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 R.I.P Pukar Chhetri

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जय नेपाल
Posted on 08-12-10 7:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Pukar Chhetri was found dead in his working place tuesday night around 1:00 AM. His body is taken to forensic science department for investigation by Houston Police Department. He was a Undergraduate Student in San Jacinto College. All of his family members are in Nepal waiting for his body. We need all of your support to send his body back home. 

Words alone cannot express our sympathy on the untimely death of our beloved friend Pukar Chhetri. To say that his time with us was far too short is an understatement. The reality is that he will be sorely missed by all who loved and knew him. May god give the strength and power to his family to bear the sorrow.

For donations and further information visit the web site: helppukarsfamily.weebly.com

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Posted on 08-19-10 12:47 PM     [Snapshot: 7582]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes, a screenshot of the email from President of Houston Nepali Community could have put this case to rest. I don't understand why he just chose to copy/paste only message.
Posted on 08-19-10 1:02 PM     [Snapshot: 7624]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I'm just sharing what I got in my email. Here is the screenshot, if that helps clear things up...

Posted on 08-19-10 1:12 PM     [Snapshot: 7654]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good job prankster,

You have put concerns of the people to rest. The incident is TRUE. R.I.P. Pukar.

Posted on 08-19-10 3:18 PM     [Snapshot: 7772]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Releasing names and personal informations of victims in an incident is breach of privacy. Reporting an incident is not. I have details about the victim, the only thing I need to know is what happened that night. Moreover, I have known him for more than four years.
Why would I lie anyway upon such disaster? Always think you could be wrong too, you may not know all info, and start trusting people.
Posted on 08-19-10 3:55 PM     [Snapshot: 7820]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Rukdhell, i am not trying to judge you or his suicide here. But i just do not buy the way the incident happened.

How come an student on a Visa own a gun to kill himself? Also, how can you justify the facebook profile. Why was it turned private?

You are asking us for donations. If i am trying to donate i have every rights to know how suicide took place and the incident has to be convincing in order for me to donate.  If you had been his friend for 4 years, why do not you tell us if he was depressed or had some other issues that led him to suicide? 

Its Pukar's friends like you who are making this sound like a play. You do not know how you are getting involved in this, do you? 

Posted on 08-19-10 4:10 PM     [Snapshot: 7870]     Reply [Subscribe]
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So you must be happy now, Power_Ranger, right? [Disallowed String for - bad word]ing idiot. [Disallowed String for - use not allowed] haru. If your friend had committed suicide and someone had scrutinized it, how'd you feel? Khub investigation, evidence chahincha jaantha haru lai.

Posted on 08-19-10 4:11 PM     [Snapshot: 7870]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I seriously believe now this is a scam. I already donated my money. F### i am really mad. I was able to go to his facebook wall the day i read the news about his death. Now on his facebook page, everything is private. I can't even go to his wall and read the things i read before. Who would have a password to change his settings? I smell something guys.

Posted on 08-19-10 4:15 PM     [Snapshot: 7891]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Allegro, you [Disallowed String for - bad word]ing idiot. [Disallowed String for - use not allowed] chor. Tero tyo 10-20 dollar khanako lagi tain jasto chor le matrai afno suicide fake garchas hola.

For [Disallowed String for - bad word]s sake this is getting so damn outraging. Read the entire POSTS you idiot! Someone's already shared his clarification/verification, someone who was living with him! Most of us have saved our passwords on our computer, I know I do. I'm guessing the dead guy must've saved his Facebook password and one of his friends must've changed his privacy settings after his death.

Stuck up morons haru. I don't even know this guy but this is so downright outrageous and ridiculous. He's already dead. Let his soul rest in peace you [Disallowed String for - bad word]ing idiots. He could've earned 2 grand by nicking it off his workplace. Bhate haru.

Posted on 08-19-10 4:36 PM     [Snapshot: 7916]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Bidroh, first of all, you watch out your pie hole...you ignorant fool....dont' [Disallowed String for - bad word]ing call me chor. I doubt you have even donated. You are assuming too! aren't you?.You don't know a shit what happened either. So stop being smart ass. The letter from houston nepali association says according to the "Kiran ji" WTF man, what's wrong with finding the details?

Posted on 08-19-10 4:36 PM     [Snapshot: 7927]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@ Allegro- Please click on this link posted by Geology Tiger http://www.facebook.com/help/?faq=13941

"Memorializing the account removes certain more sensitive information like status updates and restricts profile access to confirmed friends only." That's probably what happened to his account.

Last edited: 19-Aug-10 04:37 PM

Posted on 08-19-10 4:46 PM     [Snapshot: 7961]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you Sab_nepaliko_sathi.

Posted on 08-19-10 4:49 PM     [Snapshot: 7948]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Memorializing the account" needs the proof of death and since there is no proof of death, how can account be memorialized?
Every body has right to know before making donation. If  somebody(his friends) could post some authentic and verifying information, then this thread discussion would END and ppl will stop questioning.
I have not made any donation yet, But if this is true then i m going to make some donation. Everybody should help if this is not fake. 

Posted on 08-19-10 4:54 PM     [Snapshot: 7980]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you are asking for donations from the general public, the public should be able to ask questions regarding the validity of the incident especially when the info provided to the public regarding the incident is suspicious. It wasn't just me. Many of us had such concerns.

Posted on 08-19-10 7:23 PM     [Snapshot: 8126]     Reply [Subscribe]
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hello everyone,

this is kiran. childhood friend of pukar. i am the one to be at the spot when he died. and i am da one taking care of all the processes to send his body back back to nepal. i haven't noticed that the things go that bad out here in sajha.

now telling the truth abt the facebook thing. i did it. I repeat again i did it.....

with the request of his parents. and with all the authority of his family and as per the letters issued to me regarding this case. i am doing everything about it.

now i don't anybody to get involve in cursing one another. rather i want all of ur help. at last we are nepali. everybody must think of his mom's face. how she is doing rit now in nepal. the body here taking too long to send due to hassel process and with not enough funds. yes, my friend might have some depression problems or so and i really don't know what was the reason.

but i know one thing the responsibility towards his family i m doing that. n i humbly request all of u guys. please talking bad to each other rather start thinking and solving this case as soon as possible. i and my friends need ur help and support. i really thank to all my friend who believe n even to those who doesn't believe.

finally i wanna say something: i've ever read

"If u r challanged by the situation and u r trying to change or mould it, you end up challenging yourself to change yourself not the situatuion"


thanks everybody... jay nepal...

Posted on 08-19-10 8:03 PM     [Snapshot: 8170]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Please do not drag it more for god's sake. It's enough now. If you can't help, that's fine. But please bring a halt to this controversy, I beg you guys. No more evidence is required. Every death doesn't make into the news. 
Posted on 08-19-10 11:23 PM     [Snapshot: 8304]     Reply [Subscribe]
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is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates
people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up
pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a
sword that kills.”  Gautam Buddha.

This news is genuine. He used to go in my school in Missouri. Please do not doubt.
Last edited: 19-Aug-10 11:31 PM

Posted on 08-19-10 11:37 PM     [Snapshot: 8342]     Reply [Subscribe]
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i am calling hpd scammers..
Posted on 08-19-10 11:47 PM     [Snapshot: 8356]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You can happily call them. As a rational person you have every right to confirm it before you help.

Posted on 08-20-10 12:16 AM     [Snapshot: 8410]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Oh my goodness user 'suicide' you still on the same page. I thought you had already called HPD. Don't cry any more. Call them now. In case you can't find the number it is 713 308 3600.
Posted on 08-20-10 8:33 AM     [Snapshot: 8626]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Answer to how Pukar had access to a gun?

In Texas, esp in Houston and Dallas, majority of the gas stations carry a gun under the counter. The last place I worked had one too. It is kept to use for self defense when your life is threatened in cases like robbery. Pukar, on a student visa didn't own a gun by himself but used store's. And, kaale people always come up with 'You wanna buy a gun, I got hollow point, ... sth mm, etc'? So, gun is easily accessible here. 

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