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 The 10 Most Populous Countries To Never Win An Olympic Medal
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Posted on 07-31-12 9:55 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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4) Nepal (Population - 29,391,883)

4) Nepal (Population - 29,391,883)

Nepal has the dubious designation as the most populous nation to compete in both the winter and summer games and still be medal-less. Many Nepalese would probably be quick to point out that they do have one bronze medal. Unfortunately it came in taekwondo at the Seoul Olympics, when that sport was still only in exhibition.

Best Shot At A Medal: Prasiddha Jung Shah is a promising swimming talent despite a strong field of competition in the Men's 50m Freestyle.

Posted on 07-31-12 10:50 AM     [Snapshot: 58]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Olympics? What is that? A bird? 
No, no, no my fellow Nepali friend, our olympic is fashion show and beauty pageant. Why are you so distracted from the real olympic, are you not worried like the rest of the herd for Shmriti Shrestha, Miss World or Miss Universe or Miss Mars? Make sure you "like" her or if not, start another hatred thread on sajha. Pppppffffff, Olympic re?
My friend, it is not how many times you participate, it is "who" participate. Most of our players are government ministers and their family, maybe one or two real player out of 20 people. What do you expect?
Talking about real Olympic, what about India? Their presense on the world stage beside IT, call center and cricket is "laughable". You realise how they hide their tail during such events and say nothing. Well I, atleast, feel better knowing that our "master" is as much a joke like us. After all we learnt from them. Oh yea, they also consider beauty pageant as the real Olympic. Miss India is this and that, stuff you hear on Nepali media all the time. So don't worry, we are bad but the master is the worst.
Last edited: 31-Jul-12 10:56 AM

Posted on 07-31-12 11:02 AM     [Snapshot: 110]     Reply [Subscribe]
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How about India???
India has 1.2 billion population(2nd most populated country in the world) and they can't even produce few gold medal winning athletes. What a Shame!!! haha
Posted on 07-31-12 1:16 PM     [Snapshot: 240]     Reply [Subscribe]
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In a related news, International Olympic Committee has agreed to include the following new sports into the XXXI olympics to be held in Brazil:
1. Protest Relay
2. Speed Chaplusi
3. Synchronized Bandhs

It is expected that the balance of Olympic medals will now tilt more towards the South Asian countries, most notably Nepal, India and Bangladesh, this time.

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