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Posted on 07-01-08 4:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dear Friends,

As a neutral layman in politics, I want to know the differences between the SOCIALISM adapted by the three major parties. Can any of you please shed light on the differences between Socialism adopted by NC, CPN-UML and CPN(M). Seems like all of them ultimately target SOCIALISM.

I tried looking fro some guidance in the internet but was overwhelmed by the complex-political-literature that did not make sense at all. See for yourself:

"Without making some development . . . some capitalist achievement, you cannot go to socialism," said C.P. Gajurel, a member of the Maoists top-level Central Committee secretariat.(Gajurel quoted) www.worldpoliticsreview.com/Article.aspx?id=2028 

The CPN (UML) is a political representative of the working and patriotic people of Nepal. The Party is firmly committed to nationalism, democracy, equality and justice and to enhance progress and prosperity of the people. The Party upholds the principles of socialism and pursues the road of People's Multi-Party Democracy which is a creative application of Marxism and Leninism in the Nepalese condition. (UML website) www.cpnuml.org/about/ideology_people.htm

In 1956 the Nepali Congress adopted democratic socialism as its ideology for socio-economic transformation (NC website) www.nepalicongress.org/files/introduction.php


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