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 Not being able to pay the tuition fee
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Posted on 08-24-09 4:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its an urgent help needed. 26th of this month is the last day to pay for my tuition fees. And i don't have enough money to pay for it. My college doesnt have the facility to pay in installments nor is there any sort of loans. What will happen if i go to the registrar's office and tell them, " look i dont have money to pay so do what u want. My college doesnt have the system og taking semester off and going to Nepal.

Help me. The greatest help of this year.

Posted on 08-24-09 5:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why don't you apply for a couple of credit cards and pay ur tution with that and then you can make min payments on it until you ae able to pay it off....
Posted on 08-24-09 5:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey herealone, I am extremely sorry about your situation and feel bad too but bro its not only  you are suffeering from this kinda situation here in US. There are lots of Nepalese students who have same kinda problem every semester so dont feel bad or dont underestimate urself.

The only suggestion i can give you is to go and talk with your international advisor, talk nicely, tell them your everything in detail, tell them the situation that you are going thru. If international advisor cant do anything go to the Dean's office and they cannot help either than knock the door of the college President. Trust me brother, you will find lot of people to help you in ur college.

If i am not wrong in your situation, may be you are that kinda of guy who go from home to work and work to college and thats it. I dont know how much public relation you have in ur college but bro trust me, try to build some PR inside you college, Talk with professors, make some friends, talk with the department heads. Go infront, dont feel shy and hesitated. Dont underestimate yourself just because you are an immigrant and english is your second language. Until and unless you talk how will you find help from anybody. I know you might find lot of people who will be racist and cannot help you but among all of those i am sure you will find somebody who can help you.. trust me bro , go to each and every door of your school and ask for help. I didnt mean to say ask for the money or soemthing like that but tell them that you will pay the tuition next semester after you get the money from ur parents or something like that. Thats it from myside bro,

Good luck, hope you will find somebody, thanks,



kale bhale kukhurac hor
Posted on 08-24-09 5:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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try www.afford.com. tution management system. call them and find out if they can provide installment for your school. They pay school upfront and then you pay them in installment.

Posted on 08-25-09 2:06 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 08-25-09 7:16 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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asked ur friend for money if they dont have tell ur collage ur parent having hard time now so u need gap for study  few month  they will help dont worry ..
Posted on 08-25-09 7:57 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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sallimae really helps u get rid off this situation. you can sign up and they'll pay ur tuition fees and you can pay them in installment though they take $18 per installment. let's say if u need to pay $2500 per sem then u have to pay $625+18 every installement.

i used it for my spring  sem and am using it for my fall sem too. i have to pay $2690 this sem but i'm happy that i dont need to pay my tuition fee in bulk.

you need to check the website and see if ur coll accepts it.

Posted on 09-06-09 4:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanx everyone for your help. Things are settled now.

Posted on 09-06-09 4:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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glad to hear that!!!
Posted on 09-07-09 8:04 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sorry to hear about it yaar

Posted on 09-07-09 8:06 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 09-07-09 9:15 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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For Sallimae, do I need a co-signer? Can u plz enlighten me about the procedure? Thanx


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