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 Buying Camera and trusting eBay
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Posted on 02-18-11 12:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Can we really trust eBay ? Trying to buy a DSLR camera Canon 60D from ebay shows new products in cheaper price than other sites. Anyone has reviews for Canon 60D thank you..
Posted on 02-18-11 12:49 PM     [Snapshot: 11]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Remember, eBay is just a platform.. individuals buy and sell there.

I would suggest, don't buy electronics from eBay.

Posted on 02-18-11 1:08 PM     [Snapshot: 27]     Reply [Subscribe]
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it depends bro. I bought a ring worth 599.99 from ebay and when it arrived i didnt liked it. I contacted the seller and he immidiately refunded my purchase price+ $20 for return shipping. So I suggest to read the return policy before you purchase anything from ebay

Posted on 02-18-11 1:32 PM     [Snapshot: 45]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I got a great deal during purchase of my D90 from ebay. Camera body, 4 lenses and whole buncha of accesories for 1299 whose original price was 1899. So, it depends on the seller. I had a great experience and my camera just rocks :)


Posted on 02-18-11 2:14 PM     [Snapshot: 82]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I concur with other ebay buyers, I bought one from ebay too!!

Posted on 02-18-11 4:18 PM     [Snapshot: 128]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 #JackSparrow Can you tell me the sellers name that you bought from? Thanks guys for the feedback its really helpful.
Posted on 02-18-11 4:40 PM     [Snapshot: 147]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-18-11 4:54 PM     [Snapshot: 157]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I need to buy a 55-200 mm lens for my Nikon D5000. Where can I get the best deal? And which lens do you guys prefer? Tamron lens are expensive. Any good and cheaper that you know?

Posted on 02-18-11 5:25 PM     [Snapshot: 168]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What four lenses did you buy? To me just two is enough since I am not a professional photographer. I already got 18-55mm that came with the body. I need one more to shoot long range, so which would you suggest? Btw, I have a Nikon D5000. Thanks in advance.
Posted on 02-18-11 5:42 PM     [Snapshot: 177]     Reply [Subscribe]
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if the ebay seller is verified, you can buy from them. But incase if you donot recieve your item within 30 days and the seller asks you to wait few more days, do not wait for them. You have to file claim within 45 days. Afte 45 days, there is no help and even verified seller will not  refund your amount.  But after the claim is filed within 45 days, you are pretty much safe.
If the seller is from outside the united states, I will suggest not to buy it coz  the chances of your item getting lost is high. Especially in US entry post. I am saying this based on my own experience . 
Dont forget to see the ratings of the seller and number of items sold by user. Thats makes a huge difference too.
Posted on 02-18-11 5:49 PM     [Snapshot: 191]     Reply [Subscribe]
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go for deals2buy.com for better deals and comfort... ebay can screw anytime...
Posted on 02-18-11 10:08 PM     [Snapshot: 255]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I almost exclusively buy things from ebay and almost evrytime had a good experience on my purchases. The key is you read the details very carefully cuz i have always found if any problem with the item its described down there. You could always contact the seller for further questions. Dont forget to check for the sellers experience, its the number next to the sellers name in the bracket, the more it is the better it is. As others said check the return policies and most important of all USE PAYPAL! if there happens to be any case of fraud, PayPal and ebay resolution center helpful alas time consming.
Posted on 02-19-11 12:01 AM     [Snapshot: 292]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The deal had twotelephoto lens,  a 18-75 and a 75-250mm lens ( I think). I am in school while writing this and hence no access to my lens. All of them are Tamron lens.

Last edited: 19-Feb-11 12:02 AM

Posted on 02-19-11 12:12 AM     [Snapshot: 305]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 And yes regarding ebay, as long as you do your study regarding the item and seller and return policy, you should be fine. Risk is involved everywhere. Been a ebay buyer/seller for more than 6 years and so complaint so far what so ever. So, do your study and get your deal. Good Luck.


Posted on 02-19-11 8:48 AM     [Snapshot: 365]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Guys I found one thing the ebay sellers giving you good deal has different lens rather than Canon lens normally in package deal. This Tamron lens which seems to be cheaper than Canon and good lens plays a good role to get nice pics. I dont know about Tamron lens but Canon lens are better or what is your thoughts @Jacksparrow. Thanks.

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