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 पद –पैसा केन्द्रित मधेस राजनीति
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Posted on 10-18-11 11:43 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 10-18-11 11:45 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 10-18-11 11:46 AM     [Snapshot: 12]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 10-18-11 5:16 PM     [Snapshot: 94]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Interesting article but not sufficient. The first job of Madhesh and Madeshi is to figure out who is Nepali and who is not. I don't mean we have disrespect international citizen including Indians but it is the the Tarai government who should be knowing who is Nepali or not. We have an open boarder and both Indian and Nepali can go and come easily for work and study to one another but Indians are always Indian and Nepali are always Nepali. If they want to change the nationality, both countries has their laws for international citizens. So, Madeshi had dual character, if they are unhappy with the Nepali government and Parbate, they want to be more Madhise and they can destroy the statue of Bhanu Bhakta and if there come an issue of citizenship, they want to help to provide citizenship to Indians too. Lot of Parbate CDO had probably help to provide citizenship to Indians, but the Tarain should be responsible because they never oppose and most of Madhise politician want to distribute Nepali citizenship to Indians. Why we have problem of citizenship if we are Nepali but there is always the problem there because they want to provide for someone else. Do they want to filled their land who are not Nepali?

Bharat Bimal Yadav hadn't stress lot of issues which should be mentioned as honest Nepali citizen as well as nationalist Madhise but it is yet an interesting article. Ya, situation is bad in lot of Tarai region where parbate can't do job and work freely but I don't think Parbate had done any harm to Madhesi in term of security. Madhesi people can go to Upper Himalaya and hilly region to work and I think they are more respected because they are few there. People can say they are Madhesi but I don't they it will hurt because they are from Madhesh and they are Madhise. If they want right, they will say we are Madhise but if someone say you guys are Madhise, then they feel humiliated, it is also a dual character.

Last edited: 18-Oct-11 05:35 PM


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