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 Graduate school for spring semester
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Posted on 12-29-09 4:38 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi fellows,
I am really worried! I graduated this Fall and have Opt+job until January next year.
Are there any schools for PhD in Biological Science (microbiology, molecular biology, cell biology etc) + financial support. I just want to go to graduate school right after my 1-year opt (since my company does not want to enroll in e-verify for my opt extension). I looked for numerous graduate schools but they only accept application for fall semester. Please guys suggest me some good schools that accept students for spring semester providing financial support. My appreciation!!

Posted on 12-29-09 10:38 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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lot of schools accept students in fall. but that doesn't mean there isn't any school out there for spring.
the intake of student in grad school depends upon how much a professor have fund and does he need a new student. you just have to find the right school
but for now you are late
sorry man and i really hope you get in one school sooner

Posted on 12-29-09 11:31 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Have you taken GRE yet? It's kinda late now to be applying for spring admissions. And the two categories that you have mentioned good school+financial aid may be even harder to come by in such a short time. Try Oklahoma State University. Good luck.

Posted on 12-29-09 12:01 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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If I were you, I would do the following.

1. Start preparing for GRE right away and try to get max score I can.
2. Start looking for schools that accepts new grad students in fall as well. Most of them take only in spring because their new budget year begins only from spring.
3.If the school I really wanted to go to does not take students in fall, I would look for the projects I would be interested in to work and contact their mentor. Let them know my situation including the fact that I need to stay legally as a student. Also ask them if they could hire me as lab tech for fall and start my school from spring. Most colleges are everified so wont have problems to extend your OPT and hence you will be working in the research as well as making some money.
4.If the professor is willing to take me as a new TA/RA in the college I desired, I would get admitted to that college and take helpful UG classes for grad school and then later transfer them as grad level course. he only bad aspect of this will be the economic problems. 

Hope this helps.


Posted on 12-29-09 12:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you all, I really appreciate your suggestions.


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