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 Religious Education (RE) in Nepal
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Posted on 02-02-09 8:18 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello guys,
I need to do a presentation on religious education (RE) in Nepal for a course. But, I don't know if we have religious studies in Nepal as a part of our primary or secondary level curriculum or at any level. As far as I can remember about religious studies from my schooling days, we had this book called Environment, Population and Health, and there was something about different religions in this world. Do you guys know more about religious education in Nepal?

Posted on 02-03-09 3:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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96 views, no replies. Guys help me if you have knowledge about this matter.
Thanks a bunch!

Posted on 02-03-09 4:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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we do not have any religious courses as a part of our curriculum to the best of my knowledge......we used to have sanskrit as a core requirement until I was around class 8 (that would be around 2055 bs),but they get rid of that.........since sanskrit was the vernacular language where most of the scriptures were written and also, the course pretty much dealt with the hindusim ,i think we could call it as a religious course...................................................................................................................
The experience/education i m having on a liberal arts school really makes me think we gotta start some mandatory religious courses in our school......dont you guys think we are deprived of knowledge about hinduism??I have compared my self with my fellow mates and some time i just feel pity on myself that I m so ignorant about my own religion. i have been asked lot of simple questions about hindusim many times but i am not sure if i answered them correctly.simple questions like what we believe in life, beliefs about after life,ideal hindu living,what do our scriptures say about love,life,sex,marriage,knowledge made me ponder and quest for the answers.I know many of us are on the same boat......to be honest,i havent even read GITA once (donn know if sostani is part of geeta or a different book)
Just my thought!! sorry brainjuice bro,went off topic on second para but couldnt help it!!!!
Posted on 02-03-09 4:16 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Very good and important point you brought up here. Most of us don't have answers for simple questions  about hinduism, as you mentioned. Most of the time my answer would be, "I am not that much in to religion, so I can't say for sure what the answer to your question would be."

Posted on 02-04-09 3:04 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Do you know somebody who teaches something related in Nepal?
I am so clueless in this topic, don't know what I should present next week:(

Posted on 02-04-09 4:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Before there used to be a subject named नैतिक शिक्षा which somewhat had the answers to the questions elusivecat mentioned but they were primarily hindu-biased. for this biasness, the subject itself was scrapped. I personally think more than having a subject called religious studies, this naitik sikshya should be revived with ammending the biasness if need be.


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