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 immigration lawyers help needed!!!
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Posted on 10-05-09 1:27 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am in a real confusing situation here so thought may be someone in sajha could help..I came to US in F1 status a few years ago..went to school for a while and as usual financial issues came up and I stopped goin to school...I've been out of status for about 2 yrs now..I have a girlfriend who is a US citizen and we have a baby on the way too...We want to get married but she is worried that we will have problems later on with my status..And she doesn't want me to leave the country coz of the kid..I checked online for a satisfying answer but it gets more and more confusing..I know if someone is in legal F1 then they wont have no problem to get married but since i have been out of status for a while isn't it kinda risky??? can  anyone help..any suggestion will be appreciated...

Posted on 10-05-09 3:53 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Every one will be giving you suggestion as they have faced or heard, some may be solid and rest may be gossip.

If you want a real suggestion, find a local immigration lawyer, mostly first visit is free. You can check with couple of them and find out what they said and do the rest. Their opinion counts, ours' are just for gossip.

Why you awaited this long, once you have a girlfriend and ready to have a baby, may be she was ready to get married and give you a legal status.There is a saying " The wisdom popped up, after all the mess" हगी पनि सक्यो बाटो पनि देख्यो .

It is just a proverb, check with real lawyers.


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