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 Appeal to Save Nepal-Please Join
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Posted on 12-26-09 1:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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/fi6«jfbL g]kfnL

g]kfnL Plss[t
ug]{ ljZjJofkL cleofg

^@^) j]:6kfs{ l8cf/= x\o':6g, 6]S;f; &&)%&


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;Dk"0f{ g]kfnLnfO{ ul/Psf] ckLn xf] . olb tkfO{+ g]kfnnfO{ dfof“ ug'{ x'G5
eg] g]kfnnfO{ arfpg tkfO{+n] cfÎgf] tk{maf6 ug'{kg]{ s'/f cjZo klg ug}{ k5{ .
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x'G5 / To;}sf cfwf/df g} xfd|f] klg To; k|ltsf] ;dy{g jf lj/f]w lge{/ x'G5 .
log} b"O{ dfkb08sf cfwf/df xfdL;+u ldNg] k|:tj c?;+u klg x'g ;S5 .

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;f+;b agfO{of] . cGo /fhg}lts bnn] klg o;nfO{ dfGotf lbg s/} nfUof] . of]
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cfpg' lgtfGt h?/L ePsf] 5 . olb jfd cltjfbnfO{ ;dodf g} k|lt/f]w ul/Pg eg] Tof]
b'M:jKg jf:tljstfdf kl/0ft x'g a]/ nfUg] 5}g . cGo /fhg}lts zlQm / blIf0fkGyLx?
cfk;d} ljeflht 5g\ / To;}n] Ps l9Ssf eP/ sfo{qmd Nofpg g;Sg] u/]/ sdhf]/ ePsf
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zflGtk"0f{ k|hftflGqs /fhg}lts Joa:yf .

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ho g]kfn

-cg'jfbM cv08 g]kfn ljrf/ d~r, lj/f6gu/_

Posted on 12-26-09 1:38 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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22, 2009


RE: Save Nepal: Appeal
to all Nationalist Nepalese


appeal is to all Nationalists Nepalese regardless of political ideology,
ethnicity or other affiliations. If you love Nepal then you must do your part
to save Nepal. Any political institutions or events need to be evaluated in
terms of two parameters – nationalism and democracy. Our support or opposition
must hinge on it. We may even have partial common agenda with others as per the
same criteria.


that context, we must unite and confront Maoists aggression today against the
very foundation of our nation and the norms of the peaceful democracy. If you
cannot stand up now then hold your peace and be ready to face the consequences
of the communist dictatorship. The present government is too weak and
leaderless to take the responsibility and act accordingly.


have stated and acted repeatedly that they are against democracy and peace, and
for imposing their dictatorship by intimidation and terror. Their daily actions
are self-evident, needs no elaboration. They have even stooped low in inviting
unprecedented ethnic strife. The leaderless present government is paralyzed
with fear. It cannot even speak against Maoists aggressions, let alone take
appropriate actions. The nation is going through such a stress, yet these
leaders are for personal aggrandizements. There is not much time left for
writing a well thought out constitution. The game plan of extreme left is to
put polity in duress that the resulting constitution is a compromise to
communist dictatorship. Let us remember the interim parliament where un-elected
Maoists were included as members. It is the direct aggression against the very
principle of democracy. And yet other political parties were forced to


it is imperative that nationalists should unite and come with a strong
political program. If the aggression of the political extreme left is not
responded, then that will be the reality. The political center and right are
too weak and fragmented to put forth any coherent program. It is up to nationalists
to publicly state the correct direction for the nation.


must highlight the Common Nationalist Agenda:

1. Peaceful democratic political

2. Multiparty parliamentary democracy.

3. Inadmissibility of the politics of
violence and intimidation.

4. Recognition of our heritage, roots
and values as an integral part of our nationhood.

5. Unacceptability of any political
compromise leading to national disintegration.

6. The recognition of ‘Human rights’ to
be an integral part of the polity.

7. Recognition of Nepal as a
multi-cultural and multi-lingual nation.

8.  It is the prerogative of the sovereign people
of Nepal to decide on the salient characteristics of the nation, especially on
Hindu Rastra and Constitutional monarchy. In this context we must insist upon
peaceful public deliberations and referendums.

9.  Hindu Rastra is not about theocracy, but the
acknowledgment of our heritage, roots and values. Hinduism is not a religion
but a collection of many Dharmas including Buddha Dharma. Dharma is about
seeking truth ‘Satya’ and spiritual practices ‘Yoga.’ Religions are about
social control, a set of doctrines to believe and a set of behaviors to follow.
Thus, the secularism is necessary to control religions but irrelevant to
Dharma. We must recognize that a nation is not merely a bunch of people put
together, but equal citizens with pride in shared values and history.

10. Constitutional Monarchy is not
about feudalism or the divine right, but acknowledgment of the cultural and
unifying role of the Crown. The crown is important for supporting weak
democratic institution, consensus building, check against centrifugal forces
and potential dictatorship of extreme left or right.

11. Recognition of 1990 Constitution as
the only constitution written and ratified so far by people in peace. It is the
republican constitution as the sovereignty is with the people. It also has
ample provisions for amendments if needed. All the political parties, including
Maoists, abided by and have participated in the elections under it. The members
of parliament, who wrote, elected under and sworn to protect it, have moral
responsibility not to transgress it.

12. Recognition that the ethnically
based federal system will disintegrate our nation along ethnic lines. The
empowerment of marginalized subgroups must be addressed through
decentralization, education, employment opportunities, political participation,
and the recognition of Nepal as a multi-cultural state.

13. The Nepal Army is the non-political
professional army loyal to the nation-state. We must keep our Nepal Army
non-political and in the service of the people of Nepal.

14. The economic system must cater to
responsible economic growth, better environment for investments and job
creation; and be conscious to the environmental and social issues. The economic
progress must be defined by both creation of and equity in wealth. It must also
have the components of poverty alleviation and bringing in marginalized groups

15. We must oppose the irresponsible
economic policies and expenditures towards cheap popularity, which will only
lead to high inflation and economic chaos.

16. The unconstitutional parallel
pseudo-government bodies must be opposed.

17. And last but not least, recognizing
that corruption in general and political corruption in particular is the
primary reason for the failure of democracy, we must oppose it vehemently.


Jaya Nepal!    


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