HolyCow, (let me first tell you that neither are you holy, nor are you a cow. you are a dirty black pig) Oh yeah! Am I crazy?? Like CraaaaaaaaaaaaaaZzYYYYYYYYYY……..seems like u’r the only sane person left in this blessed earth with lots of creative things to do, like counting the no. of F#### Crazy in sajha. Good work!. I am proud of you. And u r asking me to open a new thread , have you lost your both hands? Ok, here’s wat I’ll open for you , A WELL. So that you can jump in it and end your miserable life and finally go to the place you belong, i.e. Mars, it needs you more .And don’t forget to keep the place clean, free of Pollution, as some more idiots will be joining you.
Bathroom, I’m proud of you. At least you have some respect for me. Thanks for using my full name this time. BTW, what the fug is that, calling me “son”. Go ask your daddy, who I am.
Gahugoro bro, I agree animal sacrifice should be stopped and there should be human sacrifice . we need to sacrifice hypocrites like samsara.
hmmm ..I am leaving you cause i think you are vegeterian hahaha
Now , you tell me the purpose is different well yes you are right purpose is different .look at the ultimate result.It goes in your stomach.God doesn't come and eat it.
Samsara,Please stop making fool of yourself in sajah ,You ignorance,arrogance is applaudable.You are the Mr.talk the fu(k ,walk the Fu(k person.and hehehe i don't read your responses don't further replyin.there is nothing which makes sense except your fluency in Fu(ktionary.
when a russian collegue of my says he understands ,when United airlines captain says he understands and prays as well before take off but look at these hypocrite nepalese who can't snap back and whites if they make fun of your culture.Seriously, you guys need training to talk smart.
आजको प्रशान्तको जीत सधैंभरिको जीत अनी नेपालीहरु को जीत हुनेछ"
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Other then the fact that the sacrifice is a push back on Nepal's image (which is already prehistoric) in the international comunity, would anybody feel good about flying in a plane that has just had an animal sacrificed for ??
kati ko sad so sad so sad...hahaha from when our nepalese are so sentimental??..I didn't hear so many comments of being so sad when 3 people were killed in bomb blast. I didn't hear so sadness when 15000 people lost their life.And for one life of goat -our nepalese are so sad ..ridiculous!!!!
Save flood victim !!Save maoist victim if you can .Do not pretend to be an animal right activist ..Hypocrites
I didn't hear these foreign media uttering word when hundereds of people get killed in Nepal but they are making big deal when a goat is sacrificed.And look at nepalese..SO SO SO SAD ..hahahahaha ...j
Holy dear, M......F......??? what's that, Fill in the blanks??. Okay, M........F......= Mango Frooty(fresh & juicy), See how well i understand you. & WTF= Where's The Frooty, I swear i don't have your frooty.. And what! you'll send me out of this world? , WoW! A vacation to moon? You are so caring.Thanks.
The most ridiculous WTF moment 2007! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As someone earlier suggested something like: You sacrifice: an egg for a bicycle a chicken for a motorcycle a goat for a car, Nepal airlines should have sacrificed something as grand as an African Elephant for massive a means of transportation like Boeing 757.
Since the animal sacrifice was only done in a Hindu ritualistic manner, only the Hindus are covered from potential incidents or accidents. Separate animal sacrifices consistent with the rituals of each major religion in the world need to be undertaken so that the 757 passengers from other faiths feel safer as well
The intention of the authority was not bad but the outcome only underlined how insecure air travel in Nepal can be. Anyway, in spite of interesting turn of event let's promote Visit Nepal 2008 and let's approach Nepal Airlines to be the sponsor of the crusade.
hahahah this IMI dude wants to sacrifice his one and only dad, Samsara. Fugger, you wanna talk shit come up and send me an email rather than throw words hiding behind your wife's azz, friggin eunach. Wanna talk shit? Find those 2 things between your legs (that we men call BALLS) and meet me up if you so want to "sacrifice" me. hahaha Mothafugger's gonna get castrated and sacrificed instead if he ever dares to meet up. Where do these Fuggin azzholes who think they're the shit come from? They ain't even got no balls to back it up, puzzies!!
डीभी परेन भने खुसि हुनु होस् ! अमेरिकामाधेरै का श्रीमती अर्कैसँग पोइला गएका छन् !
What are your first memories of when Nepal Television Began?
Sajha Poll: नेपालका सबैभन्दा आकर्षक महिला को हुन्?
TPS Re-registration case still pending ..
ChatSansar.com Naya Nepal Chat
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tesla stock OMG !!
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Basnet or Basnyat ??
निगुरो थाहा छ ??
Toilet paper or water?
Nas and The Bokas: Coming to a Night Club near you
Anybody gotten the TPS EAD extension alert notice (i797) thing? online or via post?
अमेरिकामा छोरा हराएको सूचना
TPS for Nepal likely to extend next week
ढ्याउ गर्दा दसैँको खसी गनाउच
Sajha Poll: Who is your favorite Nepali actress?
Nas and The Bokas: Coming to a Night Club near you
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Who is hottest nepali female?
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