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purana kagaz
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Posted on 01-22-11 10:42 PM     [Snapshot: 165]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Are you asking about Nepali or Indian restaurant ? i m confused..Be specific. 
Also use "Google.Com" if you have heard about it.
Posted on 01-22-11 10:58 PM     [Snapshot: 199]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last time when I was in Dallas. I had buff momo in Himalayan aroma. It was good for Thali I would recommend Temptation. Just my suggestion.
Posted on 01-23-11 2:45 AM     [Snapshot: 327]     Reply [Subscribe]
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purana kagaz

if you didnt notice, i have asked two different questions separated by paragraph.

thank you telling me about google.com. i never heard of it although i am done with college.
come on dude...i am asking for some personal review here. tyo google jatho kaslai use garna aaudaina ra??? if you think google is your answer to everything...you dont need to be on sajha!! next time go on google than asking for opinions here!

Posted on 01-23-11 9:12 AM     [Snapshot: 448]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nepali restuarent ---> Everest is way better than any other Nepali bhatti here

Indian buffet---> I have tried almost every Indian buffet in Dfw area so u pls count on me in this one, pasand indian "whatever" is the best one, awesome food ( simply awesome, unlike other chor dhotis place where u can't go further than a plate because of all those shit they add such as sodas and all) it's a very good place to eat. And there is one in MCarthur I forgot it's name but it's not Aahar shit, that place is gross.. I think it's our palace, but I'm not sure. And I'm afraid if they only serve through a la carte but trust me it's worth visiting

Hope this helps
Posted on 01-23-11 9:45 AM     [Snapshot: 489]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Used to eat at a spot near las colinas back in 02/03, I thought that was pretty good.

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