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Posted on 08-20-10 8:11
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------- helppukarsfamily.weebly.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------
San dai,
I would like to request you to put a sticky thread or a visible link at the top of Kurakani section, so that it would be easier for everyone, who wants to donate to help Pukar's family, to find the link to paypal donation. I had to struggle a bit to find the donation link, which is now flooded down by many Pukar Chhetri related threads. RIP Pukar -------------------------------------------------------------------------- helppukarsfamily.weebly.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Geology Tiger
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Posted on 08-20-10 12:31
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हामी सबैलाई एक अर्काको सहयोग चाहिन्छ। अहिले बलियो र सम्पन्न छु भनेर हुँदैन। समयको चक्रले कुन बेला कस्तो बिपत्ती ल्याउँछ भन्ने पत्तो कसैलाई पनि हुँदैन। त्यसैले हामीलाई एक अर्काको सहयोग अपरिहार्य छ। नत्र किन परिवार चाहियो? किन साथीभाइ र समाज चहियो? किन मेरो राष्ट्र र राष्ट्रियता चाहियो। यहाँ एउटा जीवनको अन्त्य भएको छ। विदेश गएर प्रगति गर्ला, नाम र दाम कमाउँला भनेर आशा गरिरहेको त्यो परिवारमा आफ्नो सन्तानको मृत्युको खबर सुन्दा कत्रो बज्रपात भयो होला? त्यतिले नपुगेर आज मृतकको शरीर देशमा फिर्ता पठाउन पनि आर्थिक अभावले गर्दा गार्हो भएको छ। यस्तो आपतको घडीमा हामी सबैले सक्दो सहयोग गर्नु एउटा मानवीय कर्त्यब्य हो। त्यसैले सबैले सक्दो गरुँ। सुरुमा सहयोगका याचनाकर्ताहरुले पर्याप्त जानकारी नदिदाँ धेरै साथीहरुलाई भ्रम उत्पन्न भयो। धेरै सहयोग गर्ने चाहनेहरु पनि अलमलमा परे, तर अहिले सब अन्योल हटिसकेको छ। त्यसैले पहिले जो जो साथीहरु शंकाको करणले हिचकिचाउनु भएको थियो, अब ढुक्क भएर सहयोग गर्नुहोला। यदी अझ पनि कोही यसमा वादविवाद गर्न चाहन्छ भने त्यो व्यक्ति वास्तवमा सहयोग गर्न चाहने व्यक्ति होइन भन्ने बुझिन्छ। कसैकसैको गुनासो यस्तो वेबसाईटमा सहयोग मागेर यसलाई मागी खाने भाँडो बनाए भन्ने पनि रहेछ, तर मित्र यो साइटको उद्देस्य नै विदेशमा रहेका नेपालीहरु विच सुचनाहरु आदानप्रदान गर्नु र एक अर्कामा सहयोग पुर्याउनु हो जस्तो लाग्छ। यहाँलाई तरुनिहरुको नग्न तस्बिर हेर्न मन छ भने त्यसका लागि अरु थुप्रै साइटहरु होलान्। अन्त्यमा यस्तो घटनाहरु घट्दा र सहयोगको याचना गर्दा पर्याप्त जानकारी उपलब्ध गराउने गरौ भन्ने एउटा अनुरोध सबैमा।
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Posted on 08-20-10 12:35
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सहि भन्नु भयो मित्र Geology Tiger ले
कृपया सबैले सहयोग गर्नु होला
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Posted on 08-20-10 12:36
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No disrespect intended but seriously, why don't we start a system like Insurance plan for Nepalis in the USA where interested Nepali will contribute some money every month for unforeseen situations such as this. such insurance plan should cover for medical expenses, deal bag transfer to Nepal, death, accident , kidney transplant etc. I would assume that people working in gas station would be more paying higher premium, specially in texas because their chances of getting killed is higher. ya let's start a insurance plan for Nepalis , for our special situation so we don't have to come to sajha and ask money.
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Posted on 08-20-10 1:12
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DeepakBro: You can easily buy insurance for funeral expenses, corpse transportation and terminal illnesses etc. No need to re-create the wheel here. But keep in mind that they are all voluntary... What may be helpful is some kind of trust fund to which every Nepali going abroad must contribute prior to leaving the country to fund expenses for such incidents... This is more like a one time mandatory contribution.
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Posted on 08-20-10 1:40
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नमस्ते Geology Tiger जि को शब्द "यस्तो आपतको घडीमा हामी सबैले सक्दो सहयोग गर्नु एउटा मानवीय कर्त्यब्य हो," - सत्य हो । Deepak5554, MillionDollars जिले कुरो सहि गर्नु भएको छ । मैले सुनेको एउटा कथा: बिदेशमा एउटा बिधार्थिको ऊसँगै एउटै कोठामा बस्ने अर्को बिधार्थि साथि एक्कासि बित्नु भो रे । MillionDollars जिले भन्नु भएको " trust fund", "must contribute prior to leaving the country", र Deepak5554 जिको "Insurance plan for Nepalis in the USA" मा काम शुरु गर्नु होला । मेरो शब्दलाई माफ गर्नु होला: मृत्यू बाजा बजाएर आँउदैन । बिदेशमा त्यो देशको नागरिक बाहेक अरु देशको नागरिकको लाश गाड्न दिँदैन रे । यदि त्यो सत्य हो भने, अब बिदेशमा पनि नेपालमा जस्तै "सहकारि बचत" खोले दुखको बेलामा आपसि सहयोग होला । मेरो शुभकामना । साधारण_केटो
Last edited: 20-Aug-10 01:55 PM
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Posted on 08-20-10 2:02
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None of such permanent funds would work when needed. Those funds will be a nice platform for a bunch of corrupts, who pretend to manage and take care of it. Tell me a pessimist, but I don't see possibility of any success of that sort of funds collected by a mandatory contribution. Donation collection when needed, like this one, is fine. All the collected donation would go for real cause in this kind of voluntary collection drive, whereas, it would need administrative and miscellaneous costs for the permanent nature funds even if the corruption is prevented. To be straightforward, Nepalese government has in fact collected mandatory contribution. We pay huge fee (I think it is about Rs 10000 now) for our passport, which cost not more than Rs 50 (to print the old paper passport). Even if we separate Rs 1000 for administrative expense, the government collects a lot of extra money from the passport holders. Is not that a kind of mandatory contribution? But, why government does not step in to rescue and help its citizens having trouble? The authorities like Nepalese embassy and the ambassador should feel ashamed for being unable to help at all, and witness an individual like Mr. Kasti taking all the responsibility of sending the dead body back. The Nepalese embassy has budget for such unanticipated cause, which is mostly misused and spent to fund the expenses for guests coming from Nepal, who are mostly corrupt leaders. Why do we need this embassy, and why do we need this ambassador? The ambassador is busy in attending parties and meetings and speaking to the interviews. Is he here just to party and chitchat? Is preparation of "no objection" letter enough? Did the embassy do anything to collect information, and to help the troubled family and their friends? Do they understand why we pay so much price for the passport?
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Posted on 08-20-10 2:30
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SimpleKetaJi: "बिदेशमा त्यो देशको नागरिक बाहेक अरु देशको नागरिकको लाश गाड्न दिँदैन रे" Yo galat kura ho... But funerals are quite expensive...
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Posted on 08-21-10 12:41
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Total donation collected to date: $12,647.29 USD, thats good collection, so has the body been sent back home? anyupdates???
Geology Tiger
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Posted on 08-21-10 1:50
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terobaaje mitra, As you promised earlier, did you make the contribution?
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Posted on 08-21-10 2:39
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Last edited: 21-Aug-10 03:14 PM