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bhakunde bhut
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 Not so ordinary life !
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Posted on 08-22-10 4:32 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There is nothing as boring as slouching out of your bed. Next you are burying
your head into the sand, winning a big lottery, succeeding in every
imaginable deeds. Utopia ?? Nah ! Seems like I have been brushing my
teeth for ages.

There is a growing impatience. I am not sure what I am striving for.
Nonetheless,there is always impatience. Ironically, my lifestyle is
sedentary and laid-back. Yet, there is a strange urge to reach to an
undefined place to achieve undefined karma.

The floaters travel along the contrails in the sky. A very pleasing
sense of escapism hovers around the mind. I travel endlessly through a
short walk, but with millions short steps racing in my mind.
Enchanting! It's really wonderful if I were to continue my life as such, I would
happily trade it over any other propositions. Again the impatience.
There is a need to be around people -the need of everlasting  care.
Yearning !

The food is delicious, still I am bitter about the morning tea. Silly as
it is, I dig into the abstracts of food, its profound impact on
humanity. This can't be happening- I, myself a bum, am thinking about
this worldly affairs over the food.Nonsense. I have some other priorities.I am glad I
am multi-tasking. Apart from  philosophers and thinkers, most people
are mostly multi-tasking. They are thinking as well !! Everyone is an
arm-chair philosopher.For divine reasons, they are there. I am there.
You are there. We all are here and there. Existence !

I read through the pages- I don't understand fully. Yet these newly
learned ideas replace obsolete ideas, albeit temporarily. Suddenly I
have a vision possibly leading me up to half-way. I realize how wrong I
had been until this moment. Wow!! Subversion !!!

What a rubbish! Spontaneously, I  throw one and basket it in my garbage
bin. I am wondering whether it is a two-pointer or a
three-pointer.Replay !!

 An indiscriminate barrage of insipid thoughts, covertly trying to coup
the already dethroned king and joust him to a gutter, smearing a copious
amount of shame, with a grandiose scheme turns simply into a verbose,
resulting in a meta-reference, with profligate use of commas.

Re-reading, I observe the disjointed paragraphs loosely disseminating
absurdly stitched convoluted non-conceptual artifacts, awkwardly shaped
and organized. An unpoem; unprose; unessay-just an entropy !!

F^k it dude, let's go bowling !

Posted on 08-23-10 1:08 AM     [Snapshot: 214]     Reply [Subscribe]
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baafre ! one mcmxc was enough in sajha, I see another one in making : ))))
kidding !: D
Nice read.

Posted on 08-23-10 11:14 AM     [Snapshot: 354]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks Piggs. Now being compared to mcmxc, should I be happy or sad ? It's the battle of half-wits. JK, I am definitely happy.

Posted on 08-23-10 1:12 PM     [Snapshot: 443]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good One Bhut, keep it up :)

(Although i had to go through Oxford dictionary for some Words )

Posted on 08-23-10 1:16 PM     [Snapshot: 453]     Reply [Subscribe]
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lage raho bb bhai!
Last edited: 23-Aug-10 01:16 PM


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