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Sexy In Sari
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Posted on 12-14-09 1:41
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I just don't like Liars and Dishonest people. There are many ways to settle in US. And I don't think, Asylum path is the right choice for Nepalese People with respect to our country Nepal.
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Posted on 12-14-09 3:13
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I don't know about US but in belgium and switzerland most of the nepalese are maoist. There is a stong community of maoist in those countries. And surprising thing is that they took the asylum by being maoist pidit.
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Posted on 12-14-09 8:13
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Sexy In Sari: Everyone knows that. It is a silent true. You don't have to let people know. 99 % of asylum case is with fraud and manupulated documents. And most importantly, no_quiere's statement is correct for USA too.
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Posted on 12-14-09 8:31
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I have to agree with SiS in this. Out of hundreds of successful asylum seekers in North America, I have seen only a handful (may be one or two) who are truly refugees. Rest get them on made up stories and scripts. I would be much happier if the true refugees get it. Not these fake ones.
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Posted on 12-14-09 8:42
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Everybody's entitled to seek a better life and access to any part of the world unless s/he is a some type of convicted felon. In first place, all Asylum cases are proven and granted in front of the Immigration Judge. Immigration Judges do not know the valid source of the evidence. They grant asylum to a person after going trhough a certain process of screening and moreover on a humanitorian base. (specifically in Asylum case).
SEXI-IN-SARI: Why is your name "sexi-in-sari"? Couldn't you come up with your real name/indentity? The people who have something to hide about themselves, and they choose to be nicknamed.
Who is a big liar? You? or those who truely seek for a better life? Aren't you one of them?
Give them a break.
Last edited: 14-Dec-09 12:11 PM
Last edited: 15-Dec-09 08:14 AM
Last edited: 15-Dec-09 08:15 AM
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Posted on 12-14-09 9:13
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SIS is trying hard to establish a bad boy/girl image. to some extent i do agree with SIS but at the same time i think it's the USCIS's inability to filter out these people.
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Posted on 12-15-09 12:57
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who are you to judge? NOONE.
Sexy In Sari
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Posted on 12-15-09 1:34
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Aha! ShaKEEn.. Your case must be pending. You shouldn't be on Sajha because Nepalese People will attack you thats why you came to America for Asylum. Be careful, Judge will find out. LOL.
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Posted on 12-15-09 2:26
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Kam painas Sexy pado ko kannno kanya !!
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Posted on 12-15-09 5:53
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not only Nepalese Asylum Seekers in US are LIARS but most of the students who applies for student visa present the fake documents of their income in nepal.. and most of us who are here as a student and using our SS No: to work out side of the uni.. are a big liar too... everythings are fake here.. may be like 5% of nepali can really afford to come and study here in US.. even u sexy in sari or bitch in sari u r a attention seeker.. go to a strip clubs open up your sari and gather all other attentions there.. i think this bitch is from India.. dhoti bitch LMAO...
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Posted on 12-15-09 8:51
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Good rant that one Bostonktm.
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Posted on 12-15-09 9:02
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agreed with bostonKTM till he shouted out anti indian sentiment. what made you call SIS an indian?
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Posted on 12-15-09 9:07
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BostonKTM ya ...anoying when ppl think when being nepali is the pre-requisite to lying and its cool and ppl who point fingers at you are suddenly indian...whta kins of logic is that....anyway...i agree that when u are ina rat race in a second counrty and are tagged an ALIEN...its the survival of the fittest......I guarentee that every body lies.....but its a relative term.....but lie is a lie.....
Sexy In Sari
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Posted on 12-15-09 11:09
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BostonKTM, You misunderstood. To get benefit for yourself, Would you say Nepalese are murderer. Thats what Asylum seekers main theme when they filed a case. We are allergic to them.Thats what they say. So they need to get away from Nepal. But over here, they try to be friend with us. THEN tomorrow if they need more benefits in US, they will Say Nepalese in US are..terr***ist.
Hey! We don't know your mother has lied to your Dad or not, but you are here. Enjoy!
Last edited: 15-Dec-09 11:12 AM
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Posted on 12-15-09 2:39
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Sexy in Sari, you're not making any sense, as usual. A number of these Asylees cite Maoist Terrorists as the reason that forced them to seek asylum. How are they wrong?
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Posted on 12-15-09 6:09
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sexinsari: Sorry, but I'M a multi-nationalist. damn, that sounds like a terrorist organization.
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Posted on 12-15-09 9:32
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I would like to apologies sexy in sari for my little spiteful word for you,.. I would like to have much respect if your nick name was Nari in sari….but anyways this not why I am back here, let’s stay with the enduring concern. Well, in one way to the other every nepali are been suffered by the some percentage of Nepali people who claim themselves as a Maoist follower. See what’s going on in our country. Do you think that you are safe enough in Nepal. Do you think that you can raise a voice against these groups of people. The big answers is no. every people whether in ktm or any other part of Nepal are victim of these Maoist, in this note I think that every nepali who believes in democracy are eligible to file Asylum. The ongoing home country situation makes them eligible to do so. Nepal It’s no more the heaven where we grew up. But still we have a high hope that one day things are going to be alright, and I just wonder when, it’s a big question we have. Anyways, we are here in US as a student we have so many problems, we hate Indian but still most of us here are employed by them. Or are using SS to work in some fast-food chain or restaurant, are we allowed by the US law to do so. Even after we graduate where we go? To same Indian consultant to find a job, we take some training and make fake long resume to apply for a company, there is lie in there. You might not do it Sexy in sari but most of the student will do it. As for people filing asylum, I don’t know how easy/hard is to file the case. As we all know that nothing is easy in this world esp. here in US. You guys might have your own side of story. But what I would suggest is try not to make it your first option but the last. I know there are many people out of status; some of you might not have seen your loved one for over the decade, you guys should take a chance if it. I guess I am going out of the line here anyways.. this it for me.. I am done with this.. sorry guys I might not be the right person to talk bout this topic… anyways god bless all the Nepal/Nepali people and God bless America. P.S Sexy in sari.. as far as i know in Asylum seeker don't say Nepalese are murderer, as they are one of them but they explain what went to them by whom and how they suffer, as for murderer yeah maoist are murderer, its written in the open book and no one can deny that fact......Jai Nepal....
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Posted on 12-16-09 12:27
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I am sorry for what sis has to say here but these things are all non sense. Most of the things that we people discuss here about sombody else is all BS. Sombody is talking about some nepali being arrested, somebody is talking about somebody getting arrested, somebody is talking about some nepali being bad , this and that. we need to stop this and everybody need to to live their own life. Most of the poeple who come and stay in US lie in some way or in other to get the visa or to get the jobs in US. Look in the mirror, nobody is perfect. Some might have been lucky to get the lottery but as it says it is a lottery. You were just lucky otherwise you had been in the same shoes. Just think good. You think you are perfecet then you would not have been talking shit about others. Nobody is perfect. At least try a little bit. Live and let live. chao
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Posted on 12-16-09 1:28
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Sexy in Sari ....Stop ur nonsense and lets watch cricket together ...everybody is sick of your crap so give all of thm a break .....a well deserved break plzzz Aus vs WI 3rd test skysports 1 SA vs Eng 1st test skysports 3 Stop scratching your tiny balls and join the party with me.......................Go South Africa
जय नेपाल
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Posted on 12-16-09 1:40
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- Sexy In Sari
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Posted on 12-16-09 4:23
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