of course, Annapurna I and Dhaulagiri -- passing through the world's deepest gorge in between those two 8,000-plus meter peaks. Poon Hill, at the end of the trek, affords views of those two mountains, as well as South Annapurna and Macchupucchre, the "Fishtail Mountain."

The trek also goes through Buddhist villages and Hindu holy sites, most notably the village of Muktinath, a holy site for both Buddhists and Hindus, and Braga, one of the oldest monasteries in the region.

So for further details/itinerary/information with cost Please find as below.

Day Via day itinerary


We will arrange pick up for you at the airport in Kathmandu and transfer you to the hotel. Time in the afternoon for exploring the town and then we will have a traditional welcome dinner.


Starting the day at 8am we meet at our Hotel nd then load up the bikes for the 6 hour drive to Besishar. We stop along the way to enjoy the views and take some lunch. On arrival in Besishar we take some time to explore the town and we also meet our porters and finalize our trip preparations.

Breakfast & Lunch/Dinner.

Day 21: Drive from Kathmandu to Besi Sahar to Khudi (800m)

Today is a bus ride of 8 -9 hours through scenic foothills and Trisuli River. From Dumre on Kathmandu- Pokhara highway we take turn northward to Besi Sahar (760m) and to Khudi (800m), our today’s destination, also the trekking beginning point. From Khudi we can see the fine view of Manaslu range. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 22: Trek from Khudi to Sirung (2,200m)

Today is the first day of trekking as we pass by incredible waterfalls, suspension bridges and lush forest. The trek begins in a pastoral setting of small villages, rice paddies and sub-tropical forests. Elevation rises gradually. We will have home stay in Sirung Village, where we will be afforded a wonderful view of Mt. Manaslu (8,156m), 8th highest peak in the world. Trekking time is 6 - 7 hours. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 23: Trek from Sirung to Chamje (1,410m)

The trail passes by terraced rice fields, along steep vertical cliffs and then over to Chamje, following the Marsyangdi River. Today's trek is 5 - 6 hours. Meal: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 24: Trek from Chamje to Dharapani (1,960m)

We will enter the beautiful valley of the Manang District. We pass by villages and small terraced farms of barley, potatoes and corn. At end part of trek we will leave the farms behind as we enter torhododendrons and bamboo forest. We will stay overnight in Dharapani. Trekking time is 5–6 hours. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Day 25: Trek from Dharapani to Chame (2,710m)

The trail moves into steep ridges, past number of landslides as we climb upwards. This day will rewards us great views of Lamjung Himal (6,983m), Annapurna II (7,937m) and Annnapurna IV (7,725m). Before reaching to Chame, there are several hot springs along the way. Trekking time is 5 - 6 hours. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 26: trek from Chame to Pisang (3,300m)

We enter the U-shaped valley of Manang where we will cross Marsyangdi Nadi for several times. The trail will rise 500 meters above the river as we move upward in the valley. Stay overnight in Pisang village. Trekking time is 5 - 6 hours. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 27: Trek from Pisang to Manang (3,540m)

Today we make our way to the major village of the Manang District: Manang. There are two ways to reach Manang; we will take the upper trail because it offers us the best views of the mountains. You can see Annapurna massive to the south whereas mysterious Mustang to the north. We will visit Barge monastery, the largest in Manang District. The environment will become colder and drier as we climb upwards. We would already trek for 6 – 7 hours before reaching to Manang for overnight stay. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 28: Manang (Day Rest)

We will spend the day in Manang to acclimatize our body with the elevation. Acute mountain sickness could be serious problem in mountain so, it is important to take a day rest here. However it will not be only a day of rest, we recommend visiting around or take a short hike nearby. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 29: Trek from Manang to Yak Kharka (4,110m)

We leave Manang and Marsyangdi Valley as we enter the Jarsang Khola Valley. The trail leads northward and passes few villages as the trail continues to gain elevation. This is an area of pasturelands where yaks and horses graze between forests. The trek is shorter today because of the higher elevation. We reach to Yak Kharka for overnight stay. Trekking time is 3 - 4 hours. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 30: Trek form Yak Kharka to Thorang Phedi (4,600m)

Today's trek takes us to the foot of Thorang La Pass at the busy little bazaar of Thorang Phedi (4,600m). We trek short only for 3-4 hours. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 01/December/2017: Trek from Thorang Phedi - Thorang La Pass (5,416m) to Muktinath (3,800m)

Thorang La Pass is the highest trekking pass in the world, over three miles above sea level. The day begins early climbing to the pass. Form top of pass view is amazing. This is probably the number one point to admire the entire Annapurna Mountains. From pass walk downhill towards the sacred city of Muktinath. There is a holy temple important for both Hindu and Buddhist. We will spend the night in Muktinath (3,800m). Trekking time is 7 – 8 hours. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 02: Trek from Muktinath to jomsoom(2,670m)

Muktinath is a holy place for both Hindus and Buddhists. Today you will have an opportunity to visit these sacred sites. Leaving Muktinath the trail will pass by the Kali Gandaki, the world's deepest gorge. The day offers great views as we come to Marpha/Joomsom, known for its apple orchards and its famous Apple Brandy. Stay overnight in Marpha. TRekking time is 4 -5 hours. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 03: Fly from Jomsom to Pokhara: 25 minutes

Today we fly to Pokhara, the lake city in the earliest possible airplane. After checking-in at our hotel, we may take a rest or visit the Lakeside area in the vicinity of the Fewa Lake. Here, we can indulge in buying some souvenirs or sampling some local delicacies. Overnight in Pokhara.

Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.

Day 04: Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu: 5-6 hours

After breakfast, we say goodbye to the beautiful lake city of Pokhara and drive towards Kathmandu. After reaching Kathmandu we have the rest of the day off. There will also be a farewell dinner hosted by Himalayan Glacier in the evening to celebrate the successful completion of our journey.

Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch.

Day 05: Return to Kathmandu

It is a good bus ride back to the capital city kathmandu. We will have some time to visit around the city in Kathmandu. Go to shopping for your friends and families or say relax. Overnight Kathmandu. Meal: Breakfast/Lunch.

Day06: Rest and Relax days in the city!!Breakfast:

Day 07: Departure transfer

At about 3 hours prior to your flight time, we transfer you to airport to fly your onward destination. Trekking Mart family wishes your best time ahead. Meal: Breakfast.

About the cost:

Cost is per person:1075$

Included in the Cost

Pickups and drops from hotels and airport

3 night Accommodations in 3 star hotels in Kathmandu BB.

2 one night Pokhara; with all meals.

Accommodation/ teahouses during the trek

Welcome and farewell dinners

Transportation Kathmandu to beshishir Via bus and back to Kathmandu.

Domestict flight from Jomsom to Pokhara

An experienced English-speaking trek leader (trekking guide), assistant trek leader ( (2 trekkers: 1 porter) including their salary, insurance, equipment, flight, food and lodging

Sleeping bags and down jacket.

All necessary paper work and permits (ACAP, TIMS)

A comprehensive medical kit

All government and local taxes

Not Included in the Cost

Nepalese visa fee

International airfare to and from Kathmandu

Excess baggage charges

Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu.

Travel and rescue insurance

Personal expenses (phone calls, laundry, bar bills, battery recharge, extra porters, bottle or boiled water, shower etc)

Tips for guides and porters

Nepal Mountain Guide Teams (Nepal Planet Treks and Expedition Pvt. Ltd.)

GPO: 4453 Paknajol ,Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone: +977-1-4252196

Mobile: +977-9841613822 (Sanjib)

Fax: +977-1-4252196


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