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 resident tuition through i797
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Posted on 12-30-11 9:55 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello guys
I have received i-797 receipt since I have filed i-485/i-130(marriage based). So do I qualify to pay in state tuition in Texas. i am currently in f1 status.

Also is there any ramification for doing this , since my GC interview will be around april 2012.

What i have heard is the international advisor  will take me off from SEVIS as soon as I show them the receipt.

Is it possible to keep F1 as a back up just in case?
thank you

Posted on 12-30-11 10:47 AM     [Snapshot: 43]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Technically once you file your papers for adjustment of status through marriage, you are no longer in F1.

Posted on 12-30-11 12:12 PM     [Snapshot: 96]     Reply [Subscribe]
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no you need the actual gc to obtain the instate fee...however you can take a break once you receive the i797 receipt I think!
Posted on 12-30-11 1:50 PM     [Snapshot: 148]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What will you tell them your alien number is and is restriction on  your SS number removed?

Posted on 12-30-11 8:36 PM     [Snapshot: 268]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 How did you file Green Card. Did you marry a Permanent Resident or a US citizen?

Posted on 01-04-12 6:04 AM     [Snapshot: 500]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I have done some research on this but the answer is very ambiguous. I have not found any clear answer. 
Attorney 1 says: as long as you maintain f1 status and pay international fee then you can get back to f1 if the case denies with whatsoever reason.
Attorney 2 says: Once you file AOS then you cannot come back to f1 as you have declared that you have an immigrant intent which violates f1 visa.
I want to find out which is better before i go to ISS. coz my advisor is last person you wanna talk to . she is a b*****. 
So i don't want to regret showing her my receipt and she takes me off frm sevis which will kind of jeopardize my situation. 

Posted on 01-05-12 8:28 PM     [Snapshot: 621]     Reply [Subscribe]
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No you can't go back to f1..and about the resident tuition fee, you have to be in the state for at least a year as a green card holder.

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